Mon 27 Jan
Sultry, sane, fun, and sweet w/ WICKED HOURGLASS FIGURE ❤️ Incall SE pdx/outcalls too ❤️ - 30
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
SoMeWhErE OvEr ThE RaInBoW, EnChAnTiNg, ExOtIc, ErOtIc, SeDuCtIvE SwEeThEaRt - 28
(Portland, gresham IncALL, PiCs TaKeN rIgHt NoW)
Sexy, Attentive, Sweet BBW with Gorgeous Mouth & Curvy Hips Available from Afternoon till Late - 30
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
SoMeWhErE OvEr ThE RaInBoW, EnChAnTiNg, ExOtIc, ErOtIc, SeDuCtIvE SwEeThEaRt - 28
(Portland, gresham IncALL, PiCs TaKeN rIgHt NoW)
Sat 11 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
IM available NOW. ;) Wanna come and spend half hour with me for 75 .... - 32
(Portland, SE PORTLAND 148th and and SE Division)
★ 【ThE】 ★ 【STuFF】 ★ 【DiRtY】★ 【DREaMS】 ★ 【ArE】 ★ 【MaDE】 ★ 【OF】★Sinful specials - 28
(Portland, gresham, PICS TAKEN RIGHT NOW)
Tue 07 Jan