Mon 06 Jan
🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 Come to My Place🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 Busty 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 Asian GIRLS 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 503-516-8762 - 22
(downtown Portland, Portland)
🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 Come to My Place🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 Busty 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 Asian GIRLS 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 503-516-8762 - 22
(downtown Portland, Portland)
Everywhere you want me to be!!!!!:)Classy💅& love to please😋Come experience something new!!!!!! - 24
(Portland, Portland,Vancouver,Gresham,Beaverton)
UP LATE TONIGHT! Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes: Pretty BBW with Stellar TNA Rep...Incall/Outcall - 30
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
█ ◤◢◤◢◤✦◢◤◢◤◢ █—— ★ULTIMATE ★ 36DDD ★ 100 ★ special ★ BlOnDe ★BeauTy ★——█ ◤◢◤◢◤✦◢◤◢◤◢ █ - 28
(Portland, VANCOUVER INCALL near mall)
UnFoRgEttAbLe AmAzInG ExPeRiEnCe WiTh tHe BeAuTiFuL GiRl NeXt-DoOr oF YoUr DrEaMs! Hi I'm Stacy!!! - 24
(Portland, All of Portland (InCalls & OutCalls))
•✿• :TiNy: •✿• :T3*3N: •✿• : TATTOOED: •✿• :CaMBoDiaN : •✿•PETITE PLAYMATE: •✿• NeW LoCaL # - 18
(Portland, Se Portland Area / My House)
This BBW just loves PoPsicles!!! Hottie Loves to show off her Tongue ring!! - 43
(Portland, Vancouver Mall)
Tattooed Bombshell Available For All Your Short-Term, Adult Needs - 35
(SE Portland/near Reed College)
**The "Full Package" #1 Pick* Busty * 100% Real Pics*Highly Reviewed{YUMMY} - 39
(Portland, SE Portland/off 205)
~♥~ The best is right here ~♥~ LOOK NO FURTHER!!!! ~♥~ Blonde ~♥~ - 22
💋Take A trip ✈✈2 MY playground Elite Mixed Ebony awaits your company - 33
(Portland, Vancouver incall / out call pdx surround)
Sweet, sexy, & a little saucy! A pretty blonde courtesan is at your fingertips.... - 33
(NW Portland)
»»»»»» ~*STuNNinG PeRFeCT 10*~ * ~*TiGhT BoDy, BLonDe HaiR, SiLkY LoNg LeGs!*~ «««««« - 21
(Convenient PDX Incall, Outcall 2)
Specials ALL DAY ! Sweet Petite Freak , NO Rush Garenteed ❤ (Incalls!) - 22
💄👠💋 BLONDE•BUBBLY•HORNY!💋👠💄 well reviewed, and highly recommended! 80/QV!! - 26
(Portland, 💋💋💋 CONVENTION cntr in/out everywhere 💋💋)
💋💘 Big BOOTY lovers DREAM💘💋 👑Ebony goddess👑100%real 🐞incall&outcall;•24/7 - 20
(Portland, all over pdx)
*°*°YouR AftEr Hours ChocoLate Treat*°*° ThIck & BusTy~ {80Hh SpecIaL} »LaSt NiGhT HeRe¡! - 23
(Portland, 205 MaLL)
xXx PERFECT 10 Brunette Bombshell xXx Breathtaking Beauty xXx Let Me Blow Your Mind! xXx - 21
(Your Place or Mine Anytime ;))
XxX SaTiSfY YoUr LaTe NiGhT SwEEt ToOtH! XxX GoRgEoUs BLoNDe BuNNy! XxX **100% REAL PICS!** - 21
(My Place or Yours! ;))
xXx ThE RoSe CiTy's #1 HoTTeST BuNNy xXx BLonDe TaNNeD & ToNeD xXx ExPeRiEnCe ThE BeST!! xXx - 21
(Portland Upscale Incall/Outcall 2)
🔹🔹 You HAD The REST , Now Try The B E S T 💋💋 Exotic Asian, MUST 👀👀 🔹🔹 - 22
(Medford, Medford Incalls .)
