Mon 27 Jan
❤️❤️🔥🔥 So SEXY I'm in FIRE!! 💎💎 KOREAN import Model 💎💎 Brunette 💟 ASIAN 🔥🔥❤️❤️ - 26
(Portland, in call/outcall- Vancouver/portland)
________ ° ♥ ° SM¤KIN H¤T ° ♥ ° _________ Available All day 80 Incall Special - 22
(Incall/Outcall POrtland Area Only)
{{{{{ ***** Smokin Hot Brunette Bombshell... Only A Phone Call Away ***** }}}}}} - 27
(Discreet Beaverton Incall)
•• SM0KiNG •• [ H0T ! BL0NDE - BARBiE! ] == > PETiTE < == InCall & OutCall! * 1OO Special - 20
(Portland, Airport InCall & OutCall Anywere)
((Simply Amazing))** ((Highly Addictive)) ** LETS HAVE SOME FUN!! no strings attached =) - 19
(Portland, pdx)
————— ———————————— • .★ • SHE GOT a bigBooty so I call her big BOOTY• .★. • ———————————— - 24
(Portland, vancouver/ portland)
Short haired beauty**HIGHLY ADDICTIVE** Highly Reviewed & Real Pics(SE PORTLAND) - 37
(SE Portland/Downtown)
----share some PASSIONATE time with a petite busty blonde------100% REAL pics - 23
(OUTCALLS only (I'm in Vancouver), Portland)
Spring Is In The Air... So Are My Legs !!! 120 HH 160 FH 300 4H Specials!! out & in! - 24
(Portland, Vancouver incall)
.💋 ♡☆start your weekend out right☆♡with a treat 💋I'm waiting for you. incall..available now.💋 - 30
(Portland, happy valley)
SPECIALS Vancouver IC!! ✩ ✫ ✮ New Pictures!! Come On Over & Lets Play ✩ ✫ ✮ SPECIALS - 21
(Portland, Private Vancouver Incall (100spcl))
Specials NA*UG*H*TY NEVER LOOKED THIS N*I*C*E ;) come spank me Lets Do it the Naughy Way sundys best - 21
(Portland, incall / outcall)
💖💖💖💎💎💄💄💄 SPECIALS💄💄💄💎💎💖💖💖 Come Indulge In My Sweetness 💖Your Fantasy Girls BACK
(Medford, medford/surrounding areas)
❤💋SPECIALS!!!!💋❤ 💎Beautiful Ebony Queen💎 💋💋Sexy & sweet💋💋 - 22
(Portland, mill plain & 205 private incall)
Specializing in Late Nights and Early Mornings - 30
(Portland, portland/vancouver & surrounding cities)
☆☆💋Soft💋 Lips! 💋☆☆45 min100 spec TNA Reviewed! Mature SexyJEWELZ 503💜214💗o68oEspañol - 43
(ne portland airport area, Portland)
*** Soft Touch*** **~Pretty Face~** ***relaxing body rub for you *** - 50
(Vancouver, Vancouver/Hazeldell)
😍😍Something new! 👄Mesmerizing🙋🏼 & 👅Unforgettable Exotic babe - 23
(Pdx airport in call out call, Portland)
** SneaK **** aWaY **** Come **** pLaY ** **** - 25
(Portland, Sw Portland/Beaverton)
~~~~Smokin' Hot, Busty Blonde With Dangerous Curves! 38kkk ALL NATURAL - 24
(Portland, Inside me Sweetvanillacream... beaverton)
█————————— SMOKING HOT ————————— BLONDE ———————— BEAUTY —————————— █ - 20
(Portland, Lake Oswego In/Out)
Smokin Hot Girl Next Door ---------- >>>> LOVELY ALAIRA is BACK!!!! - 25
(Beaverton, Beaverton/Tigard/Lake Oswego)
Smokin ¤¤ HOtt ¥¥€ BruNNETte , LeT'§ MAKeOuT, let's. Keep eaChother WArm Incall/Outcall 24/7 - 28
SmOkEiN HOT BeAuTy [100% Real] BoMbShell Vixxen. «[STuNniNG]» TopNotch Playmate - 21
(Portland, PDX)
Sizzlin' Seductress - Sexy Little Lisa (503) 200-8538 - 35
(Portland, portland or. Your bed or mine)
❤❤ Silky Soothing Touch ❤❤ 38 DDD's Body Bliss ❤❤ SEXY Gorgeous ✿ BIKINI Model ✿ Body RUB - 32
(Portland, Upscale se Incall & Hotel Outcall)
*~* SiMpLY *~* ADDiCTiVE * BLuE EyE'S *~*~* CoMe GeT LiFtED WiT MaRY JaYnE - 30
(Portland, New Delux Jacuzzi Suite Conv Center I-5)
Simply Amazing... Smoking Body ... Blonde Hottie. - 21
(Portland, Portland vancouver jantzen i5 out and in)
•. ★.•:*¨¨* SIMPLY *¨¨*:•. ★.•:*¨¨* IRRESISTIBLE *¨¨*:•. ★.•:*¨¨* EBONY *¨¨*:•. ★.•:*¨ BARBIE - 22
(Portland, Incall: Sunnyside rd exit 205 area)
💋 👑SIMPLY THE BEST **-*B R E A T H T A K I N G _ ௵ _ F A N T A S Y 👑💋100$ SPECAILS - 20
(Portland, In call only)
*~*SINFUL SEDUCTION*~*Let Me Seduce You *~*Sexy Blonde*~* *~* Call Me NOW for SPECIALS - 23
(Portland, Metro Portland)
shhh- Black Hot Ebony *__ waiting to please _$100 §pecial * R A D Y T O P L A Y //BRE 503-267+5326 - 25
(Portland, PDX)
Spicy LATINA is back and available all night. Sexy & Seductive waiting on you ❤️❤️❤️❤️ - 19
(Portland, Beaverton Incalls, Tigard, PDX, OUTCALLS)
Specials ★•°° (Y_O_U_R) °°•#1★•°° (S_E_C_R_E_T - 22
(Portland, Airport incall $100hh valintine special)
Specials!!♥X♥O♥X The ULTIMATE PLAYMATE... HOTnSEXY ♥WILD Ѯ Classy low specials - 22
(Southeast Portland, Portland / mall 205)
•••••••••••• █ ►{{ SPECIALS }} Hablo Espanol! [[ BUSTY LATINA]]◄ █ ••••••••• - 22
(Portland, PDX AIRPORT INCALL only!)
SPECiALS •°o YouR Gonna ❤ wHat i Do •°o NoØNE WiLL Do U LikE ME •°o SPECiALS - 20
(Portland, MiNE or YOURS ❤ I WANT U)
Specials ~Specials ~Specials ~100hour ~80half ~60 ~Specials ~Specials ~Specials - 20
(SE Portland incall....)
specials all night give me a call !!! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, anywhere you want me!)
🌺SPECIALS ALL WEEK.. Damsel in distress needs a HERO to help her out ☀☀Summer Ray☀☀ Incall only. - 27
(Portland, Vancouver WA)