Mon 27 Jan
***Sweet Gabby I Know What You Want!!!!! .. 100% Undeniable Pleasure*** 503-292-3382 - 24
SUPER patient and NICE asian NICOLE 5'4"tall 110LBS 36B so skinny and nice personality - 30
(Portland, 205FWY exit foster in/outcall)
((Stunning Busty Blonde Knockout )) **Ready @ Willing **%Cum @ Get It %**$100 SPECIAL** - 25
(portland (airport area))
(Portland, Vancouver and Portland)
SPECIALS 💋💦 All Night 💞 100% Satisfaction 😉😍😋💕 - 20
(Portland, portland oregon , vancouver washington)
❌SPECIALS❌ 👄Blonde Bombshell 💔Lovely Alaira💔 Addicting Upscale COMPANION👄 ❌SPECIALS❌ - 26
(Beaverton, Beaverton/Hillsboro)
:) Sweet & Sassy :) 5'5 REDHEADS R the Best.*** Smooth skin and a SmilE you wont forget:) - 21
(Portland, OUTCALLS ALL AREAS woodland battleground)
❤SupeR PRetTY FaCE° ♥°♥ °•:Jʉ!CY §€Xy H¡P§ & A§§♥TH!CK TH!GHS & BedRooM EYES ★SOFT SKIN•★• - 21
(Portland, Tigard IC/ OC AVAIL)
*~*~* Sunday Wonderland Specials *~* aLIcE *~* Immediate Incall Available *~*~* - 30
(Portland, SE PDX)
♥ StArT your WeeKenD oFF with a BANG ♥ ♥♥I'll HelP YoU See FireWorks!!!! ♥ - 22
(Portland, Mall 205)
(( SPECIALS)) Sexy ~*~ Sultry ~*~ Stunning ~*~ Brunette Beauty ((SPECIALS)) - 26
(Beaverton, Beaverton INCALL)
{Specials}♛ U.P.SC.A.LE ♛ C.L.A.S.S.Y ♛ EXOTIC ♛ P_L_A_Y_M_A_T_E ♛{Specials} - 24
(Portland, Vancouver Incall Portland Outcall)
**** SUPER CUTE *real pics **19 yo blond*****thick as sunday's paper****HOTTER THEN an AZ summer - 19
(vancouver/outcalls everywhere)
Super Sexy, Sweet and Available Now! See My Pics...
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, anywhere you want me!)
_ _ _ (( SUPER BUSTY )) _ _ _ Why Dont You Unwrap Me For Christmas?_ __ _ CURVY _ _ _ - 26
(Portland, Beaverton/Hillsboro/Portland/Tigard)
🏪▃▅▆██▆▅▃💯 SPECIAL💎gorgeous CLASSY▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ COSTCO SIZE Booty 🌹▃▅▆██▆▅▃ BLONDE ▃▅▆██▆▅▃NEWPIX - 26
(Portland, private incall/out van/pdx)
Sometimes it NICE 2 B ! Holiday specials! Great reviews! *new website* - 35
(Portland, portland and surrounding areas)
➡ STOP ✋ Here 👑 $80 Specials 💋 Deadly Addiction 👘 👑 Japanese Spinner ☞NEW PICS💎 - 25
(Portland, New 80 Special 👘 I/C💋)
SPECIAL💥TAYLOR BANKs💋 INCALL💖♡ 100%real pixx ▒★ KiLLєR CuRvEs ♡【JuiCy . Hola Papi - 28
(Portland, SE Portland)
¥¥¥¥ specials ¥¥¥¥ (Beaverton area) (( incall& outcalls only)) Dont miss out - 23
(Portland, Westside)
Specializing in Late Nights and Early Mornings - 30
(Portland, portland/vancouver & surrounding cities)
☆☆💋Soft💋 Lips! 💋☆☆45 min100 spec TNA Reviewed! Mature SexyJEWELZ 503💜214💗o68oEspañol - 43
(ne portland airport area, Portland)
Sometime we wonder what it would be like.. sometimes we just do it! Mistress Mirage Cum Get Some!
