Mon 27 Jan
TNA reviewed💢BeauTiFuL BruNeTTe GODDESS💢。💕H℮R℮ ΤΟ βℓΟω γΟυr Μιη💕uℓtiℳαtε ExOti© ρℓαγℳαtEAlyssa D - 27
(INCALL Mall 205, Portland)
➡➡➡Stop My Waterfall____Stunning New Asian Pictures__________ Lick Me 😻Touch Me And F😍ck Me - 23
(Incall Today mall 205, Portland)
SPECIALS 30 & 60 MINUTE SPECIALS* Sexy thick white girl up ALL night just for Y-O-U ❤ - 25
(Portland, Mall 205 Portland incall/outcall)
SoUtH EaSt I/c ★ It'S CoLd LeTs CuDdLe ★ BuStY ItAliAn★NO CLoCkWatChInG Or RuShInG★ 971.703.0819★ - 27
✿ :SEXY: ✿ :BUSTY : ✿ :COLLEGE: ✿ H☼TTIE: ✿ - 21
! Reviewed! DUOS AVL! Mall 205! INCALL❤️💦❤️ NEW SEXY Playmate! Sweet, sexy & petite! Incalls only - 21
(Portland, Mall 205 Incall)
°°•○•°°•○•°° Redhead playmate °°•○•°°•○•°° Curvy body, beautiful face °°•○•°°•○•°° Available now °°• - 25
(Mall 205 area incall / Outcalls, Portland)
★P€RF€CT PL@¥M@T€• ° ★ COM€ PL@Y NOW!! --> $80 HH
(Portland, ♥ $80 HH INCALL (MALL 205) & OUTCALLS♥)
{{NEW NEW PiCs}} AvAiLaBle FoR iMmEdiAtE iNcALL ••ClEaN, ClAsSy &SeXxy; PeTiTe ReDhEaD•• - 18
(Portland, Mall 205 Incall)
➡️ Mall 205 INcALL‼️ ➡️ 100 Special ⬅️ ❤️INDEPENDENT 🍫🍫 CHOCOLATE BOMBSHELL❤️ 💋Available NOW❤️💋 - 23
(Mall 205 Incall ❤️ OUTCALL Available, Portland)
((Mall 205 Incall)) ((Sexy)) ((BLONDE)) ((Sweet)) 80 Special TOnight Only Specials - 24
(Portland, Mall 205 Incall and outcalls)
▒▓ *•.💙.•* ▓▒ Exotic Erotic Petite Irish Redhead ▒▓ *•.💙.•* ▓▒No Appt Needed Ready NOW ▒▓ - 19
(Portland, INCALL by MALL 205/OUTCALL)
Sunday Special AllDay Xotic Sexxy Mixed beauty!!!! - 23
➡➡➡Stop My Waterfall____Stunning New Asian Pictures__________ Lick Me 😻Touch Me And F😍ck Me - 23
(Incall Today mall 205, Portland)
SPECIALS 30 & 60 MINUTE SPECIALS* Sexy thick white girl up ALL night just for Y-O-U ❤ - 25
(Portland, Mall 205 Portland incall/outcall)
SoUtH EaSt I/c ★ It'S CoLd LeTs CuDdLe ★ BuStY ItAliAn★NO CLoCkWatChInG Or RuShInG★ 971.703.0819★ - 27
Sun 12 Jan
((( AVAILABLE NOW ))) _____ ! ______ SmOkiN HoT *CurVy* BOdy!! ______ ! _______ ((( 60 specials ))) - 22
(Portland, mall 205 incall // entire area outcall)
Sat 11 Jan
💋💎💋CALL ME NOW.. THANK ME LATER!! 💎💋💎💋💎💋 Pint-sized Playmate 💎💋💎 LateNite Specials! - 19
(Portland, MALL 205 area/INCALL ONLY)
aVaiLaBle 24/7 uP ALL niTe█ BeTTeR th3n her⇧ AND h3r ⇩¨★★-:¦: HH sPeCiaLs 11/19-11/22 !!!! - 18
(Portland, Mall 205 Area INCALL ONLY)
E V E R Y T H I N G_ U R _ L O O K I N _ F O R 🌟 R E A L _ G I R L _ R E A L _ S E R V I C E🌟 8O.QQ - 27
(INCALL mall 205 and stark st, Portland)
AnY❤ ▃▆▓❤▓▆▃ wAy▃▆▓❤▓▆▃ YoU▆▓❤▓▆▃ WaNt▃▆▓ ❤▓▆ It ❤ Incall special - 25
(Portland, Mall 205 INCALL/OUTCALLS)
100% real!!! DUO AVL w Morgan!!! Reviewed!! bustysexy,small blonde!ll in and outcall - 21
(Portland, Incall-OUTCALL mall 205)
Fri 10 Jan
C.U.M By NOW [ Mall 205 INCALL ] 💕 💘TOP NOTCH PLEASER 💘💕 5🌟Treatment 💋100 SPECIAL 💋 - 21
(Mall 205 Incall, Portland)
▂▃ExXoTiC& ClAsSy bLoNde▃▂ CeRtiFieD tO SaTisFy♥ AvAilAbLe 24/7 •*SpECiAlS*• - 18
(Portland, MALL 205 • INCALL ONLY!)