°*° xOt¡c & rOt¡C B@ut¥°*° §x¥ B®untt P£a¥mat - 20
(Portland, airport WAY EAST/incal onlyyyyyy)
xXx YoUr #1 HoTTeST CoLLeGe ScHoOLGiRL! xXx TaLL, ToNeD, & TaN! xXx GoRgEoUs BLonDE *10* xXx - 21
(Convention Center Upscale Incall)
Would you cuddle with just anyone? How about me? ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ BIG GIRLZ ROCK♡ - 46
(Portland, Vancouver Incall)
(*)(*) Your Desire, Dreams, and Wishes ** Sexy, Ebony, & Sweet (*)(*) - 22
(Portland, Portland (In/Out Call))
xXx Mouth Watering Blonde Beauty xXx Girl-Next-Door Gone WILD! xXx 5 Star Hottie! - 21
♥ ___ WOW :::::::::: =||= BeST Exotic Beauty in TOWN =||= ::::::::: || F-r-E-a-K-y ToO !||
(140 anything goes special oh my)
.Vanessa Sq*$#ts ..Its been fun, but, have to go AVAILABLE TIL 7PM - 30
(Portland, sandy/82nd/seportland)
When ONLY the "BEST" will do * SPECIAL ALL DAY this week 225HR Incall ONLY * BUSTY - 39
(Portland, SE Portland)
* *[visiting]* * _____ Sister Golden Hair _____ Blue Eyes _____ Busty _!_!_!_____ - 30
(Portland, downtown)
T_A_K_E __o ♥ o° _ Y_O_U_R_ °o ♥ o° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o ♥ o° _A_W_A_Y - 28
(Portland, Your Place Only Portland Beaverton)
=== SUPER BUSTY ASIAN JENNIFER very nice, sweet petite skinny short NATURAL body 38F 5'1"tall 92LB - 26
(Portland, SE portland 205 FWY in/outcall)
(¯`'•.¸ ☆ ¸.•'´¯) sweet and discrete(¯`'•.¸ ☆ ¸.•'´¯)♥ specials♥☏ available NoW☏ - 23
(Portland, Portland , vancouver)
SuPa *JiGGly AZz* O!LED & Re@dy 2~ B SL@Pped *❤* ✰ SoFt✰ Th!Ck & FrE@Ky *💋* AMAZiNG L¡pS 180*SpC - - - 24
(Portland, vancouver PORTLAND OUTCALLS 24/7 AM)
Sweet as a Honey Bee Lets make your dreams come true tonight!!!!!! - 26
(portland/all surrounding areas I will tr)
SuP€r • S€x¥) ♥ BLONDE DoLL ~ SLIM ~CuT¡€ ♥ (1oO% R€AL) ♥ (HoT N JuICY) CaLL NoW INCALL SPECIAL - 20
(Portland, in ur pants:) Portland)
***** *** Stunning Blonde Beauty - A Hot MILF Ready To Please...Not Tease this week only @@@ - 32
(Portland and Surrounding Areas)
°o* PORTLAND'S #1 TOP CHOICE °o*o° Beauty & Skills Unmatched!! °o*o° PERFECT 10 BRUNETTE °o* - 21
(Downtown PDX Upscale Incall- Outcalls 2!)
-:¦:- °o° HOT N' HORNY SEX FANATIC°oo° -:¦:- XxX RATED FUN!!! (( NeW, SeXy, N PeTiTe!! ))-:¦:- - 20
New To Town(-^〇^-)Specials * Come Keep Me Company ;) - 21
(Portland, Beaverton, Tigard, Hillsboro, Portland)
(•.¸ ★¸.•) NO ONE -:¦:-DOES IT -:¦:- LIKE ME (•.¸ ★¸.•) AVAILABLE NOW! - 24
(Portland, Airport Incall)
★★★NEW★ SEXY Extreamly HOT ★ Beautiful Playmate★★★★ - 21
(Portland, lloyd center / convention center)