Mon 27 Jan
Southern Belle in the Wild Wild West!!! OPEN 24 HOURS!!! - 25
(Portland, Portland and surrounding areas)
Today and Tonight IM in Town, I'm full of suprises eager to please!! real pics real girl *brunette* - 28
(Portland, Portland/Gresham/Clackamas)
💕 🌟🌟SPECIALS🌟🌟💕💋Exactly What YOU NEED 👌👍🌟 STUNNING -Sexy --PETITE 🌟🌟100% REAL pics 👍👌 - 22
(Portland, Convention center)
💡SPECIALS Avail Now 🏪Beautiful Ebony Hottie🔥Skills👄💦💯 2Grl Specials🔥💦jemalyn.971 258-7783 - 23
(Pdx, Gresham, troutdale, Hillsboro, all, Portland)
*-*SoMeThInG YoU HaVe To ExPiReNcE*-* SeXy ThIcK All NaTuRaL BruneTTe* -* NEW PICS! GrEaT SpEcIaLs!
(SouThEast InCaLL)
🎀SeXy UpScaLe🎀 5 sTaR🎀 Exotic Mixed BeAuTy🎀 ViSiTiNg GrEaT SpEciALs🎀 APPTs. AvAiL. - 21
(Portland, Portland, PDX, Vancouver, Beaverton)
SEXY & PETITE Brunette BOMBSHELL .○°•●Great TNA Reviews (503) 395 0872○Late Night Outcall Specials!! - 21
(Portland, Incall GATEWAY Outcalls Van/pdx area)
SEXY & REAL ! ___ **** Beautiful Busty Blonde Babe **** ____ Outcalls Available right now! Greshm/SE - 23
(Portland, Outcalls Se portland/gresham/all over)
SEXXIEST BITCH ON B.P.-GUARANTEED!!! Clean and petite incall all night long! Dont miss out!! - 23
(Portland, mall 205)
💖 Sexy ____ 💎Sweet ____ 💎Petite ____ 💎New ____ 💎Treat 💖 Blonde Hottie! - 20
(Incall Salem area & outcalls to all area, Salem)
Sexi, Intelligent, an Seductive,erotic Brunette beauty Portland Special Price Get It While You Can;) - 23
(Portland, All of Portland (OutCalls & InCalls))
SEXXIEST BITCH ON B.P.-GUARANTEED!!! Clean and petite OUTcall all night long! Dont miss out!! - 23
Sexi, Intelligent, an Seductive, erotic Brunette beauty Portland Specials Get It While You Can - 21
Perfect~ Lusty Body~Great Curves~Just Wat U Need And More~Give Me A Call I'm Worth It!! - 23
(Portland, All of Portland (InCalls & OutCalls))
_ [[ NEW_PIC'S_ ]] __ iT's. truE ,, BlonDe's DO have more FUN - 27
(Portland, in/out----NO LET DOWNS)
NEW ----- NEW ------ _____ #1 AMAZING ASS - HoT Naughty BruNette Student New 2 The Sence!! G- f-e - 21
Mature Intelligent Sexy Sensual WOMAN Y Hablo Español 971 295~0891TEXTS OK! - 40
Like Fine Wine I Get Better With Time. No Need to Rush I'm here to Make you Blush! - 25
(Portland, gresham)
❤KINKY ❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ❤ LITTLE ❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ❤BLONDE❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ❤ CLICK❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ❤NOW ❤ ▀▀ - 31
(Portland, DREAMS DO COME TRUE....)
♥♥♥EXACTLY What YOU Need!! .★★Sexy Petite Mixed Beauty ★★Exclusive!! ♥♥♥♥ - 22
(Portland, Lloyd Center/Convention Center in/outcal)
Ethiopian/ Jamaican #1 PiCk $100SpEcIAL Incalls/Outcalls Avail ♚100% real♚ CALL ME! - 23
(Southeast Portland, anywhere)
ChArMInG SeXy FantaSTiC BrUneTTe ReAdY To PlEaSe *FIVE StaR TreatMenT * PURE SaTiSfAcTiOn * - 21
(Portland, Portland (INCALL&OUTCALL;))
♥Pretty & Petite, sexy and sweet All American Girl who wants to come see u tonight ♥ - 23
(Portland, Rose city (portland))
>PURE Exotic "Ms.Honey" New In Town***Incalls Specialist !!!! AWEsome Specials'''"CALL NOW !! - 26
(Portland, incall 26th&powell; &o;/c)
5'4 11Olbs 34D [*ALL NATURAL*] -Beautiful Busty Japanese Hottie- [*Visiting*] - 20
(Portland, Portland, PDX Airport Upscale In/Out!)
