Mon 27 Jan
•✿• :SUPER-SEXY: •✿• :TINY : •✿• : TATTOOED: •✿• : : •✿•PLAYMATE: •✿• - 18
(Portland, Se Portland Area / My House)
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe blue eyed BurNeTtE CAUTION HiGhLy ADDICTING TRAVELING men preferred - 27
(Portland, outcalls everywhere)
Sexy, Attentive, Sweet BBW with Gorgeous Mouth, Curvy Hips--Incall and Out--Free late-night/morning - 30
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
***PORTLAND finest adult entertainer available ALL NIGHT AND DAY SUNDAY***REAL PICS GAURENTEED - 24
(outcalls pdx-vancouver)
Outcall Spec Get What You Want ToniTe When Only The Best Will Do Petite Pretty Ready 2Please( Eta 30 - 27
(Portland, pdx dwntwn lakeo westhill airport)
INCall 82nd and foster (NEW To The Or) P€ R F € C T ♔♡ H0T ISLANDER MIIX WiTH SPECiALS ♔♡INCALL - 22
INCALL Divison exit off 205 fwy OUTCALL to your hotel or residence. 110% REAL ...CALL 5034751998 - 34
(Portland, My house or Your hotel/private residence)
I LOVE Older Men, that know exactly what they want! .... I'm Available NOW to do just that! - 35
(Portland, Portland... INCALL/OUTCALL)
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick, Hot/Sweet & Slippery/ Very Fun $60 SPECIALS - 43
(Clackamas/Happy Valley/ SE Portland)
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick, 40DD mature/HOT/ Very Fun/ Friendly - 420 - 42
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick, Mature and Sweet. ** SPECIALS - 44
(Clackamas/Happy Valley/SE Portland)
BUSTY, MATURE & SEXY*THICK -RATED 40DD Brunette *New Pics* - Spend Some Time with me soon! - 44
(SE Portland/Clackamas/Happy Valley)
•✿•*¨♥¨*• BL✪NDE CALIF✪RNIA D✪LL (¯`'• ★•'´¯)BRITTNEY (¯`'•★•'´¯) G✪RGE✪US •*¨♥¨*•✿• - - 25
(Southeast Portland, se portland)
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick, Hot/Sweet & Slippery/ Very Fun $60 SPECIALS - 43
120 $ OUTCALL to your hotel or residence. ...CALL 5034751998 Real service.. no games - 34
(Portland, My house or Your hotel/private residence)
Needing a womens company around the house? Like home cooked meals and a clean home? - 38
(Portland, Vancouver)
WoW === »»:»»» If iT LOoKs tHiS GoOD iMaGiNe wHat iT FeELs LiKe «««« 80sp - 21
(Portland, My house... Portland)
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe (UP aLL NiTe BriGht BLUE EyEd BurNeTtE (OUTCALLS)♥cc accepted♥ !!!!! - 27
SWEET, BUSTY 40DD, Mature Brunette - I KNOW how to treat a man** SPECIALS 70/100/160* * NEW PICS* - 44
(clackamas/Happy Valley/ SE portland)
SWEET, BUSTY 40DD, Mature Brunette - I KNOW how to treat a man** SPECIALS* * NEW PICS* - 44
(clackamas/Happy Valley/ SE portland)
•✿• :SUPER-SEXY: •✿• :TINY : •✿• : TATTOOED: •✿• : : •✿•PLAYMATE: •✿• - 18
(Portland, Se Portland Area / My House)
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe ( UP aLL NiTe ) BriGht BLUE EyEd BurNeTtE((( TRAVELING MEN ONLY))) - 27
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe blue eyed BurNeTtE CAUTION HiGhLy ADDICTING TRAVELING men preferred - 27
(Portland, outcalls everywhere)
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe ( UP aLL NiTe ) BriGht BLUE EyEd BurNeTtE CAUTION HiGhLy ADDICTING! - 27
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe blue eyed BurNeTtE CAUTION HiGhLy ADDICTING! TRAVELING men OnLy!!!! - 27
(Portland, outcalls everywhere)
-SuperModel Chick- LeT me Invite U 2 Come Taste SaTisFacTion! (( Bust A Big .! Realpic/ its - 27
(Vanc dwn twn pdx metro area west hills)
♥SUPER SeXy PeTiTe CoLLeGe GirL ☎ NeW 2TowN ♥ TaTToeD CamBodiaN PriNceSS ☎ 208*918*2094 - 18
(Portland, My House/ Se Portland)
°. °•★•° ° {SuP€r » K¡NkY} •:*• ☆ ¨*:• {213~290~2320 } • :*★¨*: •{NEW PiCs} •: *¨•☆*:• ( CaLi GiRL)! - 20
(Portland, Se Portland / My HouSe)
Sun 26 Jan
Sweet and tasty 💋💋💋🎉🎉In for all Ready to ne pleased💋💋🎉🎉💸💸💸🤑🤑lets party and enjoy have some fun !!
( ROCKWOOD/Gresham/Portland/troutdale)
Mon 13 Jan
OUR ♥o°• CANDY •°o♥o°• SHOP •°o♥o°• NEVER •°o♥o°• CLOSES •°o♥ SPECIALS - 18
Sun 12 Jan
little O *** Tattoo'd SLUT *** available 24/7 - 31
(Portland, Lombard and Interstate in North Portland)
Sat 11 Jan
OUTCALL to your hotel or residence. ...CALL 5034751998 Real service.. no games - 34
(Portland, My house or Your hotel/private residence)
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡sweet, sexy & petite OutCaLL and InCaLL Avalible now♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ - 28
(Portland, Oregon city)
Q u a l i t y C o m p a n i o n s h i p ___G e n t l m e n s #1 CHOiCE ___--- *HiGHLY reviewed* --- - 21
(* Upscale incall * Outcall too!)
