Wed 08 Jan
xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxo - 20
(Portland, pdx in & out)
👄Whos that stacked cutie with b00bies-n-booty? DOWNTOWN i/c special 100hh 175 hr - 35
(Portland, pdx, beav, vanc & all surrounding areas)
.Vanessa Sq*$#ts ..Its been fun, but, have to go AVAILABLE TIL 7PM - 30
(Portland, sandy/82nd/seportland)
When ONLY the "BEST" will do * SPECIAL ALL DAY this week 225HR Incall ONLY * BUSTY - 39
(Portland, SE Portland)
🌹TotAL Experience🍒💞🌟KATT =^ . ^= is back!!!!🌟🍒🌟💋Sneak Away and Come Play 💋🌟🍒🌟 - 24
(Lloyd Center, Portland)
✨✨✨🔴🔴🔴OUT CALLS ONLY🔴🔴🔴LOOKING FOR SOMETHING NEW?💞Look no further!💋 ☎ I'm just a call away☎ - 24
New Got A Sweet Tooth For Chocolate??(★¸ NO ONE -:¦:-DOES IT -:¦ LIKE ME ★ SEXY Ebony Outcall - 19
(Portland, airportincall / outcall)
~*~*~ Luscious ITALIAN & Red Haired WILD Child ~*~*~ & Wild Fun~*~*~ Club FaNtAsY~*~*~ - 23
☆Look at my VIDEO!!! Best ever scalp massage..kinky style. wink wink. Check me out☆ - 31
(Portland, by mall 205)
❶ [ GORGEOUS ] :☠: [ PETITE ] :☠: [ BRUNETTE ] :☠: [BOMBSHELL] - 23
(My Secret Oasis I205{ Ex 19})
GoRgEoUs BLonDe HoTTie! LEAVING SOON! ♥ TaLL, ToNeD, TaNNeD & ! ♥ PERFECT 10! - 21
(*PdX* *AiRpoRT* *InCaLL* *OuTcALL*)
(( *971.703.0819* )) (( * Beat The Heat With Me * )) (( * AIRPORT INCALL * )) - 27
(Airport INCALL OUTCALL 2, Portland)
»» 100% REAL PiCs! «« SexXxy BLonDe BeAcH BuNNY! xXx TiGhT BoDy & A GoRgEoUs FaCe! xXx - 21
(Portland Incall/Outcall)
~100HR/130Video Special! ~Tonight Only! ~ Taste What You've Been Missing ~ - 46
100 hh*Beauty, brains, b00bies & booty! *Great reviews* - 35
(Portland, portland and surrounding areas)
$$100 HouR SpeciaL!!!! DeliCiouS DD'S! Come PlaY with ME!!!! - 29
(PDX, Beaverton, Gresham and surrounding, Portland)
(( ! 120 FLAT RATE ! )) * [ SiNFuLLy ] * [ SeXxy ] * [ BRuNeTTE ] * [ PLaY MaTE] * - 22
(Portland, se incall only)
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes...Busty, Bubbly, Beautiful My place or yours :) - 35
(Oregon/Washington, Portland)
😘👉[Sexy]!!!!👈 ☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G!!! ♥╠╣ot!! ♥ BLONDE💋 ρlay matε 💎 5039439918 - 20
(Portland, wilsonville)
(Portland, INCALL (( Portland )) OUTCALL EvErYwHeRe)
❤️️ 🖤 Beaverton in 🖤❤️ 💯 spec ial 👠 Discrete fun 👛 No games Soft on the eyes 🍀 Easy on the ✔️✔️ all - 28
(Near 158th and walker, Portland)
★*° D EFINITI ON °*OF*° SEXX XY - -:¦:★ ★
(ur place or mine)
[[ *DANGEROUSLY *]]__[[* SMOKIN HOT BODY *]] __ [[*READY TO PLAY *]] __ [[* # 1 PICK*]] - 21
