Mon 27 Jan
👑€XOTiC ❌XRATED✨🚨Hot & HORNY⇉ NEW Upscale Playmate COME EXPERiENCE 💯 *THE BEST* Petite & Sweet - 22
(Portland, Tigard/Lake Oswego)
Sweet and Talented with a Wicked Hourglass Figure, TNA-approved, In/outcall...NEW PICS - 31
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
Let's play👠.SexY ex0tic BomBShEll💋#➊ Choice‼️💗👠60hhspec💄 - 21
(NE Sandy Blvd Portland incall, Portland)
••••► ••••► ••••►------ 100 SPECIAL ----- ★ 36DDs Exotic Sexy Hawaiian★◄•••• ◄• - 22
ToP NoTcH PeRfEcTiOn FlAwLeSs BeAuTy CLIck HEre..ENter MY exOTIc WOrld Incall Special - 22
(Portland, pdx airport area INCALL)
Sweet and Talented with a Wicked Hourglass Figure, TNA-approved, In/outcall...NEW PICS - 31
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
Specials Til NoonNoon~ S E X Y♥♡ B L O N D E ♡♥♡32DD ♥♡ B O M B S H E L L♥♡ Morning Specials - 25
(Eugene, Springfield, Surrounding Areas)
.•*¨¨*•-★•* SEXY college StuDEnT *•-★•*¨¨*•. petite DrEAm Girl *•-★•*¨¨*...• - 19
(Portland, incalls and outcalls)
Sexy, Attentive, Sweet BBW with Gorgeous Mouth, Curvy Hips--Incall and Out--Free late-night/morning - 30
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
•✿• :SEXY: •✿• :BUSTY : •✿• :HAWAIIAN: •✿• H☼TTIE: •✿• - 22
(Portland, Portland Airport / IN & OUTCALLS)
»»»» Sensational Athletic Curves «««« »»»» Italian & Portugese Hottie «««« - 29
(Portland, Incall off I-205/Outcall)
S P E C I A L:::EB0Ny qUEEN)[]bU$Ty (BIq B00Ty)[][CuTE FACE] _[$KiLLeD]_ FR0M_ HEAD2T0E.[] special - 23
(Portland, pdx longview Kelso Castle Rock Vancouver)
(*S* -W- *E* -E- *-T-) 💜 (*A* -N- *D*) 💜 (-A- *D* -D- *D* -I- *C* -T- *I* -V- *E*) - 19
(Portland, Airport)
S E X Y ~ S W E E T ~ S H A V E D & S E D U C T I V E*** !!! ***Blonde Beauty*** Specials til Noon - 25
(Portland, Gresham Vancouver Beaverton Hillsboro)
*Real Girl* ((( 1OO INCALL ALL DAY ))) *Real Service* - 28
(Portland, Portland-->Available When You Are)
*Real Girl*————————— ((( •1OO SPECIAL• ))) ———————————*Real Service* - 28
(Portland, SE Portland--->122 Area/ALL Outcall)
*Real Girl* ((( 1OO INCALL ALL DAY ))) *Real Service* - 28
(Portland, Portland Incall-122 area/all outcalls)
__________ || * Riley * All American - Busty Blonde Babe * __ || __ Airport - 22
(IN Call .... NE Portland--Airport Area)
__________ || * Riley * All American - Busty Blonde Babe * __ || __ Visiting - 22
(IN Cal /// NE Portland--Airport Area.)
