Mon 27 Jan
Sweet like Heaven 😇 But Naughty as Hell😈 Available all day & night 24/7🤘🏾 - 20
(Portland, Vancouver come see me @ my place)
When OnLy The BeSt WilL Do👑HigHly FavoReD* BuStY *SwEeT MatUre💋 Blonde Playmate - 36
(Portland, Respectful Gents Only!!!!)
Needing Some Male adult attention ASAP young hot n bothered... - 25
(north portland/incall outcall, Portland)
Sinfully SeXy Brunette With Dangerous CurVes ~ Ready & Waiting * Upscale * Independent * 100% Real - 38
(* Portland/Vancouver Metro Area *, Portland)
sugga blacc in the town all about pleasure and fun.**** - 25
(Portland, portand, gresham, beaverton)
★★ REAL PIC@VIDEO 🍱🔲🙆🏻🍱🔲🙆🏻★★KISSING SHOWER TOGETHER🍱🔲🙆🏻🍱🔲🙆🏻★★ GREAT NURU 🍱🔲🙆🏻🍱🔲🙆🏻★★ EVERYTHING ok 🍱🔲🙆🏻🍱🔲🙆🏻 - 24
(Portland, 🍱🔲🙆🏻🍱🔲🙆🏻 Portland Downtown I-405 🍱🔲🙆🏻🍱🔲🙆)
🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮Come See & Feel the Difference at a "MEN'S SPA" w/AIMEE🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮 - 22
(8226 NE Fremont St., Portland, Or 97220, Portland)
♤IM a NastY BBW♧♠👉SLOPPY MOUTH👍👍Wild 🔞💦 & Kinky💋 ||Portland,OR 97220|| - 25
(Portland, Portland, OR HWY205 & SandyBlvd 97220)
The Ultimate TEASER and the Ultimate PLEASER, experience my FANTASY! - 38
(Portland, Beaverton - Hwy 26 - Sylvan - SW Pdx)
______ THICK & SEXXY A$IAN MI$TRE$$ ______ $100 $PECIAL$ VI$ITING & NEW T0 THE AREA ______ - 24
----The Best Soothing Body Touch --- S * E * X * Y * * B * U * S * T * Y * 38 DD-- ❤ - - 31
(Portland, Pdx Incall & Hotel Outcall)
❤️❤️ The BEST you've NEVER had w/ a BANGING BODY DD's , Specials tonight ! ❤️❤️ - 20
(Portland, S.E Portland | OUTCALLS)
★TrEAT YoUrSeLf To ThiS SmokiN HOT BRuNeTTE!★Tan&ToNeD; ❤★InCall southeast Portland ★❤SPECIALS! - 26
(Portland, incall southeast 92nd ((SPECIALS)))
SuP€r • S€x¥) ♥ BLONDE DoLL ~ SLIM ~CuT¡€ ♥ (1oO% R€AL) ♥ (HoT N JuICY) CaLL NoW INCALL SPECIAL - 19
(Portland, in ur pants..)
STUNNINGLY STACKED beautiful blonde! GREAT REVIEWS* WEBSITE * I/c specials 100hh 170hr - 37
(Portland, portland and surrounding areas)
***** [ Super Sexy & Young ] ***** [ Ready To Play ] ***** [ Available Now ] ***** - 21
(Portland, Portland Beaverton area)
SUNDAY MORNING:Enjoy a friendly, lovely, & experienced blonde courtesan. Accurate photos, drug free. - 36
(Portland, Portland Airport Vicinity)
★ SUPER SEXY **CLASSY** AND 1 oF a Kind!! ★ - - UP LATE! ! - 20
(portland/ specials)
*SUPER SEXY* *mixed hottie* body of a goddess - 25
(Northeast Portland, All of the greater portland area)
*INCALL* [[ SUP3R FUCKiN SP3Ci@LS till 6pm ]] 50QQ / 80Hh / 150Hr [[ GF3 SQUiRT3R ]] *INCALL* - 23
**Sweet and SEXXY BBBW ~~AFFORDABLE RATES~~ Wont b disappointed** - 35
(Southeast Portland, SE PORTLAND)
Super Sexy, Sweet and Available Now! See My Pics... - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In the city)
❤▓❤ SUPER BUSTY -- ❤▓❤ Blissful ❤▓❤ Exotic --BODY RUB ❤▓❤ - 31
(Portland, se In-call & Hotel Out-call Avail.)
SPRING SPECIAL ends tomorrow (Fri 3/18 @6p) 80/hhr 120/hr BOOKED TODAY. Pre-booking Fri 9a-6p SALEM - 37
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, Salem Incalls No Outcalls)
*SpEcIalS INCALL * ⓈⒺⓧⓨ ☀ ⓈⓔⓃⓣⓊⓐⓁ ☀ ᎯνᎯίιᎯϦιε ɴΘώ ☀•{{kiLLer}}• •{{CuRvEs}}• - 19
(Portland, PDX airport INCALL AND OUTCALL!!)
