Wed 08 Jan
FREE tour. 2 girl shows, we know what you like! Fantasy, role play ,fetish, couples and more! XOXO - 21
(Portland, SW multnomah blvd)
❤A ▓ B ▓ S ▓ O ▓ L ▓ U ▓ T▓ E ▓ L▓ Y ❤ A▓ M▓ A▓ Z ▓ I ▓ N ▓ G - ★$100★ outcall $pecials - 22
(Portland, Incall/out)
★100% Pure Beauty ★ 100% Pure Satisfaction★ UP LATE??★GREAT RATES :) - 24
(Portland, Se Pdx.. In My Queen Size:))
🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈Excited to meet ⭐️🌟⭐️🌟⭐️🌟 100% real and most beautiful party queen🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 - 22
(Portland, Your place only)
taylor Beaverton lake Oswego 1hr $200 - 26
(Clackamas lake Oswego Beaverton Jantzen, North Portland, Portland)
The SEXY RUB of your LIFE... Stunning, Tall, Gorgeous, and Extremely BUSTY Blonde :) Massage + - 25
(Aiport Incall - ( Sexy New Pics, Too! ))
It is HUMP DAY! What do you think a pretty girl like me is going to do on Hump day?...... - 32
(Portland, Portland.... Incall @ NE Portland)
*~Ebony/Indian Mix 100% Real! AlL Natural!* $69RosE SpeCial!*~!! Well Reviewd«« {24/7} - 23
(Portland, Tigard Upscale Incall)
Erin only out call Portland Beaverton lake Oswego 2h $200 - 26
(Clackamas lake Oswego Beaverton portland, North Portland, Portland)
★█♥▒♥█★★█♥▒♥█★Ebony & Latina Playmates 100 dollar Walk In Special★█♥▒♥█★★█♥▒♥█★ - 19
(Portland, 3414 NE 82nd Ave Portland)
(( Attention Portland )) Dont Miss out,, Hot & Sexy Anna ... Plamate.. - 22
(Portland, Portland In/Outcalls ALLLLL NIgHTTTT)
~*~*~* { BEAUTIFUL & SWEET } ~*~*~* { CUTE LITTLE BOMBSHELL } *~*~*~*~ { SPECIALS ) - 23
(((( SE PORTLAND ))))
▶▶ $120 Special!! UPSCALE KiNKY & PiNK!! ★ PETITE & SKILLED Brazilian!! ◀◀ - 22
(Portland, INCALL: Downtown - OUTCALL: Anywhere!!)
$120$ ♥ â â¢☆ ⢠⢠⢠KNOCK OUT BEAUTY ⢠⢠⢠â ⢠⢠⢠COME »-» PLAY »-» WITH »-» ME $120$ - 21
2 Sets pretty JuiCy lips ~ Big Booty ~ 120 SPECIAL ~ Best TIME of your Life ~ I wont tell your Wife - 25
💜💋19 yo Hot & Ready Latina! IC/OC ...Duos available..Real Pics...Real Nice! - 19 - 19 - 19
(Clackamas Town Center, Portland)
NEW PIC'S!!!💘Big BOOTY lovers 💘Hot Body Fun Playmate 👑Ebony GODDESS👑 ALL Natural ♥spacial!!♥ - 20
(Portland, all over PDX)
*¨¨*:.; .:* INCREDIBLE¨¨*- :¦:-* ¨¨*- :¦:-* INCALL¨¨*- :¦:-* SPECIALS *¨¨*:.; .:* - 25
(Portland, pdx)
full figured sexy brunette new in town call to find out what your missing 60$ incall special - 21
(Portland, incall only se portland)
Fixed 📞# .Come c me. I'm the best treat on B.P. Balanced package of all the best... - 33
(Close to Madison High off 82nd ave, Portland)
🎀 Ebony 💣 BombShell 🎀150 Hour 🎀OutCall Specials 🎀 - 20
(Downtown Portland, Outcalls Everywhere, Portland)
⛄✳⛄✳⛄ Autumn last night in Portland🌠✳🌠 4'5ft itty-bitty 💯 All me pics⛄✳⛄✳⛄ - 24
(airport southeast stark Vancouver, Portland)
Angel is back, want a real woman? come to me, i am real and pics are mine. Running low rates today.. - 30
we know you what you like!! open late!! Hottest shows, classy, private!!! try us!! - 24
(Portland, Barbur blvd)
~~~WHY MESS with the REST~~~ WHEN U can HAVE tHe BeSt~~~~~~ SEXY AND rEaDy...***COME AND get ME*** - 20
(Portland, PDX airport Incall ;-))
{{{ Triple RATED }}} {{{ How ever u like it baby }}} {{{ Triple RATED }}} 100 in-call spcl... - 21
(TIGARD in-call)
✨✨✨🔴🔴🔴OUT CALLS ONLY🔴🔴🔴LOOKING FOR SOMETHING NEW?💞Look no further!💋 ☎ I'm just a call away☎ - 24
❶ [ GORGEOUS ] :☠: [ PETITE ] :☠: [ BRUNETTE ] :☠: [BOMBSHELL] - 23
(My Secret Oasis I205{ Ex 19})
2 girls 1 show cookies and or cream diamond 5037522605 skittles 3607739696 - 22
(Portland, gresham portland area)
160 hhr DyNaMiC DuO 2 Is AlWaYs BetTeR ThAn PeTiTe🍭 SWeEt 🍬 TrEaTs! ReAdY To SaTiSfIE - 21
$$100 HouR SpeciaL!!!! DeliCiouS DD'S! Come PlaY with ME!!!! - 29
(PDX, Beaverton, Gresham and surrounding, Portland)
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes...Busty, Bubbly, Beautiful My place or yours :) - 35
(Oregon/Washington, Portland)
_ _ _ CURVY , BUSTY, YUMMY Brunette _ _ _ BIG BOOTY+++++ ++++++ Specials - 46
(Portland, Clackamas/Happy Valley/SE portland)
~🍭🍦🍫~ NINI ~💦💥🌟🌞🌝 EaRLy TReaT or LaTe NigHT DELiGhT'S 😍💦💧💥🌟💦💦💤💤☀☀�🍪🍩 - 23
(Portland, incall. and out 24-7 all areas)
There are new posts**CUM RELIEVE ur NASTY thoughts on this naughty little WET & PRETTY PU**Y!! - 20
(S.E./ i205)
( T.E.R R e v i e w e d ) * P O L Y N E S i A N __P L A Y M A T E _*_ ( Gentlmens #1 CHOiCE - 21
(Tigard incall (outcall too))
Tue 07 Jan
tuesday special w Ivy we know what you like!!! domination, sexy open minded, lets do this! - 21
(Portland, SW barbur)