Mon 27 Jan
••••• S E X Y -:¦:- B U S T Y -:¦:- N•A•U•G•H•T•Y -:¦:- HoTTiE •••••••• - 22
(Portland, sw beaverton/tv highway)
*~ Rose Rachel~ daytime incall Mature and Sensuous *100 SPECIALS* ~ * - 58
(Parkrose Incall, Portland)
! @ ! SeDucTivE ! GorGeouS ! MoDel ! @ll * NiTe ! IC/OC ! SpeC@il $80 - 20
(PORTLAND/ all surr areas)
_♥_ _ __ __S_ O _O_O_O_O_O___ __ A_ D_ D_ i_C_ T_ i_V_E__ __ _ _♥ - 24
(Mill Plain & 205 or YOUR PLACE)
♥ Q_U_A_L_I _F_I_E_D ((To Leave You ) ) S_A_T_I_S _F_I_E_D ♥ - 21
(Portland, Se off 205.. incalls only please)
REAL WOMAN ** reliable & reviewed ** BLONDE hair BLUE eyes 38DD :) 80 special - 25
(Portland, I205 / SE Portland)
♥♥ ReaDy 4 A GenUiNe CouGar😋 AmaZing TonGue 👅 & MouTh Skills👅 ClaSsy,PlayFul,ReFreShinG - 51
(Portland, Mall 205, SE Portland)
♥ * * * * * * ♥ Quality Time N Plessure♥ ♥ * * * * * * ♥ Available NoW ♥ ♥ ♥ Call Today ! ! ! ! - 19
(Beaverton, Portland St)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* S__ T__o__P _______ a__N__d _______ T__a__K__e ____ A ____ L__o_O_k. *¨¨* - 19
*PUT*YOUR WOOD*IN *MY FIRE PLACE Taste me!!! Slinder and Sweet Ready 4 You body rubs Now 100 special - 20
(Portland, airportincall/outcall)
Puerto Rican HOT Love Goddess Has A UNRushed Afternoon Special $99 Special So Call: (480)298+1559 - 22
(Portland, Portland And Surrounding Areas)
♥ S e x y ♥ Sk i l l e d ~ & ~ E x t r e m e l y ♥ A d d i c t i v e ♥Ebony Freak Hot & Ready 4 U - 19
(Portland, Airport incall/ Outcall)
!*!*!*CoMe DuMp YoUr LoAd iN mY mOuTh oR oN mY aSs! 60QV 80 hh GfE - 25
(*Portland Incall/Outcall To You*)
*PUT*YOUR WOOD*IN *MY FIRE PLACE Hot & Ready Let MY chocolate Melt All Over Your Stic. Dip in 100Hr - 20
(Portland, airportincall/outcall)
San Diego's finest classy woman seeks Northwest gentlemen to spoil rotten - 69
(Portland, Your bed or mine)
👄Portlands best kept secret!! 100hh 👍 Great reviews👌 - 35
(Portland, pdx, beav, vanc & all surrounding areas)
*¨¨*-:¦: PlAyFuL SeX KiTTeN * -:¦:-* Upscale PERFECT 10!! -:¦:-* MaKe Me PURRRR.... *¨¨* - 21
(Convenient Incall.. Or I'll cum to you!!)
*********** Red Cutie * Brown Beauty ***********
*PUT*YOUR WOOD*IN *MY FIRE PLACE Hot & Ready Let MY chocolate Melt All Over Your Stic. Dip in 100 - 20
(Portland, airportincall/outcalls)
(PRE BOOK)Rare Incall Availability downtown location on Feb 7th&8th *Real Pics&Reviews;* - 30
(SE Portland)
*-*-*-* Phoenix's Last Day here!! ((Dont Miss Out)) Satisfaction Guaranteed *-*-*-* - 19
(Beaaverton / Tigard/ hwy217)
Puerto Rican Erotic Super Model Has Unbelievable Tuesday Night "Only" $80 Special ! (480)298-1559 - 22
(Portland, Portland And Surrounding Areas)
Pretty Petite EAST INDIAN Princess ----Specials - 25
(Portland, Pdx Beaverton Hillsboro Vancouver outcal)
*¨¨*-:¦:* PlAyFuL SeX KiTTeN * -:¦:-* Upscale PERFECT 10!! *-:¦:-* MaKe Me PuRRRR.... *¨¨* - 21
(Your Place or Mine Anytime!)