- Boys Play w/ Toys ReaL MeN Play w/ This HoTTie!!- Bust your LoaD Sat NiTe Slippery when We T ! - 27
(dwn twn pdx pdx airport vanc west hills)
°°°° 3 2 1 BoOm !!! {{{ LetS P.L.A.Y }}} I Feel Ex{X}tra S {e}xy Today !! °°°° - 24
(Portland, Skinn 60th & Prescott)
Fri 10 Jan
Outcall Spec Get What You Want ToniTe! - EurPhoric Erotica- Petite Pretty Ready 2 Please( Eta 30 - 27
(vanc portland & all surrounding areas)
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe (UP aLL NiTe BriGht BLUE EyEd BurNeTtE (TRAVELING MEN)2 girl specals - 27
I Am Just Your Type ( CURVY & BLONDE) I Can Make It Nasty! OUTCALL TONIGHT - 21
(OUTCALL Portland and Vancouver, Portland)
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick, 40DD Sweet/HOT/ Very Fun/ Friendly - 420
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick, Hot/Sweet & Slippery/ Very Fun $60 SPECIALS - 43
(Clackamas/Happy Valley/SE Portland)
Needing a womens company around the house? Like home cooked meals and a clean home? - 38
(Portland, Vancouver)
~ Fem Dom Seeking Real Time 24/7 Financially Secure Slave For FLR/Marriage ~ - 39
(Oregon Coast, Portland, Portland ,Oregon Southwest Washington, Salem)
★( C*u*M TaSTe OuR CaNDy!! )★ ( $100 DuO SpeCiaLs Til 12! ;) ★ ( SuP€r » K¡Nk¥ GiRL On GiRL) ★ - 20
(Portland, My House/ Se Portland)
BUSTY, MATURE & SEXY*THICK XXX-RATED 40DD Brunette *New Pics* - Spend Some Time with me soon! - 44
(SE Portland/Clackamas/Happy Valley)
Thu 09 Jan
★( HaNDL€ w/ CaUT¡ON! ) ★ ( SuP€r » K¡Nk¥ KiSSinG QueeN! ;) ★ (NeW, BiG BoOTy, 100% Re@L PlaYMaTe)★ - 20
(Portland, My house/ Se Portland)
DANGEROUS CURVES: Smart, sweet, pretty BBW with a very talented mouth--Incall/Outcall - 30
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
ClASS at its best. Perfect way to end the weekend.INCALL AND OUTCALL AVALIBLE - 31
(Beaverton & portland in and outcall, Portland)
Run Your Own Highly Profitable Adult Photography and Adult Video Modeling Studio - 42
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick/ BBW Hot/ Very Fun $60 special - 43
(Clackamas/Happy Valley/SE Portland)
•✿• :TiNy: •✿• :T3*3N: •✿• : TATTOOED: •✿• :CaMBoDiaN : •✿•PETITE PLAYMATE: •✿• NeW LoCaL # - 18
(Portland, Se Portland Area / My House)
Wed 08 Jan
Outcall Spec Get What You Want ToniTe! Lemme Help U Petite Pretty Ready 2 Please( Eta 30 - 27
(Portland, pdx dwntwn lakeo westhill airport)
___________ _________ #1__ T-Girl __Brittany _____________ THE BEST WITH 1st TIMERS!____ I luv them! - 25
(Portland, 24/7 PORTLAND-call me baby! 5O3-222-6969)
Busty 40DD, all natural, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS READY NOW - Mature BBW - 43
(Clackamas/Happy Valley/SE Portland)
( *** ((( *** MAGIC in my HIPS ...AMAZING how they move... .* ))) *** ))) - - 23
(Northeast Portland, NE Portland)
Busty Sweet Brunette Available Incall Only - Specials 80/30 min; 140/hour UP LATE? *NEW PICS* - 44
(SE Portland,Happy Valley, Clackamas)
Tue 07 Jan
★( HaNDL€ w/ CaUT¡ON! ) ★ ( SuP€r » FR€AKŸ; I Do WHaT TheY WoNT! ) ★ ($100 HH )★ (LeTs PlaY!) - 20
(Portland, My house/ Se Portland)
DANGEROUS CURVES: Smart, sweet, pretty BBW with a very talented mouth--Incall/Outcall - 29
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
(¯`•★•´¯) -•*•_B_e_T_T_ e_R_ ThAn A B_L__O__N__D__ E_•*•- (¯`•★• U CanTouch It..!!! - 29
(Portland, INCALL 24/7 safe,discreet,quiet my house)
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe (UP aLL NiTe BriGht BLUE EyEd BurNeTtE (OUTCALLS)♥cc accepted♥ !!!!! - 27
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe blue eyed BurNeTtE CAUTION HiGhLy ADDICTING! TRAVELING men OnLy!!!! - 27
(Portland, outcalls everywhere)
-SuperModel Chick- LeT me Invite U 2 Come Taste SaTisFacTion! (( Bust A Big .! Realpic/ its - 27
(Vanc dwn twn pdx metro area west hills)