Sat 04 Jan
It's your Lucky Day 2 play with me Van incall / Portland in call - 33
(Portland, Vancouver incall / out call pdx surround)
I'm Skyler💋 TNA's NevadaSky 💕Let's get 💦Tonight! Incall by pdx💓TeXt ME 501-7SQUIRT (501)777-8478 - 26
★ {{ EXOTIC }} * {{ PETITE }} * {{ ASIAN }} * {{ MIX }} * {{ PLAYMATE }} ★ - 25
(Portland, Lloyd Center Incall)
ESexy Seductive 4'11 Petite Latina Ready To RELAX You In Every Way . SPECIALS 60 Roses - 23
💋💋Busty Exotic natural 48 DDD'S ((GODDESS))!! Available Now 100fh ENDING SOON Beaverton ♡ - 24
(Portland, sw Portland/Beaverton off 217 n hwy 26)
★•BUSTY • ★☆— T..E..R.. ReViEWeD •☆—(✰ SMoKIN' HoT BoMBSHeLL✰))—★☆ •5-STAR• ★1@@ InCaLL SPECIALS!! - 22
(Portland, Portland Outcall SPeCiaLS ! 1@@hh 1@@hh)
c a r a m e l B A R B I E xoxo 💋 a v a i l a b l e. Now !! ----- t o p Q U A L I T Y 💋 INCALL - 21
(Downtown Portland, lloyd district)
__ _ _ ___ _C_L_A_ S_S_Y____E_ X_O_T_i_ C_____B_E_ A_U _T_Y_ _ ____ hott Girl ... Great Service - 23
c a r a m e l D E L I G H T √Sw€€t & Sticky √√@ v @ i @ b l e• IN|Outcall Specials Specials • - 21
(Portland, In/Outcall Special Pdx , Vancouver)
•☆BooB LuVERS wELC*um~SeXi~ Blue EyEd36DdD BLONDE CuTiE •☆•100 hH mONdAy SPECAILs DUOS - 25
(Portland, Your place, I c*um to you : ))
••B•R•A•N•D••N •E • W••★█▒█ ☆†Õ€ CUrL¡NG ☆H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL €Ð ☆█▒█ ★••B• R• A•N•D••N•E•W•• - 19
(Portland, ☆Upscale Lloyd Center Incall Only☆)
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick, mature/HOT/ Very Fun/ Friendly - 420 - 42
•☆BooB LuVERS wELC*um~SeXi~ Blue EyEd36DdD BLONDE CuTiE •☆•100 hH fri duO SPECAILs - 25
(Portland, My place or yours)
✪ BLONDE LOVERS #1 PICK!! ✪ Sweet 'N' Petite ♡☆♡ SpEciALs!! ✆ Call Now! ✆ - 21
(Portland, INCALL.....................100$$$$$$)
• • • •_ $80 _ incalls _ Tonight!_• • • • _______ __________ ___(by Bridgeport Village) ___________ - 33
(Portland, tualatin lake oswego tigard)
****^^^^**** $80$ SEXXY Fun AMAZING And READY Come PLAY $80$ ****^^^^**** - 23
(Portland and surrounding areas)
❤❤❤70hhr Specials💍 G▒O▒R▒G▒E▒O▒U▒S ► ßUSTY 48 DDD❤❤❤❤ MIXXED (( GODDESS)) Available Now! !!!!! - 25
(Portland, BEAVERTON/SW PDX/HWY26 & 217(( INCALL)))
: . * : :*: A_ b _ O _ v_E __ &. __ B._e_.Y_o_N_d __T_h_E __ R_e_S_t_ : * : .:*.. - - 22
2 Blonde BOoTy GIRLS 160 duo SPECIAL YUMMY N Juicy BOOTY ~ Classy N Curvy & 2 MUCH FUN - 23
503-891-8687 Kami 24/7 incall/outcall always never disapointed clientel - 31
(Portland, portland and surrounding areas)
* 60 * White * * Right * Ready * * NO Drama * NO LE * CLICK ME * CLICK ME * CLICK ME * - 22
(Portland, incall/outcall anywhere)
💋💘 Big BOOTY lovers DREAM💘💋 👑Ebony goddess👑100%real 🐞incall&outcall;•24/7 - 20
(Portland, all over pdx)
*Wet Tight Spinner MychelleYoung* Available All Day&Night;!! So Come Play With Me Im Waiting 4 U..! - 21
(Airport/NE portland incall-outcall)
♡☆♡ Your best kept secret ♡☆♡ New excitement in town!!!! :) Exotic Pleasure♡☆♡~ Late Night Special ~ - 22
(Portland, Vancouver/ Portland)
[ ❤ _____________ YOUR ______ [D R E A M → GiRL] __________ SPeCiaLs ❤] - 23
