Mon 27 Jan
***Summer's here, and this Sexy BBW is ready to play! *** SPECIALS NOW!!! - 30
(Portland, East Vancouver)
_____• SM0KiNG • H O T T • BoMbSheLL •___ * (( SoOoOo YuMMy )) {{{ Evening Specials!!! }}} - 25
(Portland, Happy Valley / Vancouver/pdx/beaverton/)
Sexy Petite Blond Beauty, always up and ready for fun!... in\outcall available! 971-275-0523 - 28
(portland OR)
Sexy Puerto Rican Hawaiian Goddess "No One Can Do It Better" Has $99 SPECIAL 503-597-9372 Call Now - 22
(Portland, Portland And Surrounding Areas)
Sexy Girl ready to please and be pleased! Only Waiting for you guys! CALL ME =) *kisses* - 19
Pretty N' Playful Plus-Sized Princess| Natural 42EE| Weekend Specials and Gorgeous New Pics!!! - 23
(Portland, Rip City and Surrounding)
🔥🔥PASSIONATE, SENSUAL and VERY TALENTED. incall available now ! 😉🔥🔥 short notice ok ! - 35
(Portland, 172 and ne burnside)
$$$pecial$$$ $$80$$ half hr.& $150$ p/hr. discreet encounters and aval 24/7 - 36
(Portland, downtown vancouver)
* P E T I T E *((( G___F___E )))* B A B E $ - 22
(portland,beaveron INCALLs & OUT)
❤ NeeD aN oaSiS iN uR WeeK? ❤ iNDuLGe iN THe PerFeCT PLuS-SiZe TReaT!! ❤ 99 $PeCiaL 2NiTe! - 29
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
meow ***** meow**** ethnic ♡♡♡♡ treat ***** - 24
(Portland, vancouverIncall/PortlandOutcall/sur area)
~ Incall Special! ~ Sexy Perfection ~ Sinfully Naughty ~ Pleasure Provider ~ Available Now ~ - 45
I LOVE Older Men, that know exactly what they want! .... I'm Available NOW to do just that! - 35
(Portland, Portland... INCALL/OUTCALL)
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick, 40DD mature/HOT/ Very Fun/ Friendly - 420 - 42
2 beautiful brunettes.. fulfilling your desires for 100 tonight - 99
(Southeast Portland, se portland)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
::::: Warning :::: FAKE / stolen pics mia 503-933-4297 ---->> FAKE fresh ..... tight... hot - 22
LAST DAY IN TOWN🍒 Busty Blonde Babe💋 Ask about my Specials💋 - - 22
(Portland, Lloyd Center Incall/Outcall)
Fri 10 Jan
24/7(JUICY B0X) MAJOR LEAGUE ALWAYS A HOME RUN! World Class Hottie! SPEC! ((125) Flawless BoDy! 105lbsI - 24
(Portland, DWNTWN PearlDist. W.Hill N. Harbor NW SW)
🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ALL AMERICAN blue eyed BLONDE! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸☀️OUTCALLS!!!! ☀️PDX, COUVE, BEAVE! Available late! - 26
(Portland, 💎OUT EVERYWHERE!💎)
__ ____ ________ ◘◘__ $80 incalls __◘◘ ________ ____ __ - 33
(Portland, tualatin lake oswego (Bridgeport village)
*** 100% Sexy Hot Summer Playmate Incalll/outcall **** - 25
(Portland, Surrounding PDX metro areas/ Vanc WA)
Come RELAX & ENJOY yourself in the company of FUN SIZE (4'10), FLEXIBLE & SEXY you wont regret it!! - 30
(Portland, Portland/Vancouver surrounding areas)
Thu 09 Jan
((OUTCALL ONLY)) 👉Tight & Tasty 👅HiGHLY REQUEδTED👅KiLLER MOUTH👅Mδ Přēţţý Půδδý👅δKiLLED LiPδ💦 - 30
(OUTCALL ONLY, Portland)
____(( * PETITE & BUSTY * ))_____Well Reviewed & Reliable Too____(( AVAILABLE NOW ))
(Mine or Yours)