★★★★★ #1★STUNNING -- Sexy --PETITE ★★★★100% REAL Pics★ OUTCALL special - 22
(Portland, Convention center /Beaverton Gresham)
SPECiALS!! °°*☆ ( =NEW __ ★ __ iN __ ★ __ =TOWN_ )°°*☆ *LEAViNG SOON* - 21
💕 🌟🌟SPECIALS🌟🌟💕💋Exactly What YOU NEED 👌👍🌟 STUNNING -Sexy --PETITE 🌟🌟100% REAL pics 👍👌 - 22
(Portland, Convention center)
💡SPECIALS Avail Now 🏪Beautiful Ebony Hottie🔥Skills👄💦💯 2Grl Specials🔥💦jemalyn.971 258-7783 - 23
(Pdx, Gresham, troutdale, Hillsboro, all, Portland)
*-*SoMeThInG YoU HaVe To ExPiReNcE*-* SeXy ThIcK All NaTuRaL BruneTTe* -* NEW PICS! GrEaT SpEcIaLs!
(SouThEast InCaLL)
Mon 13 Jan
$ No Games An No Gimmicks 100% Real Service $ Hi Guys Im SeXi Stacy!! - 21
(Portland, Portland, Incalls & Outcalls)
Sun 12 Jan
_»][[[[[ ~*P L E A S U R E* _______ * P R I N C E S S*~ ]]]]««« - 27
(Portland, ____ GREETINGS. ____)
WOW!!! HOT 21 yr college blonde coed 100**SPECIAL today and tonight 651-621-9905 - 21
(portland area)
Sat 11 Jan
✨✨✨ Memorial DAY- Exotic Bombshell! Sexy, FIT, Upscale ✨✨ POPULAR DEMAND - BEST of THE BEST✨✨✨ - 21
(Portland, Vancouver, VANCOUVER washington)
XXX ♥ Mi§§ ♥ P®EY ♥ KiY ♥ XXX - - 23
(in(airport)& out(all areas))
Mature Intelligent Sexy Sensual WOMAN Y Hablo Español 971 295~0891TEXTS OK! New Pics! - 40
100% Real Hot Platinum Blonde Playmate! 503*954*898*4 ~ Victoria - 28
(Portland/Vancouver IN/OUTCALL 24/7!)
♥Come RELAX With Me And Have Some FUN!♥ - 22
(Portland, OUTCALL Beaverton Clackamas Gresham Por)
Thursday $60 Special(Super Busty!!)🔥((GreaT @zz!!)🎆🔥(HoTT Latina!!)🔥(Hablo Espaňol)🎆 - 26
(Portland, Vancouver 205/Mill Plain incall)
Fri 10 Jan
VICTORIA*** New Pics**New Reviews** Sexiest Blonde In Portland! - 27
(Portland OR My Place Or Yours)
TWO GIRLS TWICE THE FUN!!*** INCALL Specials! Call NOW 24/7!! - 28
(INCALL Portland/ Outcall All Areas)
Tuesday $60 Special(Super Busty!!)🔥((GreaT @zz!!)🎆🔥(HoTT Latina!!)🔥(Hablo Espaňol)🎆 - 26
(Portland, Vancouver 205/Mill Plain in/outcall)
★Let ★Me ★Take ★You★ To ★ Paradise★Exotic★ Petite ★Treat★ - 22
(Portland, Portland Convention center)
__ ALL__ Natural__ Blonde__DOLL... Let's Hangout. - 27
(Portland, Pdx/Van 🍒 Back by popular demand🍒)
( ♛ )—•—( B L o N D e )—•—( B o M B S H e L L )—•—( C a L L )—•—( ♛ ) - 31
(Portland, Dreams Do Come True....)
Today and Tonight IM in Town, I'm full of suprises eager to please!! real pics real girl *brunette* - 28
(Portland, Portland/Gresham/Clackamas)
Thu 09 Jan
✨💫One of a kind treat, don't miss this duo special, highly recommended Brittany Luv💫✨ - 23
ChArMInG SeXy FantaSTiC BrUneTTe ReAdY To PlEaSe *FIVE StaR TreatMenT * PURE SaTiSfAcTiOn * - 23
(Portland, all of Portland,or (InCalls & OutCalls))
★★★★★ #1★STUNNING -- Sexy --PETITE ★★★★100% REAL Pics★ - 22
(Portland, convention center/ Gresham incall/outcal)
★★★★★ #1★STUNNING -- Sexy --PETITE ★★★★100% REAL Pics★ NEW INCALL - 22
(Portland, Gresham / Beaverton)