Wed 08 Jan
🌴 Private, discreet, aval.24/7 encounters 🌴 Q.V... 80 1/2hr. SPECIAL... - 35
(Portland, vancouver/pdx)
Elite Gorgeous Stunning Mouth Dropping Puerto Rican Has $99 Special ! Call (480)*298-1559 ****** - 22
(Portland, Portland And Surrounding Areas)
==== ♥ ==== 5-sTar SeRV!cE== ♥oOo* BLONDE oOoEROTICBaRBie DoLLXFactoR=I LuV2PLeaSe - 19
(portland incalls/outcalls)
•☆• Its my passion •☆• to give you PLEASURE •☆• 100 SPECIALS •☆• - 23
(Portland, se Incall / outcall)
WELL REVIEWED on TNA!Sexy, Clean,&Petite; Brunette Babe ○°•●(360)771-2179○OutCall Only All Night Long - 20
(Portland, out calls in pdx/couve all night)
GoRgEoUs BLonDe HoTTie! LEAVING SOON! ♥ TaLL, ToNeD, TaNNeD & ! ♥ PERFECT 10! - 21
(*PdX* *AiRpoRT* *InCaLL* *OuTcALL*)
100 IC Spclhr . new in town 100% real pics cute ebony bombshell70🌷incall outcalls available - 23 - 23
(Southeast Portland, Mall 205 . DISCREET AREA...)
"Upscale Fancy Barbie '"new arrival new in town - 20
(Portland, PDX & Vancouvr&&& surrounding locations)
💕🎀💋VeRy aDDicTiNg BLoNde SPiNNeR I Do eVeRyTHiNg sHe WoNT💕🎀💋 - 24
(Portland, 206👑578👑6283 Vancouver IN&OUT; Calls)
Like 2 Kiss💋 &Feel; Soft Touch 🙌U Can Only Find With 👓Mature💄 Woman👙Español 5o37six5☎4o57 - 47
(Ne portland, Portland)
Busty Sweet Brunette Available Incall Only - Specials 80/30 min; 140/hour UP LATE? *NEW PICS* - 44
(SE Portland,Happy Valley, Clackamas)
(¯`'+ ** I AM ** + '´¯) (¯`'+ ABSOLUTELY + '´¯) (¯`.¸+ A DREAM COME TRUE+ '´¯) - 21
♥♥ HoTTiE WiTh A PeRFeCT AsS! ♥♥ CrEaMy VaNiLLa SweeT TrEaT ♥♥ - 21
Tue 07 Jan
** Ultimate TEASER & PLEASER, Pure BLISS! ** 100 hh/180 h Special ** - 40
(Portland, Beaverton/SW Pdx/Sylvan/Hwy 26)
[ U= N= R= U= S= H= E= D= ] ★ K•!•N•k•Y• ★ EXoT!C• ★ C•u•T•!•E ★ chocolate treat outcall special 150 - 22
(Portland, out call every where)
**LATE NIGHT SPECIALS** 24/7 In & Out call $90 or $160 SPECIAL - 25
(Portland, Vancouver & Portland)
LeT mE tEaSe YoU pLeAsE yOu, and ShOw YoU wHaT ReAl MeN DeSeRvE...exotic AdDiCtIoN - 29
(Portland, Pdx, Gresham, surrounding areas)
Come have fun with Hawaiian hottie!!;)) Don't Forget To Ask About Te Mothers Day Specials - 19
(Portland, Vancouver Only)
$100 Special 100% REAL! Leaving Town Soon Hurry B4 I'm Gone!! - 25
(206🎀476🎀9988 OUTCALLS EVERYWHERE, Portland)
*•*• PeTiTe, Sexy & Curvy Woman & I'm Hot & Ready Waiting For You *•*• - 22
(Portland, Vancouver,PDX)
🌸 Hot 🌸Brunette 🌸Call 🌸 Now 🌸 *This Is My Last Day In Town* - 20
(Portland, Beaverton/Portland Area)
👑🎀RoYaL TReaTMeNT 💯% ReaL ELiTe CoMpaNioNsHiP🎀👑 - 24
(Portland, 206👑578👑6283 Vancouver IN&OUT; CALLS)
$*$*$** $TOCKING$ AREN'T THE ONLY THING HUNG - HAppY HOLIDAY$ **$ **$*$*$ - 48
(Portland, PDX, TIGARD, metro area)
☆☆● The Real Hot Blonde, Blue Eyed Barbie Bombshell :) :)QV SPECIAL 2NIGHT!!☆☆ - 28
(Portland, IN Beaverton/Hillsboro,Tigard,SWPortland)
24/7 In Calls Only Available Call Remy 323 602-8623 You Won't Be Disappointed ... - 25
(Northeast Portland, NE Portland)
You've seen my ads before now you must see me in person! NEW PICS SAME GREAT SERVICE!! - 33
(Portland, Lake Oswego/Tualatin/Private location)
💞🎀💞💘you⇖✘⇗ №➊ ReQUESTED ⇖✘⇗ 💞🎀💞💘✰ ✰ =EBONY BOMBSHELL pleaser⇖✘⇗💞🎀💞💘 ❌⭕❌⭕ H🔥O🔥T 💔 - 25
(Portland, pdx)
Visiting N°a°U°g°H°t°Y ? [[ BRITTANY ]] ? H°o°T°T°i°E ? BBW 38DDD THICK - 25
———— ———————— ———————— °•:¦:• BUSTY BLONDE •:¦:•° ——————— —————————— —————— - 21
(Portland, incall.....southeast)
(( *971.703.0819* )) (( * LETS BE BAD TOGETHER * )) (( * I-205 & Stark st Incall * )) - 27
60 specials {~'_ ((( VeRy ))) __ sWeEt __ (((( eRoTiC ))) __ giRL __ ((( sPeCiaLs ))) _ 60 - 20
(sandy blvd.)
