Mon 27 Jan
*▓ ▒ *☆.•*L✪ ✪K*•.❤* ▒ ▓ * ♥√ ξ✖ΘΤϊ© CuTiξ √ BiG BooT¥ ♥★*‧‐ *▓ ▒ *☆ HaBLo EsPaNoL *✪*•.❤* ▒ ▓ * ☎ - 21
(Portland, @ur SerViCe💋 BeaVerToN/PdX/In & OuT)
***Summer's here, and this Sexy BBW is ready to play! *** SPECIALS NOW!!! - 30
(Portland, East Vancouver)
SOMETHING DIFFERENT~♥~a REAL pleaser w/ Exotic Beauty•Up all night•Open 2 all your desires•call me - 25
(Portland, My Place•Portland/close•to•airport)
Specials!🔥Come warm up in my fire🔥 well reviewed💋Dont miss out! - 26
(Portland, Vancouver incall- outcall specials)
█ ❤ █ Sometimes A Good Girl NEEDS To Be BAD, LIKE TODAY! █ ❤ █ - 22
(SPECIALS Incall/Outcall vancouver/pdx)
SOMETHING DIFFERENT~♥~ Exotic Beauty & REAL pleaser• Open 2 all UR desires• call me NOW up all Nite - 25
(Portland, My Place•Portland/close•to•airport)
sexy lady !!! available with specials !!!! local !!! - 25
(Portland, / Vancouver/dwtn portland/ pdx airport)
*** Ready when ever you are ... XoXo 90 specials ***503 **753** 1367 - 24
(Portland, incal/outcall 100 special)
$peCiaLs ♡ LeT UR DaY B SpEnT WiTh My TrEa$uRes ♡ GuaRanTeed FUN ♡ 505-688-3167 ♡ 40DDDs ♡ Call NOW - 39
(Portland, Vancouver Incall ♡ OUTCALL SPECIALS)
Last 2 Days in BEAVERTON!! Stormi *Blonde, 36DD, * I/C * Canyon rd / 217 ** 5033094178 - 40
(Portland, Beaverton Area Hotel)
LeaViNg SooN :¦:-• JuICy •-:¦:-• N •-:¦:-• WiLD•-:¦:-• DonT •-:¦:-•MiSs · Me. Incall Specials - 31
(Portland, Incall / outcall up to 30miles Specials)
▄♡ ▄♡ In Call SPECIALS ★▄ ♡ ▄ ♡ ▄★ oUt CaLl sPeCiAls ★▄♡ ▄♡ ▄★ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ 503-381-0419 - 25
(Portland, Portland and surrounding areas.)
!!CLICK TO OPEN UP THIS HOT PACKAGE!! ..Beautiful Hot Wild Energizer Bunny.. !! - 21
(Portland, All over Portland & Vancouver, WA)
☆ BuSTy, SWeeT, PeTiTe! THe PeRFeCT PLuS-SiZe TReaT! ☆ uP LaTe & aLWayS ReaDy 2 PLay!! ☆ 75 $pecial! - 29
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
🇹🇮🇬🇭🇹 && 🇯🇺🇮🇨🇾➡ PRETTY KITTY ☆ INCALL SPECIAL TIL ➡ NOTHING 2 TABOO 👉 Vancouver - 30
♥S£X¥ ✅★♥ ✅EaRlY ✅BIrD SpEcIALs ★♥ ★° $70 HH $120HR INCALL - 23
(Portland, Downtown PDX/Llyod Center Area)
***Summer's here, and this Sexy BBW is ready to play! *** SPECIALS NOW!!! - 30
(Portland, East Vancouver)
Specials!!! Beautiful Thick & Sexy Hawaiian Beauty... - 21
(Portland, Downtown Portland Gresham Pdx)
Specials!🔥Come warm up in my fire🔥 well reviewed💋Dont miss out! - 26
(Portland, Vancouver incall- outcall specials)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
☆ FoRGeT TNT!! My NaTuRaL 38EE R GuaRaNTeeD 2 LiTe uR FuSe!! ☆ aLWayS ReaDy To PLay!!☆ 75 $pecial!! - 28
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
*H0° rN . E ** HoMeToWn * * H0otTiE * * Sexy **Curvey *** Blonde . . Sweetheart . ..°*° - 24
(your place)
HiGHLY aDDiCTiVe & H0RNY BBW! ❤ NaTuRaL 38EE GuaRaNTeeD 2 PLeaSe!❤ 100 $PeCiaL 2nite ❤ aLWays uP L8! - 29
(Portland, Incall SE Portland & Outcall Metro)
»-(¯V¯)-» FaCe oF aN ANGeL »-(¯V¯)--» BoDy of a GoDDeSS »-(¯V¯)--» So SiNFuLLy SeXy »-(¯V¯)-» - 21
(Portland, Airport Incall & Outcalls Everywhere!!)