(My Place/S.E Off I205)
💥 💥⭐️🔥Your Dream Girl🔥⭐️💖✨ Blonde Princess 👑💞💋 💯% Real 🌟CALL NOW✨🔥😘 - 21
(Portland, (Incall)..... Hillsboro)
You could give me a pearl necklace for Valentine's and show me some ♡♡♡ BBW baby I am the one ! - 46
(Portland, Vancouver Incall)
(¯`'.¸ -:-X♥X__ (($80)) ___ SPECIALS___ SEXY___ PROVIDER__ X♥X-:- ¸.'´¯) - 21
Would you cuddle with just anyone? How about me? ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ BIG GIRLZ ROCK♡ - 46
(Portland, Vancouver Incall)
(*)(*) Your Desire, Dreams, and Wishes ** Sexy, Ebony, & Sweet (*)(*) - 22
(Portland, Portland (In/Out Call))
»» YouR #1 ChOicE «« __ * SEXxXY__ * __YOuNG __ * __ BLoNDe * Slender, Long Legs & A Perfect Ass - 21
(Incall: Portland Convention Center)
Take a Look at These Natural 38EEE! ___ Guaranteed To Please!! ____ 75 Sunday Funday $PECIAL! - 26
(Portland, Outcall/Incall)
____* * * * T H E »- (¯`❈´¯) -» T O T A L »- (¯`❈´¯) -» P A C K A G E * * *________ - 24
(Portland, Portland-AirportPDX/Vancouver)
Fri 03 Jan
Still Here☆ØN€ dا€ yØu'LL b€ HØØk€D [B€§† CH♥iC€] •GØRG€ØU§ B¡G BØØTY V¡X€N☆ - 22
(Eugene, Springfield In / Out)
💫💫💖Treat yourself to something SWEET&SEXY;💖💫💫 Your cuban Caramel goddess✨ask about SPECIALS✨ - 25
(Portland, Incall)
YoU KnOw YoU hAd A lOnG dAy At WoRk.. LeT tHe DeAl BrEaKeR CoMe To YoU !! - 23
(Portland, portland incall)
.:*♛*:. You deserve the ROYAL treatment .:*♛*:. Beaverton -Tanasbourne - 37
(Beaverton - Hwy 26/185th)
WELL REVIEWED_____* SeXXXy * ------ * JUICY BOOTY* ----- * NymphO * ----- *{{I'M BACK }}* - 23
VISITING... Ultimate PLAYMATE 4"11 Puertorican Blend Here For You - 23
(Portland, Airport/ OUTCALLS all areas)
Would you cuddle with just anyone? How about me? ♡ BIG GIRLZ ROCK♡ Pretty in Pink New PICS! - 47
(Portland, Vancouver Incall)
WAYS to make you ...and keep u coming back *Extremely Busty* - 29
(Portland, portland, beaverton, gresham, vancouver)
(¯`'.¸ -:-X♥X__ (($100)) ___ SPECIALS___ ALL___ NIGHT-:-LONG__ X♥X-:- ¸.'´¯) - 21
* Visiting * Sexy Thick Brunette Ready To Play * Incall And Outcalls * $100 incall * - 24
(Gresham/ Portland)
WETTT, TIGHT _&_ YUMmmMmY __ KiTTy __* SouThEasT InCaLL *____ $7O, $1OO, $18O
(SouthEast InCall SpeciaLs)
~~ Visiting Princess Only For Short Time *~~ Specials All Day ~~ - 29
(Incall Portland/ Outcall within 45miles)
♥ VoLuPTuouS ViXXXeN! ♥ My NaTuRaL 38EE R GuaRaNTeeD To PLeaSe! ♥ 75 $PeCiaL ♥ CaLL Me Day oR NiTe - 29
(Incall SE Foster & Outcall Metro, Portland)
xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxo - 20
(Portland, pdx in & out)
👉👉👉👉👉 New Mixed Beauty 👈👈👈👈👈 Limited Time Only ⭐ Filipina and Thai Cutie - 22
(Portland, Incall/outcall)
NEW GIRL to play with ==New affordable rates= Exotic Green Eyed Native/Asian Mix== REVIEWED - 24
(Portland, cedar hills sw beaverton INCALL ONLY)
~*~*~*~*~* NEW PIX ~**~Incall SPECIAL's as low as 60 ~**~ 24/7 ~*~*~* - 19
(Portland, off I-5/ Marine dr)
NEW PIC'S!!! I Like BeInG NiCE ...but I LOVE BeiNg NAUGHTY!!!!! LATE NYT SpeCiaLS!!! - 99
(Portland, warm be)