Sat 11 Jan
::♥ ALL-AMERICAN HOTTIE! ♥:: STuNNiNG BRuNeTTE BaRbiE* ♥ HoT NeW PiCs! 100% REAL! - 22
Fri 10 Jan
☆ ☆ V I S I T I N G ! ! •••►►•• S P E C I A L S •• ❶ REAL PHOTOS ❶ ◄••• ( Gorgeous ♥ Curves ) ☆ ☆ - 26
(Portland, ♥ SE Portland Incall Specials ♥)
PerFormAnce SpeCiaList at Your fingertips..BLONDE, PERKY, PRECISE - 30
(Portland, INCALL- Portland, OUTCALL everywhere)
_[[[ * GOOD GIRL * ]]] 1OO Half Hour Special [[[ * GONE BAD * ]]] ~Specials~ - 28
(Portland, Your Place Or Mine)
💦New l😘😘k 👑 No Rush 👑Dripping W💦💧T 💋bombshell💎RedBone💕 - 22
(Portland, portland and surrounding areas)
Sweet, Mature & Busty - Vancouver Sat/Sun (Dec. 7 - 8) - Great Rates - Fun Too - 51
(Portland, Vancouver)
IC North Vancouver ***125 Half hr Special***Fantastic Reviews Gorgeous Natural 36 DD's - 38
(Portland, Vancouver, Portland)
🌺🌺🌺🌺 Incalls&&Outcalls;🌺🌺🌺🌺 100% REAL No Bait&Switch;!! NOW Hosting In PORTLAND 🌺🌺Incalls&&Outcalls;🌺🌺 - 19
Do That To Me One More Time!!!!!! Bodacious Brunette with Bountiful Boob - i - liciousness
Busty Chocolate drop w/ SE Portland private IC! w/ 100 special!TNA REVIEWED!AVAIL. short notices! - 23
✅ Beaverton incall ✅ specials 100hh til 11am 💕💕 discrete fun 💕 Tna reviewed 💕💦💦💦 - 28
(Beaverton cc accepted, Portland)
" {{ 1000% }} " ~ " {{ HOT & NASTY }} " ~ " {{ ADULT FUNN }} " ~ {{30MIN//100}} ~ {{1HR//180}} ~
(InCaLLs OutCaLLs)
▂▃ExXoTiC& ClAsSy bLoNde▃▂ CeRtiFieD tO SaTisFy♥ AvAilAbLe 24/7 •*SpECiAlS*• - 18
(Portland, MALL 205 • INCALL ONLY!)
EXOTIC porcelain skinned BEA UTY (newer) (outcall) (LAST DAY!!!!) (specials!) - 21
Be AuTiFuL >* ExOtic BUSTY L_ A_T_I_N_A PLaY m aTe - 22
(PDX Airport (incall))
====>> ♡♡ *NEW PHOTOS!!* SUCCULENT *THROBBING* Exotic *REVIEWED* Bombshell!! ♡♡ - 22
(Portland, ♡I-5 in Vancouver!!)
$99 FH Early Morning Dominican New To Portland $99 Specials! Call Me Now At 916-764-5070 ** $99 FH - 20
(Portland And Surrounding Areas)
Let me give you something to the thankful for... >> -(¯`·.·´¯)-> Brazilian BBW is Back!! - 28
Im the Naughty NEW GIRL u LOVE! Im a Complete G/f/E All the WAY !!!!! 24/7 - 24
(pportland/vancouver/surrounding areas)
Thu 09 Jan
💖⭐️ "The Certainty Effect" ⭐️💖 ▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️New Pics◽◽◽◽◽ BAILY CREAMM - 30
(I'll come to you 💋, Portland)
******* upscale and well-reviewed southern belle beautiful blond ******* - 25
(The Convention Center/out-call available)
(OUTCALL) [I know what you want] [I got what you need!]💋 [503-773-4900] 💋 NO Games! NO Drama!! NO BS! - 24
(Portland, Portland, Vancouver)
OUTCALL only 💋 Well reviewed 💋 Talented , passionate and playful . portland and vancouver area - 37
(outcall, Portland)
♥ LoLa BuNNy iS BaCk iN ToWn! ★ SeXxXy SLenDeR BruNeTTe DoLL! ★ LEAVING SOON! - 21
(*Convention Center* *Upscale* *Incall*)
Sizzlingly Sexy, Slippery When Wet, Bodacious Brunette - - Specials - ( I want You Now!)
