Mon 27 Jan
➡➡➡Stop My Waterfall____Stunning New Asian Pictures__________ Lick Me 😻Touch Me And F😍ck Me - 23
(Incall Today mall 205, Portland)
__[[[ SPECIALS ]]] * ((( Don't Please Yourself...))) * [[[ ALLOW ME! ]]]__*Real Girl* *Real Service* - 25
(Portland Baby...)
Sexy,Soft,Smokin Hot Brunette ,everything you ever wanted.%%waitin for you to come@@!Available 24/7 - 30
(Portland, se/portland)
S☆e☆X☆y ♡ B☆r☆u☆N☆ N☆ e☆T ☆t☆ E~AVAILABLE ♡NOW ♡ Incall Outcall(ifclose)By Clackamas ♡town ♡ Center - 30
SeXy & NaUgHtY **!** WeT & HoRnEy **!** DoNt MiSs OuT **!** CLicK ME!! - 24
(LLoyed Center Incall & Outcalls)
*% NeW (¯`'.¸ ?¸.'´¯) NO ONE -:¦:- DOES IT-:¦:-LIKE ME (¯`'.¸? ¸.'´¯) - 18
(PDX Outcalls/Incall PDX)
***mouthwatering DD's*!*$100 incall/outcall speciaL!Bby blues😘##***ready to spice up your life!!!!! - 29
(Portland, Portland, Beaverton, Gresham)
✈✈✈ Nastiest, Kinkiest, I'll Never Say No Dirty Wh0re✈✈✈ New Amazing Specials - 24
(Outcall, Portland)
___________🔚🔜Holiday Specials 🔥 Teaser and Pleaser 🍀Big Boobie Cutie 💞_________Total S.L.U.T - 23
$50 SPECIAL ( yummy ) ☎ ☎ »-★-»»-★-» big booty »-★-»»-★-» AVAILABLE Now!!! - 23
(Portland, Portland Incall)
__[[[ STOP ] ]] * ((( Don't Please Yourself...))) * [[[ ALLOW ME! ]]]__*Real Girl* *Real Service* - 25
(Portland Baby...)
➡➡➡Stop My Waterfall____Stunning New Asian Pictures__________ Lick Me 😻Touch Me And F😍ck Me - 23
(Incall Today mall 205, Portland)
SmOkiN hott BrUNette~ Sweetiest PiEce of A§§ in PoRtland~ Xmas specials Incall/Outcall 24/7 - 29
(Portland, se/Portland)
Sun 12 Jan
ToDaY's:mENU a SmOkIn HOT Brunette +++DeSseRT:~ :~ get it while it's hot:-(( :-( :-( AVAILABLE 2/47 - 30
(Portland, se/portland)
Sat 11 Jan
______ ☆ YoUnG, Nympho , FrEaKy JaPaNesE CoLLeGe CuTiE ☆ ______ - 20
(portland /incall & outcall)
__[[ *18O Special ]] * (( Don't Please Yourself...)) * [[ ALLOW ME! ]]__*Real Girl* *Real Service* - 25
(Portland Baby...Sunday Specials)
Fri 10 Jan
💙 My Tantilizing Toung 💙 Beautiful & Young 💙 Promise 2 Satisfy until Ur DoNe 💙 Available Now!!! - 31
(Portland, SE Portland 💋 Gresham Incall/out)
~*~ PORTLAND/VANC 1OO OUTCALL~*~ FaCe Of aN AnGeL, BoDy Of a GoDdEsS ~*~ Available NOW - 28
(Portland, Vancouver/PDX/Longview)
______Did Hear About Me_____🈲 150 hr Morning Special 🔚🔜 Hottest Girl In Town - 23
(incall only 120hhr/ 150 hr, Portland)
★———•☆• I am The Complete Total Package ★———•☆• Vancouver!!!!! - 19
Thu 09 Jan
-:¦:--:¦:- E _A _R _ L_Y -:¦:- M _ O _ R _ N _I _N _G:¦:- S _ P _ E _ C _ I _ A _ L _ S -:¦:- -:¦:- - 21
♛ █ ♛ Your EXOTIC PRINCESS Has Arrived ♛ █ ♛ - 25
(Portland, Portland and surrounding areas)
Wed 08 Jan
$100 special tonight only!!!! * G_O_R_G_E_O_U_S :*: COLLEGE :*: C_U_T_I_E $100 special tonight only - 24
(Vancouver [[in]] & OUT [[just ask]])
______Did Hear About Me_____🈲 150 Happy Hour Special 🔚🔜 Hottest Girl In Town - 23
(incall only 120hhr/ 150 hr, Portland)
Y-O-U-R __ S-E-C-R-E-T __ O - B - S - E - S - S - I - O - N 1000% R-E-A-L - 18
(PDX Airport Incall Till Morning)
TOP PICK! ♥💕♥💕♥💕♥💎♥ $eXXXy 💎bLonde 💎b@rbiE ♥💎♥💕♥💕♥💕♥ #1 MUST SEE ⚠ aDDi©TiVe™ ⚠ - 28
(Gresham, Portland)
Tue 07 Jan
********* Busty Brunette Incall - 120 Special!!! ********** - 20
(Portland, Airport - incall outcall ;-))
Mon 06 Jan
60 SPESIAL!!! Vancouver wa IN/OUT call anywhere anytime - 23
Sun 05 Jan
*~ Taylor *~ Sexy *~ Seductive *~ Satisfying *~ Beautiful ~ * 100 Specials * - 36
(Eugene, Eugene & surrounding areas)
(¯`'.¸ ?¸.'´¯) NO ONE -:¦:- DOES IT-:¦:-LIKE ME (¯`'.¸? ¸.'´¯) - 18
(Incall/Outcall All Over PDX)
60'80'100'120 Specials Get It Wile Its Hot!!!!! Incall Only Portland Or - 22
Sat 04 Jan
♛ █ ♛ Your EXOTIC PRINCESS Has Arrived ♛ █ ♛ - 25
(Portland, Portland and surrounding areas)
Y-O-U-R __ S-E-C-R-E-T __ O - B - S - E - S - S - I - O - N 1000% R-E-A-L - 18
(PDX Airport Incall Till Morning)
••B•R•A•N•D••N •E • W••★█▒█ ☆†Õ€ CUrL¡NG ☆H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL €Ð ☆█▒█ ★••B• R• A•N•D••N•E•W•• - 19
(Portland, ☆Upscale Lloyd Center Incall Only☆)
Fri 03 Jan