Mon 27 Jan
TaKe a PeaK @ My NaTuRaL 38EE!! -❤- GuaRaNTeeD 2 PLeaSe -❤- 75 $PeCiaL 2nite! -❤- aLWays uP L8! - 29
(Portland, Incall SE Portland & Outcall Metro)
Sweet... Seductive... Sensual... ~ Brittney Love ~ ...The Cure For Your Sweet Tooth(; - 19
(Portland, Portland Airport)
•✿• :SUPER-SEXY: •✿• :TINY : •✿• : TATTOOED: •✿• : : •✿•PLAYMATE: •✿• - 18
(Portland, Se Portland Area / My House)
_______________ --- ★ Super NAUGHTY asian★ Super SPECIALS ★ --- ________ - 22
(Evening Special - 80/140)
Sweet Seductive Blonde YOGA TEACHER! New Pics!!! SPECIALS TODAY ONLY! - 28
(Portland, Upscale Incall specials/Outcall)
*Sweet Seductive Blonde YOGA TEACHER! * NEW PICS taken on 02/25/13* - 28
(Portland, Upscale Incall specials/Outcall)
Sweet, Genuine, and Truely Enjoys Adult Adventures!!! 120special - 37
(Portland, Private Incall Vanc/Out to all Pdx metro)
Sweet Adventure, sure to leave you smiling. 180hr special today - 39
(Portland, Private Incall Vanc/Out to all Pdx metro)
♥S£X¥ ✅★♥ ✅EaRlY ✅BIrD SpEcIALs ★♥ ★° $70 HH $120HR INCALL - 23
(Portland, Downtown PDX/Llyod Center Area)
- Sweet Seductive Blonde YOGA TEACHER! * NEW PICS 2013 - - 28
(Portland, Portland,Incall specials/Outcal)
★ Stop My Waterfall from Leaking ★ freaky ★ Asian Mix.X.x ★ I Never Say N0 ★Dont Pass Up ★ - 23
(Portland, great specials ♥ incall)
Sweet Seductive Blonde YOGA TEACHER! New Pics!!! SPECIAL:$140.00 for an Hour! - 28
(Portland, Upscale Incall specials/Outcall)
SWEET, BUSTY 40DD, Mature Brunette - I KNOW how to treat a man** $60 SPECIALS * NEW PICS* - 44
(clackamas/Happy Valley/ SE portland)
START ° ☆° YOUR ° ☆° WEEK ° ☆° OFF ° ☆° RIGHT! $60 SPECIAL - 23
(Portland, SE PDX incall only)
((Stunning Busty Blonde Knockout )) **Ready @ Willing **%Cum @ Get It %**$100 SPECIAL** - 25
(portland (airport area))
♥SUPER SeXy PeTiTe CoLLeGe GirL ☎ NeW 2TowN ♥ TaTToeD CamBodiaN PriNceSS ☎ 208*918*2094 - 18
(Portland, My House/ Se Portland)
SuPeR SexXxy HONEY} Visiting PORTLAND, OR *Available NOW* Incall / Outcall - 23
(Portland & Surrounding In / Out)
***Summer's here, and this Sexy BBW is ready to play! *** SPECIALS NOW!!! - 30
(Portland, East Vancouver)
[[[STOP!]]] * (((Don't Please Yourself...))) * [[[ALLOW ME!]]] *Real Girl Real Service* - 25
(My Place or Yours)
°. °•★•° ° {SuP€r » K¡NkY} •:*• ☆ ¨*:• {213~290~2320 } • :*★¨*: •{NEW PiCs} •: *¨•☆*:• ( CaLi GiRL)! - 20
(Portland, Se Portland / My HouSe)
▄♡ ▄♡ SPECIALS ★▄ ♡ ▄ ♡ ▄★ oUt CaLl sPeCiAls ★▄♡ ▄♡ ▄★ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ 503-381-0419 - 25
(Portland, Portland and surrounding areas.)
SUPER SPECIALS**When ONLY the "BEST" will DO*NEVER Settle for LESS*Highly Reviewed - 39
(Portland, SE Portland)
➡➡➡_____ 💎 STOP RIGHT HERE 💋 ______________Hottest Spinner💘💘💘 New Pics__Great Specials - 25
(Portland, Incall specials)
START ° ☆° YOUR ° ☆° WEEK ° ☆° OFF ° ☆° RIGHT! $60 SPECIAL - 24
Step Out Of The Rain And into my room ((Exotic)) ((Mixed)) ((Playmate)) - 21
(Portland, portland airport area/ incall)
(( Specials )) +++ _______ A S I A N - P E A C H _______ +++ (( Specials )) - 20
(PDX i2O5 & Outcalls -)
SUPER SPECIALS**The "Full Package" #1 Pick* Busty * 100% Real Pics*Highly Reviewed - 39
(Portland, SE Portland/off 205)
★ --- ((SP¢iA£S)) 1OO% RA£ & RViWD --- ((A$iAN PA¢H )) --- ★ - 21
Ssshhhh Baby I'm here Now......Come with Me its Time to Play...... - 24
(Portland, Gresham,Troutdale,Se Portland)
(( Specials )) ___________ THE HOTTEST DELIVERY ** SOO SEXY & NAUGHTY **__________ - 21
SmOkiN hott BrUNette~ Sweetiest PiEce of A§§ in PoRtland~ Xmas specials Incall/Outcall 24/7 - 29
(Portland, se/Portland)
((Stunning Busty Blonde Knockout )) **Ready @ Willing **%Cum @ Get It %**$100 SPECIAL** - 25
(portland (airport area))
*~* SiMpLY *~* ADDiCTiVE * BLuE EyE'S *~*~* CoMe GeT LiFtED WiT MaRY JaYnE - 30
(Portland, New Delux Jacuzzi Suite Conv Center I-5)
SOMETHING DIFFERENT~♥~a REAL pleaser w/ Exotic Beauty•Up all night•Open 2 all your desires•call me - 25
(Portland, My Place•Portland/close•to•airport)
Specials!!! Beautiful Thick & Sexy Hawaiian Beauty... - 21
(Portland, Downtown Portland Gresham Pdx)
((——— SPECIAL EDITION ———))❤((— ——EXOTIC MIX BOMBSHELL ———))❤((——140 HR DON'T MiSS OUT!! —— ) - 24
(Portland, Incall Special TODAY ONLY!!!)
