Mon 27 Jan
Middle Eastern🔥BUSTY 5🌟Exotic Playmate🔥The Ultimate Companion🔥Call Me💋 - 25
(Aiprort /NE Columbia Blvd, Portland)
SeXXXy girls Waiting to get you HOTT!! 503-445-6688 - 23
(Fantasyland 1232 NE Columbia Blvd., Portland)
★【SMoKiNG HoT ★【SEDuCTivE BlOnDe】★ JESSiE ★ ★【YOUR New ADDiCtiON!】★ - 21
(Portland, Portland @ Ne Columbia Blvd)
Sun 12 Jan
Y & JUICY!!! HOTTTT BLONDE!!!!! ; ) (incall near airport) - 21
(Portland, 1232 NE Columbia Blvd. Portland 97211)
▬▬▐▐▐▐▐▐ ▬🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 🌸🌸🌸▬▐▐▐▐▐▐ ▬ 性感美女 ***✿** Gentlemen CHOICE / Check it out 🌸🌸🌸 🌸 - 23
(Portland, Portland Downtown / Portland)
^^^^U want to PLAY? Well, come see X!.....I am waiting just 4 U!~! - 22
(Portland, 1232 NE Columbia BLVD)
Sat 11 Jan
JESSiE ★ ★【YOUR New ADDiCtiON!】★ ★【SMoKiNG HoT ★【SEDuCTivE BlOnDe】★ - 21
(Portland, Portland / (Ne Columbia Blvd))
❤❤ATheeNa & AnGeL $40 FEE 3 SeXy GiRLs AvAiLaBLe NoW!! 🌟 CLaSSy🌟 SeXy🌟DiScReeT🌟 - 22
(Portland, 1232 NE Columbia blvd portland OR 97211)
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
2 GIRLS... ReadY FoR Real PleasurE, AvailablE NoW!!! ( ClassY ★ SexY ☆ DiscreeT★ ) AnGeL & ATHeeNa - 25
(Portland, 1232 NE Columbia blvd portland OR 97211)
HABISHA🔥BUSTY 5🌟Exotic Playmate🔥The Ultimate Companion🔥Call Me💋 - 25
(Aiprort /NE Columbia Blvd, Portland)
Wed 08 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
^^^^U want to PLAY? Well, come see X!.....I am waiting just 4 U!~! - 22
(Portland, 1232 NE Columbia BLVD)
Middle Eastern🔥BUSTY 5🌟Exotic Playmate🔥The Ultimate Companion🔥Call Me💋 - 25
(Aiprort /NE Columbia Blvd, Portland)
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
Y & JUICY!!! HOTTTT BLONDE!!!!! ; ) (incall near airport) - 21
(Portland, 1232 NE Columbia Blvd. Portland 97211)
SeXXXy girls Waiting to get you HOTT!! 503-445-6688 - 23
(Fantasyland 1232 NE Columbia Blvd., Portland)
New Years V.I.P treatment!!!!! Playmates avail NOW! - 22
(Portland, 1232 ne columbia blvd portland or)
Fri 03 Jan
💜••• HoT..SwEEt..SeXy AnGeL..ReaDy..& EaGeR To PLEaSe..💜 SuN. 10am-7pm - 24
(Portland, 1232 NE Columbia blvd portland OR 97211)
Thu 02 Jan