Thu 09 Jan
*ღ ᵔ.ᵔ ღ CUTiE♥ ( §—W—€—€—† ••••• L—!—K—€ ••••• H—0—N—€—¥ ) 702.981.1497ღ ᵔ.ᵔ ღ - 27
(Lloyd center, Portland)
*** D0MIN©@N & ItALiAN 100% REAL*** ¡TiME t0 PLA¥ B0¥$! - 20
(Portland, Incall/Outcall Portland, Vancouver)
Creme De La Creme! ♥ HOT -:¦:- LITTLE -:¦:- SEX -:¦:- KITTEN -:¦:- ♥ PeRFeCT BLonDe - 21
★ ___ CURVY ____ ★ ____ SEXY ____ ★ ___ BUSTY ___ ★ ____BLONDE __★__KITTEN__ ★ - 25
(Portland, Out Call Everywhere! In call in Tigard!)
Do you like things that look and feel like ** SIN ** Vancouver... Tongue is Pierced!! - 43
(Portland, Vancouver Incall)
come Rock my World Kinky Ebony Here to Treat You fella's Love it in the butt can u handle it - 20
(Portland, In-call/ Out-call Surrounding all area's)
💕FiLL YoUR DREAMS with a REaL WoMaN💕 🎉OnLYinTOwN for a FeWdays🎉REaDYforFuN🎉 CALL NOW !!💋💕 - 24
(Portland, allover Portland)
UnFoRgEttAbLe AmAzInG ExPeRiEnCe WiTh tHe BeAuTiFuL GiRl NeXt-DoOr oF YoUr DrEaMs! Hi I'm Stacy!!! - 24
(Portland, All of Portland (InCalls & OutCalls))
*§UpEr §W€3T Ch0©0LaTe* »{Vi§¡TiNg}« [W3|| R€VieWeD] @ MuST (.)(.) S€€¡! *° 100RosE SpecIaL °* - 23
(Portland, PDX AirPort UpScale IC)
Took these pictures THIS MORNING I.took Pictures TEN. minutes AGO . 70 QV RIGHT NOW ... 6 am only - 38
(Portland, SE PORTLAND 135th and and SE Division)
💋👠💈✂TopLess Barbering ✂💈Beautiful and full of talent! BOOK NOW! 👙TODAY ONLY 40$+Tips 💋👠 - 34
(Portland, InCall/ NE Glisan/122nd)
•✿• :TiNy: •✿• :T3*3N: •✿• : TATTOOED: •✿• :CaMBoDiaN : •✿•PETITE PLAYMATE: •✿• NeW LoCaL # - 18
(Portland, Se Portland Area / My House)
★TrEAT YoUrSeLf To ThiS SmokiN HOT BRuNeTTE!★ EXOTIC GrEeN EyEs!❤★InCall SE Portland ★❤SPECIALS! - 26
(Portland, incall southeast 92nd ((SPECIALS)))
Just What You Needed On This Cold Night To Warm You Up! Specials Available 140! - 22
(Portland, Portland, Lake Oswego, Tigard, Tualatin)
—— ❤ —♥♥♥Layla WaNTs To Play♥♥♥—♥- $65 specials •••---♥ DONT MISS ME♥---LATE NITE LUST°°°°♥
(Portland, in/outcall)
~♥~ If you want THE BEST ~♥~ this BLONDE knows what she is doing! ~♥~ - 22
i can give you what she didnt 360 932-1852......//////... im in breaverton fellas - 23
(Portland, portland---breaerton)
... ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,*** How" " About" " This ***... ... ... ... ... ... ... - 99
(Portland, SPECIALS)
I just ckecked... Yup, I'm wet again. Wanna' help me out? Lets get together and celebrate FUN!