¡!POW WOW!¡♥♥Im BAck¤♡♡ *** Italian ~~ REDBONE ♥♥ EXxotic ~~~ seductive ♡♡ Freaky★★ - 25
(Portland, camas,pdx,beaverton,Vancouver,tigardetc.)
PLEaSuRe ZoNe (¯`••´¯) HIGHLY ADDICTING (¯`••´¯) 100 Specials ALL NiGhT - 19
(Portland, IC/OC pdx, vancouver, beaverton + more)
Passionate, playful, & pretty! 90 roses hh i/c special - 35
(Portland, pdx, beav, vanc & all surrounding areas)
***PoRtLaNds #1 ExXoTiC PlAyMaTE PrOVIdEr (COURTNEY MARIE) At Ur SeRvIcE*** - 24
(I/C near airport O/C all areas)
{PRE BOOK}Rare Incall Availability Downtown March 7th&8th HIGHLY REVIEWS REAL PICS - 37
(SE Portland/Downtown)
Part 2. That's right, "Well Reviewed part 2." Astoria & Seaside - 40
(Oregon Coast, Astoria & Seaside)
OutCall Special *Busty Blue Eyed Blonde Beach Bunny!* Gentleman, Start Your Engines! Come Test Drive - 28
(Portland, Portland Metro Area Outcall Special Now)
OUTCALL SPECIAL 8pm-1am 200hr*Portlands BEST kept SECRET * Busty* Highly Reviewed - 39
(Portland, SE Portland/off 205)
👄Portlands best kept secret!! 100hh i/c special 👍 Great reviews👌 - 35
(Portland, pdx, beav, vanc & all surrounding areas)
{Petite 109lbs} Sedutive Sensational Perfect N Every way for you Check Out The HoTTest - 27
(portland beaverton vanc, milwakie)
°o*o° Sexy Brunette Bunny °o*o° The ULTIMATE In Beauty & Class °o*o° Let Me Pamper You °o*o° - 21
(My Place or Yours!)
*** O/C SPECIALS*** Juicy, Stacked, Hot Girl. Bring in HuMp Day w/ a HUMP - 34
(Portland, Portland Metro)
~-*-~ PDX'S * FiNeSt -*- BluE * EyeD * HoTTiE * CoMiNg * ALL * NigHt * LoNg * JuSt 4 * U!! ~-*-~ - 30
(Portland, SE 122 Burnside)
✖✖ P R E T T Y & P L A Y F U L ✖✖ ✖✖ S W E E T & C R E A M Y ✖✖ ($1 O O SPECiAL) IN & OUTCALL - 24
°o*o° The Beauty You Desire With The Skills You Require °o*o° PERFECT 10! 100% Real Pics °o*o° - 21
(Downtown Upscale Incall!!)
-:¦:- °o° SUPER HOT °oo° -:¦:- GIRL NEXT DOOR (( NeW, SeXy, N ThiCk!! ))-:¦:- °oo° - 21
°o*o° SoOoO YoUnG SoOoO FrEsH SoOoO TiGhT -:¦: SeXy StAr Of YoUr XxX FaNtAsIeS °o*o° - 21
(Portland & Surroundings Incalls/Outcalls)
*new website* o/c special 100hh* Brand new Picts * GREAT REVIEWS* - 35
(Portland, portland and surrounding areas)
♣ •°o•°o• H.O.T. --->> Sweet & NICE A*S*S •o•°o• ♣ Daisy - 18
(Portland, Vancouver and Portland areas)
°o* Portland's #1 SEXIEST Bunny °o*o° Beauty & Skills Unmatched!! °o*o° PERFECT 10 BRUNETTE °o* - 21
(Downtown PDX Upscale Incall-Outcalls Too)
☆ *Now Visiting!* SeXy &YoUnG; ((♥ BlOnDe ♥)) *XXX GiRL-NeXt-DoOr* ☆ - 23
(Incall Near PDX/Outcall Surrounding Area)
N€W🍭EXTREMELY SWEET• addicting young BlOnDe•• PuR Pleasure come feel like the KING YOU ARE - 21
(Portland, Portland INCALL -available for out)
NEW PICS 👀 Available TODAY💜 Stellar Reviews 🐰 ACCURATE pics💜 BUSTY💜 - 40
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)