Thu 09 Jan
Run Your Own Highly Profitable Adult Photography and Adult Video Modeling Studio - 42
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
LOOK *¨¨*-:¦:* ELITE -:¦:-* InToXxXiCaTiNg *-:¦:-* UPSCALE BRUNETTE BEAUTY*¨¨* - 21
(Your Place or Mine ;))
Yoga? Chakras? Hawaii? Manifesting Abundance While making people HAPPY and having ADVENTURES!?!?! - 28
(Portland, PDX)
*¨ ✿ ¨* TRAVELING MENS *¨ ✿ ¨* ULTIMATE *¨ ✿ ¨* SECRET *¨ ✿ ¨* - 25
(Portland, outcalls only!)
*~*~* ___ Truely Gorgeous From Head 2 Toe ___ *~*~* ___ Sexy Brunette Bombshell __ *~*~* - 21
(My Place or Yours ;))
I'M NAUGHTY & NICE @J U S T the R I G H T P R I C E!!! 38 kkk all natural!!!! - 23
(Airport incall off 205outcalls anywhere)
Wed 08 Jan
💚💙💚💙 Upscale companion BombShell 💣💣💣Just visiting💣💣💣 Beautiful Busty Brunette Babe💎💎💎 with class - 22
(In & out/ask about my 2girl shows, Portland)
♛✰ Ebony Babe ✰†Hå† L€åV€'§ U Wi†h A §mil€• Speciallls Bedtime incall 135- 22 - 22
(Portland, portland,oregon vancouver,washington)
Exotic And Super Sexxy Hedonist *AVAILABLE NOW*G_E_n_T_ L_e _ M_e_N_s_ *# ? _ C__h__O__i__ C_ e - 26
(Portland, PDX/Surrounding Areas IC/OC)
Come Endulge In The Taste Of Asia- Varities Is The Spice Of Life :=) Here Till 7/25th - 26
(Lloyd area & Pdx Airport)
?hOw dO yOu wAnt mE? !freaK frEaK fREAk! *Any wAy yOu Like* $100Hhr - 26
(Portland, Portland incalls/outcalls)
Tue 07 Jan
~*~ _ CAUTION!!!.... ____ S_ L _ i _p _ p _ E _ r _Y ~* When *~ ____ W { e } ...... _t_ ~*~ - 25
I'M NAUGHTY & NICE @J U S T the R I G H T P R I C E!!! don't miss out! - 23
(SE Incall off 205/outcalls anywhere)
*¨¨*-:¦:* ELITE -:¦:-* InToXxXiCaTiNg *-:¦:-* UPSCALE HOTTIE*¨¨* Beauty & Skills Unmatched!! - 21
(Portland Incalls/Outcalls)
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe (UP aLL NiTe BriGht BLUE EyEd BurNeTtE (OUTCALLS)♥cc accepted♥ !!!!! - 27
💋💕 #1 Body Rubdowns 💋💕 Sensual Relaxation 💋💕 BOMBSHELL!!!! 💋💕 Busty Bikini Pinup 💋💕 - 29
(Portland, Southeast area, In/call- hotel out/calls)
•*¨ ✿ ¨*• TRAVELING? •*¨ ✿ ¨*• 100% REAL •*¨ ✿ ¨*• PHOTOS •* Dont BE ALONE - 25
(Portland, outcalls to pdx and surrounding cities)
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe blue eyed BurNeTtE CAUTION HiGhLy ADDICTING! TRAVELING men OnLy!!!! - 27
(Portland, outcalls everywhere)
°o*o° PERFECT 10 BRUNETTE HOTTIE °o*o° Ultimate Sex Kitten °o*o° ALL AMERICAN DREAMGIRL - 21
(PDX Incalls & Outcalls)
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe (UP aLL NiTe BriGht BLUE EyEd BurNeTtE (TRAVELING MEN)2 girl specals - 27
Mon 06 Jan
xXx nAuGhTiEsT bRuNeTtE bUnNy xXx FLAWLESS xXx tOp sHeLf pLaYmAtE xXx - 21
(Portland Upscale Incall, Outcalls Too!)
xXx Portland's Premier Playmate! xXx Leaving Soon! xXx - 21
(Upscale Downtown Incall & Outcalls Too!)