I am the naughtiest in Portland come see me and my girlfriends and these are real pics - 19
I Can Do It Better❤All You Need 💋 Tight Grip Soft Lips💋No Rush No Drama❤ - 18
(Portland, Portland,or)
*I __N___C ___A___L___L_* ===*== ( (* * *$80.00* * *) ==*=== _*S___P___E __C__! __A__ L_S - 22
(se portland)
Wed 08 Jan
💋💋 Exclusive blonde Hot bombshell 💋💋AWESOME body 💋💋 Beautiful FACE💋💋 SWEET, FUN & KINKY💋💋 - 21
(Portland, INCALL or outcall your place or mine)
ChArMInG SeXy FantaSTiC BrUneTTe ReAdY To PlEaSe *FIVE StaR TreatMenT * PURE SaTiSfAcTiOn * - 23
(Portland, All of Portland (OutCalls only))
TNA VERIFIED new pics👑 PREMIER exotic Companion 👑 PRIVATE sw LOCATION w. A/C - 30
(Portland, upscale SW PDX apt)
_____Warm & JuICy ________ inside________ $120/HR SPECIALS!!! - 21
(Portland, Pdx airport, vancouver)
*** W_E_T_ & ~~ * H_O_R_N_Y ~~ * ~~_L_E_T ~ (M_E) ~ R_O_C_K + Y_O_U_R ~~~ C =o=C=k !~
(my place/ some outcalls)
☰* .UR :* FANTASY *. GIRL :*LETS MaKE iT OFFiCaL! :*☰ »-♥- » READY »-♥-» - 24
UnFoRgEttAbLe AmAzInG ExPeRiEnCe WiTh tHe BeAuTiFuL GiRl NeXt-DoOr oF YoUr DrEaMs! Hi I'm Stacy!!! - 22
(Portland, All of Portland (OutCalls ONLY))
outcalls❤*SEnSUaL❤ *SwEetHeaRt❤*YoUnG❤ *BrUneTTe❤*BoMbsHeLl!! ready4U - 22
(Portland, Portland Vancouver surrounding areas)
-:¦:-*-:¦:- PoRTLaND's #1 BEST! ♥ NaUGhTY ScHoOLGiRL ♥ GoRgEoUs AsS + LoNG LeGs! - 21
((CoNveNTioN CeNTeR) (UpSCaLe) (InCaLL))
★*💖*★ $PECIAL$•$PECIAL$ ★*💖*★ Available Now!¡ ★*💖*★ $PECIAL$•$PECIAL$ ★*💖*★ - 24
(Mall*205♡INCALL, Portland)
🌟🌟🌟🌟OUTCALLS CALL ME NOW 🍭🍭KIA your New Smoking HoTt playmate 🍦 - 22
(Downtown PDX & Vancouver, Portland)
▶▶ ╠╣o t ◀◀ ♔ #1 FREAK ♔ ▶▶ ╠╣o t ◀◀ ☆ 100% REAL PIX☆ ▶▶ ╠╣o t ◀◀ - 21
(Portland, pdx and surrounding areas)
ONLY the "BEST" will due💜 INCALL/OUT*Stellar Reviews 🐰 ACCURATE pics💜 BUSTY💜 - 40
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
OUTCALLS! 💎✨_THE _ EPITOME__ OF_ CLASS 💎✨well reviewed, and highly recommended! OUTCALLS ONLY!!call me!! - 29
~☆☆**Mature Elite Upscale Impeccably Reviewed~Redhead Sensual Kitten~For Mature Men Only**☆☆~ - 50
(Portland, SW Downtown Portland/Downtown Vancouver)
♥ LoLa BuNNy's LaST DaY iN ToWn! ★ SeXxXy SLenDeR BruNeTTe DoLL! ★ FLAWLESS! - 21
~ ~ ~ ~Lets Escape Tonight ~ ~ ~ Up Late! ~ ~ ~ ~ - 28
(Portland, portland Oswego Beaverton Hillsboro)
✶ ✵• Let ME Be • ♥Ur FANTASY • ☆ • B♥BBLE BooTY [☆ LetS PARTY UP☆] - - 21
(Portland, pdx and surrounding areas)