♛♣♣♣♣♣♣CLASSY ♣♣♣♣♣♣♛PRETTY FACE ♛♣♣♣♣♣♣♛ SPECIALS ♛ ♣♣♣♣♣♣UPSCALE ♣♣♣♣♣♣♛ - 26
(Portland, all of Portland and surrounding areas)
(Portland, van,beavrton,and surrounding portland)
-:¦:--:¦:- E _A _R _ L_Y -:¦:- M _ O _ R _ N _I _N _G:¦:- S _ P _ E _ C _ I _ A _ L _ S -:¦:- -:¦:- - 21
Took these pictures THIS MORNING I.took Pictures TEN. minutes AGO . 70 QV RIGHT NOW ... 6 am only - 38
(Portland, SE PORTLAND 135th and and SE Division)
I just ckecked... Yup, I'm wet again. Wanna' help me out? Lets get together and celebrate FUN!
Wed 08 Jan
✅ outcall ✅ specials L👀K NO FURTHER‼️‼️‼️‼️ Curvy 💦 Unrushed ❤️ Reviews - 28
(Portland, Portland wilsonville, Tigard, Beaverton)
➖👯 All NATURAL 👯 ➖➖.ღ. HiGHLY SkiLLEd .ღ. ➖➖☆ ABSOLUTELY Gorgeous ✰➖➖💋 Pure Pleasure Awaits - 28
(Portland, Incall or Outcall)
*° A v A i L a B l E °* *° R i G h T °**° N o W °* - 22
(mine or yours)
*Sweet Seductive Blonde YOGA TEACHER! * NEW PICS taken on 02/25/13* - 28
(Portland, Upscale Incall specials/Outcall)
{{EXx0tiC & ClAsSy bLonDe iRiSh BaBe}} mOrNiNg SpEciAlS! iNcAll OnLy. - 18
(Portland, MALL 205 incall)
(- B_L-O-N-D_ -) _____ (-) ______ (- 1 Of a K¡ND -) ______ (- LLyOd CnTr -) 1OO - 21
(Portland, Llyod center)
*24/7* Lemme Be Your Escape Frm Reality Outcall Spec! 1 N A MillioN! Perfect Barbie Doll Figure! - 27
(Portland, Pearl Dist SPEC! PDX EVERYWHERE)
💋fasten your seatbelts gentlemen, you will fall in love fast💖 - - 22
(Portland, portland/surrounding areas)
xXx CrEaMy VaNiLLa LaTTe ~**~ YuMMy BRuNeTTe TrEaT ~**~ PeRfEcT FoR YoUr SwEEt TooTh! xXx - 21
W :A :R :N :I :N :G!!! :☠: CARAMEL BARBIE :☠: A *D *D *I *C *T *I *V *E - 20
GoRgEoUs BLonDe HoTTie! LEAVING SOON! ♥ TaLL, ToNeD, TaNNeD & ! ♥ PERFECT 10! - 21
(*PdX* *AiRpoRT* *InCaLL* *OuTcALL*)
★*° D EFINITI ON °*OF*° SEXX XY - -:¦:★ ★
(ur place or mine)
Cali THICK " FuLL FIGURED"Super BuStY DD TiTs and SexY (.)(.) LoTsA BOOTY! Specials! - 21
(Portland, Portland near Airport)
Tue 07 Jan