xXx Sexy College Girl ~ Sophisticated Beauty! xXx The Lil Brunette Hottie of Your Dreams!! xXx - 21
(Portland Incalls/Outcalls)
NEW PICS!! > Slender Blonde, Long Legs & A Perfect Ass ~ALL WRAPPED UP IN LINGERE & HEELS!~ - 21
(Portland & Surroundings Incall/Outcall)
☆ ¨*:Bosnian BOMBSHELL ❤'s OLDER men! Let's go to Victoria Secret!:* ☆ - 23
(Portland, SE Portland/Gresham)
☆ ¨*:Will you be my (sugar) daddy? Bosnian BOMBSHELL ❤'s OLDER men!:* ☆ - 23
(Portland, SE Portland/Gresham)
*¨ ✿ ¨* TRAVELING MENS *¨ ✿ ¨* ULTIMATE *¨ ✿ ¨* SECRET *¨ ✿ ¨* - 25
(Portland, outcalls to pdx and surrounding cities)
»»»»»» ~*STuNNinG PeRFeCT 10*~ * ~*TiGhT BoDy, BLonDe HaiR, SiLkY LoNg LeGs!*~ «««««« - 21
(Convenient PDX Incall, Outcall 2)
xXx PERFECT 10 Brunette Bombshell xXx Breathtaking Beauty xXx Let Me Blow Your Mind! xXx - 21
(Your Place or Mine Anytime ;))
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe ( UP aLL NiTe ) BriGht BLUE EyEd BurNeTtE CAUTION HiGhLy ADDICTING! - 27
Sun 05 Jan
xXx COLLEGE CO-ED HOTTIE! xXx Legs 4 Days! PERFECT Ass! Slender & Sexy xXx 100% REAL xXx - 21
(Downtown PDX Upscale Incall, Outcalls 2!)
*¨ ✿ ¨* TRAVELING MENS *¨ ✿ ¨* ULTIMATE *¨ ✿ ¨* SECRET *¨ ✿ ¨* - 25
(Portland, outcalls only!)
☆ ¨*:•Bosnian BOMBSHELL ❤'s OLDER men! $eeks Long-Term Arrangment•:*• ☆ - 25
(Portland, SE Portland/Gresham)
xXx PERFECT 10 Brunette Bombshell xXx Breathtaking Beauty xXx Let Me Blow Your Mind! xXx - 21
(Your Place or Mine Anytime ;))
Sat 04 Jan
xXx COLLEGE CO-ED HOTTIE!! xXx Legs 4 Days! PERFECT Ass!! Slender & Sexy xXx 100% REAL xXx - 21
(PDX Upscale Incall Available & Outcall)
xXx COLLEGE CO-ED HOTTIE! xXx Legs 4 Days! PERFECT Ass!! Slender & Sexy xXx 100% REAL xXx - 21
(Your Place Or Mine! ;))
* *:.♥ ;:*¨¨*: : WiiLL LeAVE YOU SPEeCHLeSS :*¨¨*:. ♥:*latina - 23
(Portland, portland incalls/outcalls)
xXx Tasty Vanilla Latte Perfect For Your Sweet Tooth! xXx Sexy, Young & Classy Brunette xXx - 21
(Portland Incall/Outcall)
xXx ___ Your Dream HOTTIE! ___ xXx ___ Sexy Body & Gorgeous Face! Beauty & Class ___ xXx - 21
(My Place or Yours 24/7!)
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe ( UP aLL NiTe ) BriGht BLUE EyEd BurNeTtE((( TRAVELING MEN ONLY))) - 27
Now Visting Sexy Mixed Vixen Ready to make your day Dont miss Out!Hot Speicals - 23
(Portland, vancover/beverton/portland up all night)
xXx ___ Your Dream HOTTIE! ___ xXx ___ Sexy Body & Gorgeous Face! Beauty & Class ___ xXx - 21
(My Place or Yours 24/7!)
Fri 03 Jan
🎀💕🎀YoU HAvEN'T HaD 💖ThE BeST 💖UnTIL U HAvE Me🎀💕🎀100 hhr - 26
(Portland, Pdx incalls/outcalls surrounding areas)
xXx Mouth Watering Blonde Beauty xXx Girl-Next-Door Gone WILD! xXx 5 Star Hottie! - 21
(Incall SW Portland, Outcall Too!)
_____♡ Bikini-Beauty ♦️ Sexy ♦️ Busty ♥︎ 38DDD ♥︎ Sensual ♦️ Relaxation ♡ Heavenly Full Body Touch 💋_____ - 30
(Portland, Southeast area, In/call- hotel out/calls)
•*¨ ✿ ¨*• TRAVELING? •*¨ ✿ ¨*• 100% REAL •*¨ ✿ ¨*• PHOTOS •*¨ ✿ ¨* - 25
(Portland, outcalls to pdx and surrounding cities)
*~*~* ___ Truely Gorgeous From Head 2 Toe ___ *~*~* ___ Sexy Brunette Bombshell __ *~*~* - 21
(My Place or Yours ;))
SwEEt TaNtAlIzIng and SeDuCtiVe (UP aLL NiTe BriGht BLUE EyEd BurNeTtE (OUTCALLS)♥cc accepted♥ !!!!! - 27
xXx BrUnEttE BoMbShEll ~ PeRfEcT 10! xXx FRESH, TIGHT & WET xXx - 21
(Downtown Upscale Incall, Outcalls Too!)
xXx CrEaMy VaNiLLa SweeT TrEaT xXx TASTY BLONDE BUNNY xXx PeRFeCT 4 YoUr SweeT TooTh!! xXx - 21
(Convention Center Upscale Incall)
Thu 02 Jan