Mon 27 Jan
★【STOP SCROLLING】★ 【Sandy Blvd InCall OutCall 2】★ 【NOT a CLoCkWatChInG 】★ call/Text 208.991.2513 - 25
(Portland, I-205 & Sandy blvd OutCals 2)
Summer should be fun!! I am all kinds of FUN!! Available Now! BBW INCALL **100** - 47
(Oregon Coast, Portland, North Vancouver)
Super Gorgeous hot chic ♛ Read to moan all alone♛Waiting in my home♛ 4 U - 35
(Portland, SW Portland)
★ --- ((SP¢iA£S)) 1OO% RA£ & RViWD --- ((A$iAN PA¢H )) --- ★ - 21
❤▓❤ Silky Soothing Touch ❤▓❤ Body Bliss ❤▓❤ SUPER BUSTY ❤▓❤ - 31
(Portland, se In-call & Hotel Out-call Avail.)
Short haired beauty**HIGHLY ADDICTIVE** Highly Reviewed & Real Pics(SE PORTLAND) - 37
(SE Portland/Downtown)
💖💖💖💎💎💄💄💄 SPECIALS💄💄💄💎💎💖💖💖 Come Indulge In My Sweetness 💖Your Fantasy Girls BACK
(Medford, medford/surrounding areas)
Sun 12 Jan
80/30minz let My sl0w ⓢⓣⓡⓞⓚⓔ & TiGHT ⓖⓡⓘⓟ BRING OUT THE B3ST IN YOU. SW33T AS PIE ★ D0WN 2 EARTH - 32
(Portland, PDX Mall 205)
★ · M_A_D_E __ o° _ F_O_R_ °o° _Y_O_U_R_ °o° _P_L_E_A _ S_U_R_E! Exotic Blk/Asian Mix ★ - 21
(Portland, vancouver)
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ___100% Real ___ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ __Curvy & Sexy___ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ___Specials___ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 21
(Portland, Sw Portland incall / Lake Oswego)
█ ◤◢◤◢◤✦◢◤◢◤◢ █—— ★ULTIMATE ★ 36DDD ★ 100 ★ special ★ BlOnDe ★BeauTy ★——█ ◤◢◤◢◤✦◢◤◢◤◢ █ - 28
(Portland, VANCOUVER INCALL near mall)
▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.•* !! I LuV 2 PLaY!! *•.❤* ░ ▒ ▓ ! ▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.• !!OuTCaLL SPeCiaLS!! *•.❤* ░ ▒ ▓ - 19
(Portland, $$160 OuTCaLL SpeCiaLS)
Sat 11 Jan
UP LATE TONIGHT! Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes: Pretty BBW with Stellar TNA Rep...Incall/Outcall - 30
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
Curvy, Blonde °♥° * °ϖ - Angelika - *** BEAVERTON SpeCiaLS - Discreet Pleasures... - 32
Annie - insatiable desire, vibrant, down to earth sensuality, wild& creative. Upscale 200/140. - 27
(Inner NW, Goose Hollow. Incall., Portland)
Private Incall!! * Experience Portland's Elite * Jessica's Touch Will Let Out All Your Stress!! - 28
(Portland, clackamas town center / outcall to Hotel)
Incall Specials ToDay Only!! Hot Pic's inside Take a Peek!! Sexy French Bruenette~ NeW GiRl - 25
$1OO NEW ★ LOCATiON ☆ $8O ♥ GreaT DeaLs ★ LoW RaTeS ☆★ Im Up Call Me!! ●○• $80 $100 - 22
(Southeast Portland, Portland)
♡♡N3W PICS♡♡✦❈✦C U R V A C E O U S✦❈✦♛ Q U E E N♛✵✵ HIGHLY R a ted ✵✵✔ Exotic PACKAGE - 24
(Portland, Beaverton,troutdale,gresham,vancouver)
VOTE me for President! ♡BBW♡ I am all about wanting you!! My ass is WORTHY!! - 47
(Portland, Vancouver)
(Portland, GRESHAM INCALL SPECIAL 7oQ -9oH- 15oHR)
(((Gorgeous elegant brunette for private erotic encounters~NEW PHOTOS!!!)))!!!! - 37
(Portland, Private Cozy Incall/Ne.Portland)
⎯ ....... . . . . . $80 incall special today!! .... . . . . ....... . . . - 33
(Portland, lake oswego tualatin (Bridgeport village)
§~§°·ฯ DAKOTA §~§° 🌴🌺🌷 Red head Sensation ⚠ CAUTION ADDICTIVE ⚠ ☀☀☀☀ - 20
(Portland, Vancouver_Portland)
((( ¥UMM¥ Y C@ND¥ ))) ((( K.¡.§.§.A.B.L. CUTiE ))) ((( xCLu§iv CARAML BauTy)))INCALL SPECIALS - 18
(Portland, Portland INCALL & OUTCALL)
▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.•* L✪ ✪K *•.❤* ░ ▒ ▓ ♥•♥ •♥• BL0nDe ★ SEXY•♥•♥ •♥ ▓ ▒ ░ huge TITS * ❤.•* 80 special - 28
(Portland, Incall tigard beaverton)
Fri 10 Jan
♥ ♥ ♥ Life Is Like a Box of Crayons ~ Color me Red! ♥ ♥ ♥ - 45
(Portland, Vancouver/I-205/Mill Plain)
@@**$$** Come Step Into My Pleasure World For All Your Needs **$$**@@ - 47
(Portland, PDX in & out // Bvrtn i/c)
$100 ____________ * °*° __ G _ O _ R _ G _ E _ O _ U _ S __ * °*° __________ $100 - 19
(Incall Downtown Portland & Outcall)
Passionate & Sensuous... with a smile & 120special - 37
(Portland, Janzen Beach Incall& Outcall Port/Vanc)
♥ My Natural 38EEE R Guaranteed 2 Leave U Weak At The Knees! ♥ 75 Sunday Nite $pecial - 26
(Portland, Outcall/Incall)
💦 LLOYD CENTER AREA INCAL! 💋 Available Now 💯 Call me😋 💥 100 Real Pics 🚺 NEw UNRUSHED Visit 💦 - 21
(Portland, Vancouver, Beaverton, Milwaukie, Tiger,)
:☠: [ DROP ] :☠: [ DEAD ] :☠: [ GORGEOUS ] :☠: [BOMBSHELL] - 23
(My Secret Oasis Off i205 s.e)
. Baby.... Come An Get it You Can Have It... Special 75 h in call only - 20
(Portland, portland/gresham/troudale)
★ •====• ★ •NEW TO TOWN• ★ •=TOP RATED==• ★• ==100% REAL==• ★ •=SEXY & CLASSY=• ★ • =EXOTIC= • ★ - 20
100 SpEcIal...ExOt!c CuT!e B()()Ty ♥SuPeR FrEaky UlTiMaTe PlEaSeR ♥ - 23
★( C*u*M TaSTe OuR CaNDy!! )★ ( $100 DuO SpeCiaLs Til 12! ;) ★ ( SuP€r » K¡Nk¥ GiRL On GiRL) ★ - 20
(Portland, My House/ Se Portland)
U p s c a l e --- c a r a m e l B A R B I E --- ready 2 please !!! - 21
(Downtown Portland, Downtown pdx -- sw pdx)
Thu 09 Jan
▃▅▆:★:♚Uρscαℓε PERFECT ➓ European Pℓαγmαtε •°• ☆•°• BoOtY LoVeRs №➊ ChOiCe♚:★:▆▅▃ - 24
(Portland, ★AirPort InCall Baby★)
💋🔥 VANCOUVER IC⭐️⭐️ ur F A V O R I T E R3DH3AD S P I N N E R💋 Ready for a TOUCHDOWN? ❤️😻 - 23
✨💫One of a kind treat, don't miss this duo special, highly recommended Brittany Luv💫✨ - 23
Pdx in outcall anywhere 💋 ❌❌❌ ❤️ 💨S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N HOTT❌❌❌ rated FUN - 24
(Outcalls everywhere Beaverton incall, Portland)
°o*o° The Beauty You Desire With The Skills You Require °o*o° PERFECT 10! 100% Real Pics °o*o° - 21
(((( All Brand New Pics )))) ¤ (((( Luscious Toned Curves )))) - 30
(Portland, Incall by PDX ¤ Outcall to All Areas)
♥♡♥★✅ ✅ #1 SMokiNG HoT _____ Pℓαγmαtε ♥ ReaDy 2 PleaSe ♥♡♥♡★✅ ✅ Top Notch Service! - 25
(Portland, Beaverton in/oc 2______ Bend M* Ove* NOW)
The Tightest,Tastiest🐱 You've Ever Had 👑💋Available NOW 24/7💋$100/hh Spcl - 22
(Near PDX Airport, Portland)
((((* ThIs HoTt ChOcOlAtE mElTs In YoUr MoUtH...nOt In YoUr HaNdS*)))) - 24
👑👑👑👑👑👑European Princess👑👑👑👑👑👑👑IM BACKKK in town👑👑👑👑Reviewed & Expirenced👑👑👑👑👑👑👑 naughty girl Kris👑👑👑 - 23
(Incall Vancouver 205, Portland)
♡¤¤¤{{♡24yr 《White》 ****SPANISH SPEAKING***** Tall* SEXY* beauty*♡♡♡♡ - 24
(Portland, Portland Oregon Airport Area)
!*VISITing POrTLAND!! * 75 rose special * The.Best breast in the NW*! - 21
(Portland, dwn twn Portland i.c)
((.. Delta Park INCALL ..)) $100 ____ ((.._I__DO__ IT ___ ALL ____ HOT___ NEW _.)) 100 - 19
(Portland, Delta Park Incall)
✄ CuT OuT tHe REST!!! You deserve the BEST!!! ____ 5'4" Red Hair 34C-25-35 __ - 28
(Portland, Vancouver mall incall)
HOT▃ 💄💞🍓 ▃🌺🍀 -Porn Star Averi Brooks Hosting Downtown Portland incall🍀🌺▃ 🍒🌴🌺 ▃ - 19
(downtown Portland Incall, Portland)
Wed 08 Jan