The Girl Next Door... has a SEXY SECRET! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In the city)
Major discounted Incall special 100 qv, 160hh, & 200h today only - 30
(Portland, Portland and surrounding areas)
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick/ BBW Hot/ Very Fun $60 special - 43
(Clackamas/Happy Valley/SE Portland)
24/7 Bombshell Xplode145 h/h Hotel in/outcall 125 C/u/m me (109lbs Perfect A*@$/s! - 27
(Portland beaverton, vancouver and surrounding areas)
Wed 08 Jan
EbonY & Puerto Rican WAITING AND READY !New New New! - 22
(Portland, NE Portland (incall and outcall))
►#❶★T✪✪ H✪T ★ Brea ★ BaBY*%*THe SeXieST BLaCK BaRbiE% Ѽ APPLE Ѽ BOTt✪m BOOTy% ★CaLL N✪W! - 25 - 25
(Portland, pdx locations)
Tue 07 Jan
~*~ VaNcOuVeR~*~ FaCe Of aN AnGeL, BoDy Of a GoDdEsS ~*~60- InCall Special ~*~ oUtCall aVaiLaBle ~*~ - 28
(Portland, Vancouver/PDX/Longview)
h --oottie & sweet t t ; %-;-% Curvey Sexy Blonde ... Don't miss this TREAT !!! ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ - 24
(incall pdx airport - - - outcall)
Beautiful Brazillian Beauty * NE Incall/Outcall Available * {{BUBBLE BUTT}} - 30
(Portland, NE Portland 84/181st)
____ [The Naughtiest DUO in town] _____ [Up All Night!] ______ [Best b@ng 4 ur buck!] _______ - 21
(Portland, Mall 205 incall / entire city outcall)
❤ BuSTy, SWeeT. PeTiTe... THe PeRFeCT PLuS-SiZe TReaT !!! ❤ ❤ 75 $pecial 2nite!! - 26
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
Mon 06 Jan
::::: Warning :::: FAKE / stolen pics mia 503-933-4297 ---->> FAKE fresh ..... tight... hot - 22
@@@@**** Want The Real Soccer Mom Experience? Call Me ! *****@@@@ - 47
(Portland, PDX in & out // Bvrtn i/c)
Sweet, Genuine, and Truely Enjoys Adult Adventures!!! 120special - 37
(Portland, Private Incall Vanc/Out to all Pdx metro)
:★: (( EXOTiC )) ★ (( SOPhiSTiCATED )) ★ (( EBoNY )) ★ LET ME SHOW OFF MY SkiLLS ★ out/incall 100 - 21
(Portland, Incall/outcall)
(((BOYS PLAY WITH TOYS))) ((MEN PLAY WITH ME))100 iN/OuTcAll SpECIaLs**Pdx/ AiRport - 21
60 SPESIAL!!! Vancouver wa IN/OUT call anywhere anytime - 23
Sun 05 Jan
Green Eyed Cutie AMAZING Booty (( VISITING )) BRAND NEW to the Business - 22
Sat 04 Jan
♥ STuNNiNG & CuRVy BRuNeTTe! ♥ NaTuRaL 38EE GuaRaNTeeD 2 PLeaSe! ♥ 75 $PeCiaL! ♥ CaLL Me aNyTiMe - 29
(Incall SE Foster & Outcall Metro, Portland)
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick, mature/HOT/ Very Fun/ Friendly - 420 - 42
* 60 * White * * Right * Ready * * NO Drama * NO LE * CLICK ME * CLICK ME * CLICK ME * - 22
(Portland, incall/outcall anywhere)
Fri 03 Jan
Why wait?!💋Don't hesitate! ☆NO GAMES! ☆NO BULLSH*T! Let's Play ~A private party for 2!♡《NE Incall》 - 25
I NEED it from a mature older man, SPECIALS* violet is here 4 u ALL night. BUSTY BRUNETTE - 28
(Portland, BY the mall, clackamas, only INCALLS)
afternoon deLiGhT & all night** *36 dds * ** SexY**Curvey * Blonde . . Sweetheart . ..°*°80 - 25
(Portland, / outcall - portland & around)
Thu 02 Jan