Sun 05 Jan
( __*!* NeW *!*__*!* SeXxXy Upscale BeAuTy *!*_*!* ViSiTiNg __ FrOm __ SEATTLE*!*__ ) - 21
BeAutiful liPs, hiPs that knOw How to Dip, sUpeR tHiCK HoUR glAss fiGUre, EBONY quEen - 23
(Portland, Portland Airport Incall)
💕♥ Ultimate in Luxury 💋 TEASER & PLEASER 💋 Pure BLISS! 💕♥ - 42
(Beaverton/SW Pdx/Sylvan/Hwy 26, Portland)
** Ultimate TEASER & PLEASER, Pure BLISS! ** 100hh/180h** - 39
(Portland, Beaverton/SW Pdx/Sylvan/Hwy 26)
~ * ~ THiCk THiGhS & GrEEn EyEs * SoFT CuRVeS & DD's * In & OuT AvAiLaBLe 24/7 ~ * ~ - 21
(In - PDX / Out - Everywhere)
Sat 04 Jan
** Ultimate TEASER & PLEASER, Pure BLISS! ** 100 hh/180 h Special ** - 40
(Portland, Beaverton/SW Pdx/Sylvan/Hwy 26)
Love is all i want. - 33
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
• • Buxom Blonde • • Baily Creamm • • I ♥ Men • • - 26
(Portland, Your Hotel! I bring *everything* we need)
**~ Sit Back, Relax with a Sensual Red Head ~** Bethany Bliss **~ Lets meet! - 28
(Portland, se Hawthorne area 50th-ish)
I'm Skyler💋 TNA's NevadaSky 💕Let's get 💦Tonight! Incall by pdx💓TeXt ME 501-7SQUIRT (501)777-8478 - 26
90 HH I/c special Classic,Rare,Refined BLONDE BOMBSHELL with ALL NATURAL DANGEROUS addictive curves! - 38
(Portland, Vancouver/Portland)
xXx ___ Your Dream HOTTIE! ___ xXx ___ Sexy Body & Gorgeous Face! Beauty & Class ___ xXx - 21
(My Place or Yours 24/7!)
Fri 03 Jan
€XOTIC, FUN, & CLASSY - Dreams DO Come TRUE ~ In call/ out call ~ body rubs & much more - 23
(Portland, in/out hotel and airport)
WELL REVIEWED_____* SeXXXy * ------ * JUICY BOOTY* ----- * NymphO * ----- *{{I'M BACK }}* - 23
[×°-SuPeR sWeEt -°×] SuPeR SeXy [×°x°×yOuNg BrUnEeTtE pRiNcEsS-×°x°×] 99$ special 99$ special
(Your place or mine............)
california blonde* new provider* goin back to cali so lets get down shall we! today only special ! - 28
(airport pdx)
Thu 02 Jan
♥♥ HOT ♥♥ NEW PICS ♥♥ Sexy-Petite-Busty-Perfect Booty ♥♥HOT ♥♥100 SPECIAL - 21
(Portland, PDX -Airport)
🎀💋🎀DADDY'S PRINCESS 🎀100% Real Life 4'5FT Fun-Size Treat Every Man's FANTASY🎀💋🎀leaving at 7pm - 26