Mon 06 Jan
WELL REVIEWED on TNA!Sexy, Clean,&Petite; Brunette Babe ○°•●(360)771-2179○OutCall Only All Night Long - 20
(Portland, out calls in pdx/couve all night)
*{{NEW PICS}} * Everything you WANT and then Some *Erotic* Busty*Reviewed - 39
(Portland, SE Portland)
♡•°Breath☆Taking• 💓CoEd💕ReadY💋2 PLAY 💘 CAUTION: suPer 💎sKilled💎📞Hit Me ⬆So I cAn Go⬇📞 - 25
_*U_N_L_ I_M _I_T_E_D*_ _*P_L_E_A_ S_U_R_E*_ - 29
(Portland, Discreet Outcall Selective Incall 24/7)
xXx PERFECT 10 Brunette Bombshell xXx Breathtaking Beauty xXx Let Me Blow Your Mind! xXx - 21
(Your Place or Mine Anytime ;))
xXx ThE RoSe CiTy's #1 HoTTeST BuNNy xXx BLonDe TaNNeD & ToNeD xXx ExPeRiEnCe ThE BeST!! xXx - 21
(Portland Upscale Incall/Outcall 2)
%% Nice Thick And Firm Sweet Busty 36 double f Playmate%%%%%%80 special outcal incall%%%%%%% - 23 - 23
(Portland, las vegas all areas)
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick, 40DD Sweet/HOT/ Very Fun/ Friendly - 420
💋 ADD some excitement to your Life💋... Busty blue-eyed classy Cruvy blonde!!!! - 34
(Out- call Portland Vancouver 5035633490, Portland)
xXx YoUr #1 HoTTeST CoLLeGe ScHoOLGiRL! xXx TaLL, ToNeD, & TaN! xXx GoRgEoUs BLonDE *10* xXx - 21
(Convention Center Upscale Incall)
Sun 05 Jan
* NeW Lucious playmate :) claSSy Young and gorgeous . !SpeCials!:) ready at your convenience ! - 20
(Portland, Ne Portland (incall))
GUESS WHO'S BACK FOR A SHORT ~V I S I T~ Who Said Dreams Don't Come True.... - 26
Visiting for a short time ♥♥ Sweet, Thick, Green Eyed Beauty - 37
(Portland, Portland / Vancouver In & Out calls)
♡•° TiGhT ☆PeTitE 💋 TrEaT👄 MOIST & EAGER ↩2 ↪PLAY 💘📞Hit Me ⬆So I cAn Go⬇📞 - 25
~ * ~ THiCk THiGhS & GrEEn EyEs * SoFT CuRVeS & DD's * In & OuT AvAiLaBLe 24/7 ~ * ~ - 21
(In - PDX / Out - Everywhere)
*!*!*!*!*!* Your SEXY All American DREAM GIRL Is Awaits You... *!*!*!*!*!* - 27
(Discreet Beaverton Incall)
❤ ▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ ℓimitεd Timε Only ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ Upscαℓε ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ H•O•T•❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ Barbie ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ⓈⓀⒾⓁⓁⒺⒹ - 33
(Portland, Portland Couve Castle Rock)
Jaw Dropping Mouth Watering Puerto Rican Model Has $99 Special ! Call (480)298$1559 ****** - 22
(Portland, Portland And Surrounding Areas)