AnYtHiNg U WaNt...GoOd GiRL GoNe BaD, Anyway u want it. MALL 205 Ncall - 29
(Portland, MaLl 205 InCaLL, SlAmIn SuNdAyS, getitin)
Attn: Hot Blonde Alert... $100 Specials... Ready For U!!! - 24
(Portland, Mall 205 Incall and outcalls)
♥ A KNOCK OUT ♥ •=== ( Blonde Bomshell)===• ♥ 2 GIRL SPECIAL~~~!!! - 22
(Portland, incall clackamas mall i 205)
Thu 09 Jan
❶——— ★ █ HAWAIIAN — { !!! 100 SPECIAL !!! } —HOTTIE █ ★ ——— ❶ - 22
(Portland, MALL 205 / IN & OUTCALLS)
☆★☆★ ThE EmBoDiMenT Of SeNsUaLiTy!... ❀° █▬█❶▀█▀!... ❀° ☆★☆★ ReAdy ☆&★WaiTiNg - 29
(Portland, Incall Only!!/Mall 205)
((💋 PETITE💋)) ((🔥REDHEAD🔥)) ((💋BUNNY💋)) L A S T C H A N C E‼️💋 - 22
(Portland, MALL 205 iNCALL ONLY)
▋Beautiful American 🍀Well Reveiwed 9am/9pm (EmmaLee 307 220 4771) - 25
(Portland, Mall 205 Incall Only)
100Special.. Hot Sexy Blonde. Pdx's Finest!!!! Mall 205 Incall - 24
(Portland, Mall 205 Incall and outcalls)
____ [The Naughtiest DUO in town] _____ [Up All Night!] ______ [Best b@ng 4 ur buck!] _______ - 21
(Portland, Mall 205 incall / entire city outcall)
INCALL Specials Only Tonight Treat Yourself Mall205 Area!!" - 23
Wed 08 Jan
★*💖*★ $PECIAL$•$PECIAL$ ★*💖*★ Available Now!¡ ★*💖*★ $PECIAL$•$PECIAL$ ★*💖*★ - 24
(Mall*205♡INCALL, Portland)
{{EXx0tiC & ClAsSy bLonDe iRiSh BaBe}} mOrNiNg SpEciAlS! iNcAll OnLy. - 18
(Portland, MALL 205 incall)
Tue 07 Jan
💎❤️💋 SWEET&PETITE; redhead ‼️💋❤️💎 L E T S P L A Y‼️❤️ 💯 S P E C I A L‼️ - 22
(Portland, MALL 205 INCALL ONLY)
█ DROP-DEAD-GORGEOUS BLONDE BOMBSHELL █ Slender + Green Eyes + *PERFECT 10* 💋 Upscale Playmate 💋 █ - 24
••DIVE [InTo] My TrEaSuRe WhErE Ur BoUnD 2 FiNd DeViNe P.L.E.A.S.U.R.E ••EaRlYbiRd SpEciAlS! HuRRy! - 18
(Portland, MALL 205 • INCALL ONLY!)
🌟🌟Best Around Town 🌟 Greatest SPECIALS Youll See Around 🌟 60qv/80hhr/100hr 🌟 INCALL ONLY 🌟🌟 - 26
(Portland, Mall 205 INCALL ONLY)
~*~*~ Asians Do It Best ~*~*~ Let Me Make Your Dreams Come True~*~*~ - 22
(Portland, Near 205 mall hotel incall 24hrs)
____ [The Naughtiest DUO in town] _____ [Up All Night!] ______ [Best b@ng 4 ur buck!] _______ - 21
(Portland, Mall 205 incall / entire city outcall)
▂▃NeW PiCtuRes!▃▂ CeRtiFieD tO SaTisFy♥ ♥AvAilAbLe 24/7 .•*SpEciAlS*•. - 18
(Portland, Mall 205 • INCALL only!!)
80 SPECiAL __ TRUE ____ LaTiNa ___ L♥verS ____ # 1 PiCK __ WaItInG FoR You!! - 20
(Portland, incall/outcall** portland mall 205**)
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
*~*~Best In The North West come put me to the test~*~* Asian Princess* Cambodian beauty - 22
(Portland, Near 205 mall hotel incall 24hrs)
💘💎💕 AbSoLuTeLy AmAZiNg🎀😋 CoMe PLaY WiTh Me😋💦Sexy REDHEAD LATINA MaMi💖 PReTTy FaCe💦🎀 - 23
(Portland, Troutdale Gresham Fairview Vancouver +++)
☆★☆★ ThE EmBoDiMenT Of SeNsUaLiTy!... ❀° █▬█❶▀█▀!... ❀° ☆★☆★ ReAdy ☆&★WaiTiNg - 29
(Portland, Incall Only!!/Mall 205)
Sat 04 Jan
%New pics ☆in and outcall avalible now ☆business clASS Petite SpiNNer BombShell - 31
(Mall 205 incall-outcall portland outcall, Portland)
TNA reviewed💢BeauTiFuL BruNeTTe GODDESS💢。💕H℮R℮ ΤΟ βℓΟω γΟυr Μιη💕uℓtiℳαtε ExOti© ρℓαγℳαtEAlyssa D - 27
(INCALL Mall 205, Portland)
Fri 03 Jan
°*°*° THICK & JUICY CHICK JUST RIGHT FOR YOU °*°*° 80 incall mall 205 area °*°*° - 23
(Vancouver, 80 incall mall 205 area)
Sunday Special AllDay Xotic Sexxy Mixed beauty!!!! - 23
*~*~ it may be cold outside but I'll make you hot ~*~* ASIAN PRINCESS *~*~ - 22
(Portland, Near 205 mall hotel incall 24hrs)
💎❤️💋 SWEET&PETITE; redhead ‼️💋❤️💎 L E T S P L A Y‼️❤️ 💯 S P E C I A L‼️ - 22
(Portland, MALL 205 INCALL ONLY)
Thu 02 Jan