(Vancouver Or SE Portland xoxoxo)
💋 S.o S.e.X.y & S.w.E.e.T s.H.e C.a.N.t B.e B.e.A.t 💋 100.00 Special ALL NIGHT 💋 - 27
(Portland, Outcall Everywhere)
❌SPECIALS❌ Sweet & SEXY Girl Next Door 💖 Lovely Alaira 💖 UNFORGETTABLE Upscale COMPANION ❌SPECIALS!❌ - 27
★• [-:: SM0KiN' H0T Special -100- :: -] • ★• [- :: PETiTE BuBBLe BuTT :: -] Exotic / AmAziNG SkiLLz! - 22
(Portland, PDX **** I-205 - Incall)
sexy sweet bubbly treat 60$ incall 80$ outcall special - 22
(Portland, south east incall outcall everywhere)
**SPeCiALS**OUTCALLS ONLY•• The SWEeTeST TRE@T••★Kandi ★ Perfect Choice! - 25
(Portland, Portland and surrounding areas)
(( * SPECIALS * )) Call Me Now, I'm Wearing NOTHING!!! (( * AVAILABLE NOW * )) Reliable & Reviewed - 24
(Incall / Outcall)
*:{SNEAK} °o© {AWAY} °o© {&} °o© {COME} °o© {PLAY} * Your Chocolate Fantasy Very Open mined - 21
(Portland, incall / outcall)
😜SlimThick! 🍏Juicy Booty🍑 5🌟Experience Guaranteed, 💎KelliKash is Bck 🤑 😍 - 21
(llyod district/ Convention Center, Portland)
(Airport Incall ~ Outcall Too! ★)
SHES HERE ! Sexy Seductive F A N T A S Y 💋 Well Reviewed 100% Real! - 22
*~ Specials~* LET^^ME BE ^^ YOUR EARLY ^^ VALENTINE *~ Specials~* - 21
(Incall Only near Lloyd Center)
specials all night give me a call !!! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, city)
👑💕SilKy SofT Skiin 💕👸 Big JellO GigglY👋💋👀😚💋TiGht B🍑🍑Ty Jaw 😲Dr0ppInG 💦🌊 PrettY KittY - 23
(Portland, Vancouver, Washington)
SPECIALS 30 & 60 MINUTE SPECIALS* Sexy thick white girl available all day just for Y-O-U ❤ - 25
(Portland, Vancouver Incall/ Outcalls everywhere)
Sun 26 Jan
🔴🌏🔴360-984-3221🔴🔴🌏⭕🔴 🔴100% safe100% fresh clean🔴🔴🌏⭕🔴 🔴hot y young🔴 🔴🌏⭕🔴bodyslide🔴🔴🌏⭕🔴massage spa🔴🌏⭕🔴funnu
🔴🌏🔴360-787-7862 🔴🔴🌏⭕🔴 🔴100% safe100% fresh clean🔴🔴🌏⭕🔴 🔴hot y young🔴 🔴🌏⭕🔴bodyslide🔴🔴🌏⭕🔴massage spa🔴🌏⭕🔴funnu - 22
Mon 13 Jan
✖✖ P R E T T Y & P L A Y F U L ✖✖ ✖✖ S W E E T & C R E A M Y ✖✖ (Convention Center Incall) - 24
♥ ♥ ♥╠╣OT♥ Asian 5037659147♥ ╠╣0T♥ ♥TOP CHOICE ♥ Opening special ! ╠╣OT ♥ BEST INCALL Airport - 20
(airport hotel 1 on 1, Portland)
Sun 12 Jan
(( ★'PRFCT PL@¥M@T ¯` ° ★'DONT MI§§ OUT ¯` ° ★' (Lets Have FUN) - 22
(Portland, Tigard Incall/outcall)
💘Prettiest Lady In Town!! 💘 Vancouver Incall 💘 Blondes Are Better!! 💘 - 22
(Portland, Vancouver (Incall) 205)
☆ FrIdAy NiGhT SpEcIaLs BeAuTiFuL LaTiNa JLO BoOtY CaLL Me Im WaItInG ☆ - 20
(Portland, portland incall/outcall)
**_(( YOUNG )) **_ ((( HOTT )))_ **_((( INDIAN )))_ **_ (( SPINNER))) ** ((( SPECIALS )))_** - 20
(portland(82nd ave))
AVAILABLE NOW!!! ★AMAZiNG* ★•:BUSTY.•★•:.• SEXY •:.•★•:.•BLONDE •:.•★♛ *:•.;•: VISITING!! - 25
(Portland, Beaverton In/ Out)
Available NOW 😉can come lick you??? Call me 3609363345 (outcalls & incalls) - 22
(Portland, Vancouver & surrounding areas)
《《 AVAILABLE NOW 》》♥ ((New Jantzen Beach I/C)) ♥ Start You Week Off With A Bang ♥ - 25
(Portland, NEW INCALL @ Jantzen Beach Out calls Too)
♥ ((New Pix)) _____ G _ O _ R _ G _ E _ O _ U _ S _____((New Pix)) ♥ - 26
(Portland, Airport Incall)
♥ ♥ ♥ ( ••••• §—W—€—€—† ••••• L—!—K—€ ••••• H—0—N—€—¥ ••••• ) ♥ ♥ ♥ - 23
(*Incall & Outcall*, Portland)
WAYS to make you ...and keep u coming back *Extremely Busty* - 29
(Portland, portland, beaverton, gresham, vancouver)
(¯`· .*★* .·´¯) [×X×] SEXXY&BUSTY; BRUNETTE HOTTIE [×X×] (¯`·. *★* .·´¯) - 22
(PDX Incall / Outcall allover)