Mon 27 Jan
Enjoy my REAL 34G cups-Recent GrAd StTuDet needing HeLp to PaY BiLLs-Classy, Sensual & well EduCated - 34
(Eugene, Eugene/Springfield)
Major Adult Entertainment Network SIGNING FREELANCE WEBCAM MODELS - Easy Online Registration - 18
(Portland, Portland & Surrounding)
Talent Scouts and Recruiters Wanted! PAYING TOP DOLLAR!!!!!! Petite Models Wanted as well - 25
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, South FL and LA)
________________ the ___MOST ____GORGEOUS___ ONE ___of__ __ALL ______ _________ - 25
(Portland, ......... HOT Tranny Girl.........)
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe blue eyed BurNeTtE CAUTION HiGhLy ADDICTING TRAVELING men preferred - 27
(Portland, outcalls everywhere)
❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕ Special! ☆♥ ▃▃ ♥ *NAUGHTY*-☆-* FreakY♥ ▃▃ ♥☆* SEDUCTIVE *☆❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕ - 22
(Beaverton Tigard Metzger Farmington Hill, Portland)
★★SEXY Green eyed BL✪NDE★★★★ Cute★★ ♥just FOR YOU♥ $120-special- - 25
(Southeast Portland, ne portland)
***PORTLAND finest adult entertainer available ALL NIGHT AND DAY SUNDAY***REAL PICS GAURENTEED - 24
(outcalls pdx-vancouver)
🎀💋Incall/Outcall Lets Relieve Some Stress! CALL NOW!!!💋🎀 - 23
(Portland, Pdx,Vancouver,Beaverton, @ your house)
INCall 82nd and foster (NEW To The Or) P€ R F € C T ♔♡ H0T ISLANDER MIIX WiTH SPECiALS ♔♡INCALL - 22
INCALL Divison exit off 205 fwy OUTCALL to your hotel or residence. 110% REAL ...CALL 5034751998 - 34
(Portland, My house or Your hotel/private residence)
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick, Hot/Sweet & Slippery/ Very Fun $60 SPECIALS - 43
(Clackamas/Happy Valley/ SE Portland)
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick, 40DD mature/HOT/ Very Fun/ Friendly - 420 - 42
•✿•*¨♥¨*• BL✪NDE CALIF✪RNIA D✪LL (¯`'• ★•'´¯)BRITTNEY (¯`'•★•'´¯) G✪RGE✪US •*¨♥¨*•✿• - - 25
(Southeast Portland, se portland)
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick, Hot/Sweet & Slippery/ Very Fun $60 SPECIALS - 43
120 $ OUTCALL to your hotel or residence. ...CALL 5034751998 Real service.. no games - 34
(Portland, My house or Your hotel/private residence)
FRESH FACES Needed for Cam Mansion/Free Rent Also Work in Adult MAGAZINES & FILMS NO ESCORTING! - 50
(Eugene, Miami/LA/Vegas/Arizona, Portland)
Established BDSM Dungeon Now Hiring No Exp. Needed. Will Train. Great Income GREAT BONUS - 99
(Portland Area " HUGE SIGNING BONUS")
Are You a Mature Woman, Experienced Body Rub Provider Who Needs More Clients? - 25
(Portland, Portland and all of the surrounding area)
No Commitment...No Experience Necessary.....No Scams....No Weekends...Paid Cash Up to $800 Daily... - 28
(Portland, USA)
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe (UP aLL NiTe BriGht BLUE EyEd BurNeTtE (OUTCALLS)♥cc accepted♥ !!!!! - 27
SWEET, BUSTY 40DD, Mature Brunette - I KNOW how to treat a man** SPECIALS 70/100/160* * NEW PICS* - 44
(clackamas/Happy Valley/ SE portland)
SWEET, BUSTY 40DD, Mature Brunette - I KNOW how to treat a man** SPECIALS* * NEW PICS* - 44
(clackamas/Happy Valley/ SE portland)
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe ( UP aLL NiTe ) BriGht BLUE EyEd BurNeTtE((( TRAVELING MEN ONLY))) - 27
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe blue eyed BurNeTtE CAUTION HiGhLy ADDICTING TRAVELING men preferred - 27
(Portland, outcalls everywhere)
Summer Is In The Air.... So Are My Legs!! 24/7 Outcall Anywhere 120 FH!! - 24
(Portland, Vancouver & surrounding)
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe ( UP aLL NiTe ) BriGht BLUE EyEd BurNeTtE CAUTION HiGhLy ADDICTING! - 27
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe blue eyed BurNeTtE CAUTION HiGhLy ADDICTING! TRAVELING men OnLy!!!! - 27
(Portland, outcalls everywhere)
❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕ Special! ☆♥ ▃▃ ♥ *NAUGHTY*-☆-* FreakY♥ ▃▃ ♥☆* SEDUCTIVE *☆❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕ - 22
(Beaverton Tigard Metzger Farmington Hill, Portland)
Sun 26 Jan
Sweet and tasty 💋💋💋🎉🎉In for all Ready to ne pleased💋💋🎉🎉💸💸💸🤑🤑lets party and enjoy have some fun !!