»» ❤ LooK!! »» ToTaL PaCKaGe »» SkiLLeD & 1OO% REAL & ReViEwEd!!! ❤ »» - 23
(incall & outcall)
💎✨__AHHHMAZING__✨💎 💋 UPSCALE SE INCALL100/qv! Available now!❤️ - 29
👠 Tasteful∧&T;@st¥ 💜Sp○rt¥💜SpuNk¥💜Sp°nNeR #SPECIALS # SPECIALS # SPECIALS# 100% real pics!! 👠 - 21
V_o_L_u_P_T_o_u_S _ V_i_X_e_N! -♥- a_D_D_i_C_T_i_V_e _ 5_s_T_a_R _ S_e_R_V_i_C_e! -♥- 75 SPeCiaL! - 29
(Portland, Incall SE Portland & Outcall Metro)
Fri 10 Jan
☆ ☆ V I S I T I N G ! ! •••►►•• S P E C I A L S •• ❶ REAL PHOTOS ❶ ◄••• ( Gorgeous ♥ Curves ) ☆ ☆ - 26
(Portland, ♥ SE Portland Incall Specials ♥)
NEW*¨¨*·-:¦:- COME CRuISE THeSE CURvES! *·-:¦:-·*¨¨* NEW - 25
(Portland, Se portland Incall / Outcall)
*||* ------- I N D E P E N D E N T *||* R E A L *||* C L A S SY *||* U N R U S H E D ------- *||* - 20
(503-756-3645 *In & Out*)
Thu 09 Jan
Back in Town SeXxy HotT LaTiNa Brianna ** to satisfy your every desire N Every Need. Call NoW! - 18
(Portland, PDX Outcalls & Incalls)
5 St☆R Experience 🎀 Busty Milf ●○ FETISH EXPERT 🎀 VANCOUVER I/C♚ $120 full hour 3 day special - 29
°*°*° THICK & JUICY CHICK JUST RIGHT FOR YOU °*°*° 38 ddz just cone and see°*°*° - 23
(Vancouver, incall/outcall specials)
Wed 08 Jan
🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ALL AMERICAN BUBBLY BLONDE🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Vancouver in/out! Back in town! 80QV!!!! 80QV!!!! 😘😘😘 - 26
(Portland, 🇺🇸 downtown VANCOUVER in/out 🇺🇸)
Exotic Asian... **Specials Specials Specials** Outcalls Portland, Incall Jantzen Beach... - 26
(Jantzen Beach Incall)
BeauTiFuL & BuSTy BBW! -❤- My NaTuRaL 38EE aRe GuaRaNTeeD To SPaRK YouR FiRe! -❤- 75 SPeCiaL ToNiTe! - 29
(Portland, Incall SE Portland & Outcall Metro)
👀👀503👀660👀7353👀👀👀🇵🇩🇽👀👀👀 Independent 👀👀👀👀 GUESS Who?👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀🇺+🇲🇪👀 - 30
(Portland, 👀503👀660👀7353👀👀👀🇵🇩🇽👀👀👀)
🐥 Early Bird Special!! Sexy Irish Co-Ed 100% Me or it's FREE - INCALL & OC 💋💋💋 - 22
(Bend, Central Oregon)
VANCOUVER INCALL ♡ Come See MY TrEa$uRe CHEST ♡ GuaRanTeed FUN ♡ 505-688-3167 ♡ 40DDDs ♡ Call NOW - 39
(Portland, Vancouver Incall ♡ OUTCALL SPECIALS)
Tue 07 Jan
~*~ VaNcOuVeR~*~ FaCe Of aN AnGeL, BoDy Of a GoDdEsS ~*~60- InCall Special ~*~ oUtCall aVaiLaBle ~*~ - 28
(Portland, Vancouver/PDX/Longview)
Green Eyed beauty AMAZING Booty (( HILLSBORO incall )) $100 SPECIAL > WELL REVIEWED!!** - 22
👠 Tasteful∧&T;@st¥ 💜Sp○rt¥💜SpuNk¥💜Sp°nNeR #SPECIALS # SPECIALS # SPECIALS# 100% real pics!! 👠 - 21
(Portland, Gresham, Portland)
.Busty°*°SeXy .°*° .°*° BlOnDe .°*° sWeEt TrEaT! ***L*e*T's * P*la*Y - 24
(my place or yours)