PORTLANDS elite escort service N.W entertainment BRINGS PORTLANDS finest directly to U****** - 19
(outcalls pdx-vancouver)
*Real Girl*————————— ((( • High Drive For Pleasure • ))) ———————————*Real Service* - 28
(Portland, Portland Incall-122 area/ALL outcalls)
★ Pierced An Tatted Sexy Vixen Ready To Play★ NEWPICS★INCALL SPECIALS ★Up All Night - 24
(Portland, SE Portland 205 area)
♦Portland'*♣'Escapate un rato*♠'*✨Sensual & Classy Brazilian Latina 💋✨*'♠*' - 22
(Portland, Portland Sw area incalls)
**NEW PICS**Let This CuRvY Goddess be Your Dirty Lil SECRET! I wanna do what SHE'S TO SHY TOO! - 25
‼️❤️💋 NEW PICS & VIDEO 💋❤️‼️ 100% Real!!! Sexy & Exotic Most wanted LATINA ‼️ All day/night $pecials ❤️‼️‼️‼️ - 21
(Beaverton INCALL /🔴uTCALL everywhere !!, Portland)
•I'vE• bEeN• a• BaD • GiRl• • SPANK ME • Ask About My 2 Girl Special - 25
❶ [ GORGEOUS ] :☠: [T_I_G_H_T_] :☠: [ BRUNETTE ] :☠: [BOMBSHELL] - 23
(My Secret Oasis I205{ Ex 19})
_[[[ * GOOD GIRL * ]]] Leave With A Smile [[[ * GONE BAD * ]]] ~Reviewd & Reliable~ *80/120/200* - 28
(Portland, Airport area incall/all outcalls)
Candy_The_Best ********* HOT NEW PICS ******** Specials all Day!!!! - 25
(Portland, Outcalls everywere;-))
Boundary Bending Pursuits ~ Basically Bankers Hours M-F - 45
(Portland, Vancouver @ I-205/Mill Plain)
24/7 Real Deal ! o/c SPEC!((140)) My Cell Is SittinG 0N My LaP MaKe It ViBrAte ! At Your Door N 25 Mins!105lb - 24
(Portland, DWNTWN pearl dist AIPORT SW NW SE PDX)
The SEXY RUB of your LIFE... Stunning, Tall, Gorgeous, and Extremely BUSTY Blonde :) Massage + - 25
(Aiport Incall - ( Sexy New Pics, Too! ))
Sweet and Talented Babe with an Hourglass Figure, TNA-approved, In/outcall...NEW PICS - 31
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
Sweet and Talented with a Wicked Hourglass Figure, TNA-approved, In/outcall...NEW PICS - 31
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
Specials Til NoonNoon~ S E X Y♥♡ B L O N D E ♡♥♡32DD ♥♡ B O M B S H E L L♥♡ Morning Specials - 25
(Eugene, Springfield, Surrounding Areas)
_____ SPECIAL = 70 _____ Even the HARDEST Icy P0LE Will Melt DEEP Down My ..... - 35
(NE I-205 // Airport)
Sun 12 Jan
t's Loving, Sweet, Sexy, Hot Bod, Black hair Blue Eyes, Carmen, lips, tits, breasts, Hold me. - 28
(Portland, Vancover, Seattle, California, NYC, LA,)
🌟🔥✨💙 HoT BlonDe Spinner💙✨🔥💫💜 TNA Reviewed �> > HoT➖NaKeD< < 🔥💙Vancouver Incall - 22
(Portland, I-205/ Mill Plain Blvd)
Sat 11 Jan
☆ ☆ ❤UP @LL NiGHT 》L@T€ NiGHT SPECi@LS »WiTH @ SP€Ci@L L@DY• 💎* ❤.•*❤ €R0TiC »€X0TiC »PL€@SUR€☆ ☆ - 22
(Eugene, 949 829 1906)
LaTe NiGhT SNACK FeLLaS ,Ill kEEp U Warm On ThIs Rainy Day. B* O* T* T* O* M* S* Up. Incall specials - 29
(Portland, gresham incall.. Come n get it. incall s)
EXOTIC PeTiTe BeAuTy ★.. (READY 4 SOmE FUn )° ( THIS CuT¡)..(Is AvA¡LaBL!NoW Incall Specials - 21
(Portland, Pdx Area INCALL SPECIALS Click Here)
24/7 Ill Make u FeeL Like A NeW MaN IN/C ((80)) 0/C Also N 25mins! (AfteR= PartY )-N your Pants!ReaL PiC - 24
(Portland, vanc Portland NW Pearl Dst.DWNTWN W.Hill)
You Know You Like Them Italian Red Heads Natural Incall/Outcall Downtown Vancouver - 22
(Portland, downtown Vancouver incall/outcall)
👑€XOTiC ❌XRATED✨🚨Hot & HORNY⇉ NEW Upscale Playmate COME EXPERiENCE 💯 *THE BEST* Petite & Sweet - 22
(Portland, Tigard/Lake Oswego)
Fri 10 Jan
24/7(JUICY B0X) MAJOR LEAGUE ALWAYS A HOME RUN! World Class Hottie! SPEC! ((125) Flawless BoDy! 105lbsI - 24
(Portland, DWNTWN PearlDist. W.Hill N. Harbor NW SW)