_ _ _SUPER _ _ _ _ SEXY_ _ _ __ SWEETHEART_ _ _ _ _ UP LATE!_ _ _ __ - 27
(Portland, Beaverton/Hillsboro/Portland/Tigard)
SUNDAY: A friendly, lovely, & experienced blonde purveyor of pleasure. Accurate photos, drug free. - 37
(Portland, SW Portland)
**** SUPER CUTE *real pics **19 yo blond*****thick as sunday's paper****HOTTER THEN an AZ summer - 19
(vancouver/outcalls everywhere)
Beaverton./Tigard InCall...Stunning Blonde Beauty ***Angelika Starr *** - 32
(Portland and Beaverton)
SPECIALS All Week!! Stunning BBW, Discrete & Ready To Play..UNRUSHED Outcall - 25
Angelika Starr !!! Hot, Swedish, MILF who LOVES to Please a Man ... ***** - 32
(portland and surrounding)
STUNNIG SULTRY SWEDE ** a rare gem and a TRUE BEAUTY * specials * - 37
(Portland, portland and surrounding areas)
: : ✘✘✘ SPECIALS✘✘✘ : : 'SmoKiN' HoTT bRuNeTTe: :«» ( (=$100 eArLy BiRd SpeCiaLs!=) ) incall : : - 27
(inCaLL by LLoyD cNtR 9713021343, Portland)
⭐️⭐️SPECIALS AVAILABLE⭐️⭐️SPICE up UR life with a CuRVY EXOTIC treat 🍭🍭〰〰〰〰〰 end your day with me〰〰〰 - 24
(Portland, Vancouver)
❤ ❤ SUPER BUSTY ........... BODY ........... RUB DOWN!!.... BLISSFUL TOUCH ▬▬▬☆ - 31
(Portland, Pdx Incall & Hotel Outcall)
~ Sunday Night Special! ~ Sexy Perfection ~ Sinfully Naughty ~ Pleasure Provider ~ Available Now ~ - 45
SpeCiAls !!!! SpEciaLs !!!!! CAll mE now !!!! Exotic hottie - 22
(Portland, Portland and surrounding area)
**SPECIAL** TALENTED Cute SEXY& Petite! Lets PLAY NOW *highly reviewed* LiMiTeD (BEAVERTON) - 22
(Portland, BEAVERTON)
⭐ Special $$100hr💜💋ExoTiC, EroTiC, SweeT & SeDuctivE GirL NexT DooR!!💜 - 29
(PDX, Gresham, Beaverton and surrounding, Portland)
__ SpEcIaLs!___ 💋 B E A U T I F U L / B L O N D E ! 💯 100% R e a l 💋 ___ Beaverton - 24
(Portland, SW Portland/ Beaverton)
♥▇▇♥▇▇♥ ▇▇♥▇▇♥▇▇♥▇▇♥ ▇▇♥▇ Smokin Hot Busty BLONdE ▇♥▇. ▇♥ 100 Special ▇▇♥▇▇♥▇▇ ♥▇. ▇♥▇ - - 28
(Portland, Incall Vancouver *private*)
STOP!!!___ 1 SWEET,,,, HOT,,, Little PIECE Of __ A.. ..S....S.. ...___@@@ LUNCH SPECIAL - 20
special~ special~ special~ 80/15min~ 100/30mins ~120/60mins ~special ~special~ special - 20
(Se Portland incall only)
👄 SmOkIn' HOT BRuNeTTE Goddess 👄🚧 5 STAR Experience 🌟 Slip Tight ✊🏼💦 Fresh 🌹 and READY - 27
(inCaLL close To Lloyd center, Portland)
Smart sexi blonde bombshell with addicting curves! 100hhi/c special *website is back up* - 37
(Portland, Southeast Portland and surrounding areas)
Sizzling Hot Brunette w/ Blue Eyes Just For You...... AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW $99 Special.... - 24
(Portland, Portland/beav/hills/all other citys)
❤▓❤ Silky Soothing Touch ❤▓❤ Body Bliss ❤▓❤ SUPER BUSTY ❤▓❤ - 31
(Portland, se In-call & Hotel Out-call Avail.)
⭐StayIn LiL LoNgER⭐Special $$100hr💜💋ExoTiC, EroTiC, SweeT & SeDuctivE GirL NexT DooR!!💜 - 29
(PDX, Gresham, Beaverton and surrounding, Portland)
♡ Southern Comfort Holiday Specials Catch This While U Can♡ NOW Playing! - 26
(Beaverton Incall/Local Outcalls)