Mon 27 Jan
** *** * first-time SPECIALS!!! ** ** Stunning SOUTHERN BELLE blond, BIG BOOBS, great legs!! - 29
*** * $100 SPECIALS today ONLY!! ** ** Stunning SOUTHERN BELLE blond, BIG BOOBS, round applebottom!! - 29
*** The Hottest Petite Blonde In TIGARD ^^^ Now That U FoUnD ME, WhaT wiLL U dO wiTh ME? ^^^ - 23
(Portland, incall,Tigard,lake,Oswego,&,outcalls,to,)
Sat 11 Jan
*** * HOT SPECIALS today ONLY!! ** ** Stunning SOUTHERN BELLE blond, BIG BOOBS, round applebottom!! - 29
Fri 10 Jan
** *** * first-time SPECIALS!!! ** ** Stunning SOUTHERN BELLE blond, BIG BOOBS, round applebottom!! - 29
Wed 08 Jan
*** The Hottest Petite Blonde In TIGARD ^^^ Now That U FoUnD ME, WhaT wiLL U dO wiTh ME? ^^^ - 23
(Portland, incall,Tigard,lake,Oswego,&,outcalls,to,)
** *** * 120 SPECIAL tonight !!! ** ** Stunning SOUTHERN BELLE blond, BIG BOOBS, great legs!! - 26
Tue 07 Jan