(Upscale Airport Area Incall)
☆· .D_A_N_G_E_R_O_ U_S_L_Y ·.♥ ¯* A_D_D_i_ C_T_I_N_G ☆ ♥ - 24
(incall near airport outcalls all areas)
_ _ _ CURVY , BUSTY, YUMMY Brunette _ _ _ BIG BOOTY+++++ ++++++ Specials - 46
(Portland, Clackamas/Happy Valley/SE portland)
**-:¦:-*DrOp DeAd GoRgEoUs* **-:¦:-* YoUr # 1 PiCk IS RiGhT HeRe **-:¦:-* - 21
(Portland, pdx & surrounding areas)
➡➡➡ DEADLY OBSESSION★ Freaky, Naughty and Kinky ★ Whats Your Fantasy ?😍New Special😍 - 25
(Portland, Safe Pvt Incall /Some Outcall)
DD spitfire sexy blonde bombshell with addicting curves! 100hhi/c special *website is back up* - 37
(Portland, Southeast Portland and surrounding areas)
Come Endulge In The Taste Of Asia- Varities Is The Spice Of Life :=) Here Till 7/25th - 26
(Lloyd area & Pdx Airport)
~🍭🍦🍫~ NINI ~💦💥🌟🌞🌝 EaRLy TReaT or LaTe NigHT DELiGhT'S 😍💦💧💥🌟💦💦💤💤☀☀�🍪🍩 - 23
(Portland, incall. and out 24-7 all areas)
💘💘💘💘💘 Best Busty Body 💕💕💕💕💕 Asian Nuru Massage 💘💘💘💘💘 Gorgeous Korean Girl 💕💕💕💕💕 - 21
(downtown Portland, Portland)
Bored, lonely, sexy, willing to host, 6' tall, blonde, bombshell - 30
(Ne pdx near airport, Portland)
★TrEAT YoUrSeLf To ThiS SmokiN HOT BRuNeTTE!★ExoTic GrEeN EyEs!★iNcaLL Convention Center ★ - 27
(inCaLL convention center 971-331-0549, Portland)
💞 Try something new! 💕 NEW PICTURES & SERVICE 💕 Take a LOOK at ME 💞 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - 34
(Portland, InCall/ NE Glisan/122nd)
♥ ———— THICK ♥ EBONY ♥ HOTTIE ——— ♥ - lunch specials - 26
(Portland, portland/(Hillsboro /beaverton outcalls))
★* Tropical ★Mamacita ★ ★Available★ ★NOW ★ (Big Booty Girl) ★ ★ →→Beaverton ←←← - 19
(Beaverton, Beaverton incalls only)
TouCHDoWN~~~ weekday specials!!! ~ ~ ~//REAL PICS//:-) ** *** - 28
(Beaverton, Beaverton/sw portland)
( T.E.R R e v i e w e d ) * P O L Y N E S i A N __P L A Y M A T E _*_ ( Gentlmens #1 CHOiCE - 21
(Tigard incall (outcall too))
LeGgs, BooTY, BOoBiEs, ReDHeAdEd FrEaK HeRe 2 MakE YoUr ToEs CuRL!!! 80 SPeCIaL (( LoTs RevIews))) - 37
(Portland, OFF OF 205/ EXIT 28 MILL PLAIN)
💦💦💦🙊🙊💞💞💕(( In T0wn F0r ONE Night Only ))💞💕💞🕦🕗🕢 🍫🍫** Seductive Chocolate👅😘 **🍫🍫 - 23
(Portland, Portland/East Oregon)
Hot, sexy blonde bombshell with addicting curves! 100hhi/c special *website is back up* - 37
(Portland, Southeast Portland and surrounding areas)
Hot BARBIE ready to have Fun...... (($99 Special all night)) Your place in 30.. +503~388~2824+ - 23
(Portland, Pdx beav hills $99 special)
Tue 07 Jan