Mon 27 Jan
S W EE T *E X o T i C °*100 SpeciAL » EBONY ---- GODDESS !!! - 23
(Portland, incall pdx airport/ outcalls everywhere)
PERFECT ➓ *♛ SOO SexY wITH A FLaWLeSs BoDy ♛ {{{1oO% real }}} - 21
(Portland, Airport Incall/ Outcalls everywhere)
█▒ ██▒ █ ExcLuSivE █▒ ExOtiC █▒ █ █▒ ErOtiC █▒ VISITING █▒ FETISHS█ █▒ █ - 24
(Portland, Airport incall ❤ outcalls everywhere)
Mon 13 Jan
°o♥o° JÂW CLNCH¡NG >TÕ CUrL¡NG > §P¡N T¡NGL¡NG §PCHL§§ xPR¡NC! °o♥o° - 21
(Portland, Airport Incall/ Outcalls everywhere)
Sat 11 Jan
[S]▄[T]▄[0]▄[P] L●Ø●Ø●K ✔ ✨PORTLANDS FINEST✨] (( ♥MiX3D♥)) Ex♥TiC CaRaMeL B♥MBSHELL - 23
(Portland, outcalls (everywhere) incall Airport)
»-(¯V¯)-» FaCe oF aN ANGeL »-(¯V¯)--» BoDy of a GoDDeSS »-(¯V¯)--» So SiNFuLLy SeXy »-(¯V¯)-» - 21
(Portland, Airport Incall & Outcalls Everywhere!!)
Fri 10 Jan
~ * ~ THiCk THiGhS & GrEEn EyEs * SoFT CuRVeS & DD's * In & OuT AvAiLaBLe 24/7 ~ * ~ - 21
(In - PDX / Out - Everywhere)
Wed 08 Jan
"Who Needs A INcaLL 24/7! (slender 109lbs) Bombshell Great reveiws! - 27
(pdx metro & surrounding areas beaverton)
[S]▄[T]▄[0]▄[P] L●Ø●Ø●K ✔ ✨PORTLANDS FINEST✨] (( ♥MiX3D♥)) Ex♥TiC CaRaMeL B♥MBSHELL - 23
(Portland, outcalls (everywhere) incall Airport)
❤ VISITING ___ * ____ Busty Blond Playmate ____ TODAY ONLY!_____ * VISITING* _____ - 24
(Portland, Airport Incall/Outcalls Everywhere)
Sun 05 Jan
»-(¯V¯)-» FaCe oF aN ANGeL »-(¯V¯)--» BoDy of a GoDDeSS »-(¯V¯)--» So SiNFuLLy SeXy »-(¯V¯)-» - 21
(Portland, Airport Incall & Outcalls Everywhere!!)
~ * ~ THiCk THiGhS & GrEEn EyEs * SoFT CuRVeS & DD's * In & OuT AvAiLaBLe 24/7 ~ * ~ - 21
(In - PDX / Out - Everywhere)
Sat 04 Jan
***(( Exotic European)) Fantasy & Fetish Friendly (( Available 24/7)) *** - 21
(Portland, Airport incall/ outcalls everywhere!!!)
Thu 02 Jan