(¯`'.¸ -:-X♥X__ ((( $100 )))__ SPECIAL__ ALL__ DAY __ X♥X-:- ¸.'´¯) - 21
Mon 06 Jan
::::: Warning :::: FAKE / stolen pics mia 503-933-4297 ---->> FAKE fresh ..... tight... hot - 22
______ ☆ YoUnG, Nympho , FrEaKy JaPaNesE CoLLeGe CuTiE ☆ ______ - 20
(portland /incall & outcall)
♥S£X¥ ✅★♥ ✅EaRlY ✅BIrD SpEcIALs ★♥ ★° $70 HH $120HR INCALL - 23
(Portland, Downtown PDX/Llyod Center Area)
Sun 05 Jan
VANCOUVER INCALL ♡ Come See MY TrEa$uRe CHEST ♡ GuaRanTeed FUN ♡ 505-688-3167 ♡ 40DDDs ♡ Call NOW - 39
(Portland, Vancouver Incall ♡ OUTCALL SPECIALS)
(.) (.) ~ (.) (.) 80 Incall Specials!! Busty and Luscious Brunette!! (.) (.) ~ (.) (.) - 22
(Beaverton Incall & Outcalls)
Sweet ~ SEXY, Exotic BoMBSHELL ,oNly iN town a few dAyS dont miSs me °¤¤° SPECIALS NOW °°°* - 30
(Portland, Portland/ Beaverton/ Gresham)
Sat 04 Jan
VoLuPTuouS ViX-X-X eN!! -❤- BuSTy, BeauTiFul, & THiCK! -❤- NaTuRaL 38DDD! -❤- 75 SPeCiaL ToNiTe! - 28
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
♥ ·.¸.·´¯* _* THE *_ _* ULTIMATE *_ ♥·. .·´¯* _* BLONDE TOY-4-BOYS *_ ♥ Incall - 26
[[[STOP!]]] * (((Don't Please Yourself...))) * [[[ALLOW ME!]]] *Real Girl Real Service* - 25
(My Place or Yours)
*▓ ▒ *☆.•*L✪ ✪K*•.❤* ▒ ▓ * ♥ ξ✖ΘΤϊ© CuTiξ ♥★*‧‐ *▓ ▒ *☆ AVAILABLE NOW!! *√✪*•.❤* ▒ ▓ * ☎$100 HH !! - 19
(Portland, Se InCaLL / My BeD or URs!!)
•☆BooB LuVERS wELC*um~SeXi~ Blue EyEd36DdD BLONDE CuTiE •☆•100 hH mONdAy SPECAILs DUOS - 25
(Portland, Your place, I c*um to you : ))
•☆BooB LuVERS wELC*um~SeXi~ Blue EyEd36DdD BLONDE CuTiE •☆•100 hH fri duO SPECAILs - 25
(Portland, My place or yours)
(¯`'.¸ -:-X♥X__ (($80)) ___ SPECIALS___ SEXY___ PROVIDER__ X♥X-:- ¸.'´¯) - 21
Fri 03 Jan
🎀NEW🎀✨ Chocolate🍫💎 Sexy💁🏽💎 Classey Bombshell💣💎[AVAILABLE NOW!] 📲 - 21
(Gresham/P.D.X./VANCOUVER/Beaverton, Portland)
Hey guys! its SARAH! Incall/Outcall near PDX AIRPORT+ O/C ALL OVER +PDX&Vancouver; Great SPECIALS!!!! - 32
HiGHLY aDDiCTiVe & H0RNY BBW! ❤ NaTuRaL 38EE GuaRaNTeeD 2 PLeaSe!❤ 100 $PeCiaL 2nite ❤ aLWays uP L8! - 29
(Portland, Incall SE Foster & Outcall Metro)
☆ ☆ V I S I T I N G ! ! •••►►•• S P E C I A L S •• ❶ REAL PHOTOS ❶ ◄••• ( Gorgeous ♥ Curves ) ☆ ☆ - 26
(Portland, ♥ SE Portland Incall Specials ♥)
°*°*° THICK & JUICY CHICK JUST RIGHT FOR YOU °*°*° 38 ddz just cone and see°*°*° - 23
(Vancouver, incall/outcall specials)
__NeW PiCs____ GIRL NEXT DOOR _______ ❤ _______ BLONDE NYMPHO __________ UNFORGETTABLE ____! - 23
(❤ In & Out Call Specials❤)
AHOY MATEYS!!!... Buried Pleasure... The Booty You've Been Searching for!!! Maci Jay at your service!!! A REAL WILD CHILD!!! - 28
(Ic/oc ALL AREAS, Portland)
Thu 02 Jan