Specials!🔥Come warm up in my fire🔥 well reviewed💋Dont miss out! - 26
(Portland, Vancouver incall- outcall specials)
_____• SM0KiNG • H O T T • BoMbSheLL •___ * (( SoOoOo YuMMy )) {{{ Evening Specials!!! }}} - 25
(Portland, Happy Valley / Vancouver/pdx/beaverton/)
°• ♡___ .SiCiLiaN Mix . ▬■█. ((LIMITED TIME ONLY)) .█■▬.Perky B's & Bubblebutt .____♡ •° - 22
(Portland, *Incall(SPECIALS)Outcall*)
Mon 13 Jan
♥ —————— Popular Demand————— ♥FREAKIEST BOMBSHELL ♥ ————— • ( Can You Handle Me?? )————— ♥ - 24
(Portland, incall / 100 specials)
OUR ♥o°• CANDY •°o♥o°• SHOP •°o♥o°• NEVER •°o♥o°• CLOSES •°o♥ 80 SPECIALS - 20
(Portland, 140 OUTCALL SPECIALS ¡!¡)
OUR ♥o°• CANDY •°o♥o°• SHOP •°o♥o°• NEVER •°o♥o°• CLOSES •°o♥ SPECIALS - 18
Sun 12 Jan
W E L L - E Q U I P P E D __ W E L L - R E V I E W E D __ E A R L Y _ B I R D _ S P E C I A L S!! - 26
💕Well Reviewed💕SEXY 💋 SENSUAL 💋 BUSTY 💋 Blue Eyed 💋 BLONDE 💕 Jessica Rabbit 💕 - 27
♥ :*: M O S T ♥ :*: P R E T T I E ST:*: ♥ F A C E :*: ♥ IN TOWN!
(24/7 Availability Dont Pass Up Specials)
Allie's IN TOWN -:¦:-• JuICy •-:¦:-• N •-:¦:-• WiLD•-:¦:-• DonT •-:¦:-•MiSs · Me. Leaving Soon - 31
(Portland, Incall / outcall up to 30miles Specials)
ALL BRAND NEW PICS!!! * Sweet Seductive Blonde YOGA TEACHER! * specials! $120 - 28
(Portland, Upscale Incall specials/Outcall)
$100$120$200 ⬅ NEW PICS ➡ Tattooed ╠╣0T! Blonde ⬅ BEST SK!LLS ➡ HUGH DDDs ⬅➡ I ❤ what I do - 30
(Portland, ★ INCALL & OUTCALLS)
$120 HOUR $200 xxx⬅ NEW website ➡ Tattooed ╠╣0T! Blonde ⬅ BEST SK!LLS ⬅➡ I ❤ what I do - 31
*( Double the Exotic Pleasure!! )*( Double the Fun!!)*( 2 Girl Specials!! )* MUST SEE - 19
(come please us)
. . .Great Incall Special . . Your Sweet Kinky Little Dirty Secret. . . - 21
(Medford, Medford incalls)
((TiNy BrAziLiAn )) Late Night Specials SPeciaLs The best OutCall & INCALL specials EVER boys - 20
(Portland, INCALL / outcall specials all night)
▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.•* !! I LuV 2 PLaY!! *•.❤* ░ ▒ ▓ ! ▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.• !!OuTCaLL SPeCiaLS!! *•.❤* ░ ▒ ▓ - 19
(Portland, $$160 OuTCaLL SpeCiaLS)
Sat 11 Jan
::::: Warning :::: FAKE / stolen pics mia 503-933-4297 ---->> FAKE fresh ..... tight... hot - 22
***Visiting PDX** Enticing & Ready to Please!! Ebony Candy covered kisses!! - 20
(15 min from Lloyd Center)
VaNcoUveR iNcaLl sPeCaiLs aLl dAy ....nEw tO tHe iNdUstrY fReAky n FuN - 19
(Portland, 205 & MILLPLAIN INCALL)
★TiNy! ★PlaYFuL! ★ CoLLeGe Cuti€! ★ 80 HH EarLy BiRd SPECIALS - 18
(Portland, ♥Se Portland/ My PlaCe or Urs BaBe ♥)
______ ☆ YoUnG, Nympho , FrEaKy JaPaNesE CoLLeGe CuTiE ☆ ______ - 20
(portland /incall & outcall)
** » L◕ ‿ ◕K _NORTH PDX 1/2HR 75I/C-SPECIAL _ L◕ ‿ ◕K « ** - 23