( ROCKWOOD/Gresham/Portland/troutdale)
Sat 11 Jan
OUTCALL to your hotel or residence. ...CALL 5034751998 Real service.. no games - 34
(Portland, My house or Your hotel/private residence)
Click HERE❗❗Tierd Of The Run Around? Ready 4 The Real Deal? CALL NOW🎀💋💄 - 23
(Portland, Pdx,Vancouver,Beaverton, @ your house)
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡sweet, sexy & petite OutCaLL and InCaLL Avalible now♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ - 28
(Portland, Oregon city)
Q u a l i t y C o m p a n i o n s h i p ___G e n t l m e n s #1 CHOiCE ___--- *HiGHLY reviewed* --- - 21
(* Upscale incall * Outcall too!)
Fri 10 Jan
Escorting is REAL, U can B Wealthy 2day!..No Exp. Req..$800 Daily...💰💰💰 Text 7026260695 to apply
(Portland, USA)
Young hot petite girls wanted - 26
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, South FL)
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe (UP aLL NiTe BriGht BLUE EyEd BurNeTtE (TRAVELING MEN)2 girl specals - 27
I Am Just Your Type ( CURVY & BLONDE) I Can Make It Nasty! OUTCALL TONIGHT - 21
(OUTCALL Portland and Vancouver, Portland)
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick, 40DD Sweet/HOT/ Very Fun/ Friendly - 420
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick, Hot/Sweet & Slippery/ Very Fun $60 SPECIALS - 43
(Clackamas/Happy Valley/SE Portland)
~ Fem Dom Seeking Real Time 24/7 Financially Secure Slave For FLR/Marriage ~ - 39
(Oregon Coast, Portland, Portland ,Oregon Southwest Washington, Salem)
Thu 09 Jan
Major Adult Entertainment Network SIGNING FREELANCE WEBCAM MODELS - Easy Online Registration - 18
(Portland, Portland & Surrounding)
Run Your Own Highly Profitable Adult Photography and Adult Video Modeling Studio - 42
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick/ BBW Hot/ Very Fun $60 special - 43
(Clackamas/Happy Valley/SE Portland)
2 GIRLS... ReadY FoR Real PleasurE, AvailablE NoW!!! ( ClassY ★ SexY ☆ DiscreeT★ ) AnGeL & ATHeeNa - 25
(Portland, 1232 NE Columbia blvd portland OR 97211)
Wed 08 Jan
___________ _________ #1__ T-Girl __Brittany _____________ THE BEST WITH 1st TIMERS!____ I luv them! - 25
(Portland, 24/7 PORTLAND-call me baby! 5O3-222-6969)
Busty 40DD, all natural, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS READY NOW - Mature BBW - 43
(Clackamas/Happy Valley/SE Portland)
😳😍😱34DDD BREATHTAKING Caribean Mix 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Just Arrived 💲💲💲80 SPECIAL 💲💲💲 - 24
(Portland, Beaverton INCALL)
Busty Sweet Brunette Available Incall Only - Specials 80/30 min; 140/hour UP LATE? *NEW PICS* - 44
(SE Portland,Happy Valley, Clackamas)
Tue 07 Jan
CASTING FOR REALITY TV SHOW - Miami adult film model house, 2-3 weeks, travel expenses fronted - 19
(Portland, FL)
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe (UP aLL NiTe BriGht BLUE EyEd BurNeTtE (OUTCALLS)♥cc accepted♥ !!!!! - 27
Enjoy my REAL 34G cups-Recent GrAd StTuDet needing HeLp to PaY BiLLs-Classy, Sensual & well EduCated - 34
(Eugene, Eugene/Springfield)