Tue 07 Jan
💋LAST NIGHT N PortLand 💋 PERFECT PLAYMATE 💋 EXOTIC Latina💋 PRinsesS💋 $$ Specials - 23
H_ A_ V_ E _______ Y_ O_ U _______ H _A _D ______ MY ______ J_ U_ I _ C _ Y_ F_ R _U_ I_T SPECIALS - 22
(Portland, Convention Center (Portland Incalls))
I'll come out to you to keep you warm/out to you only💲💲💲out!!!! - 28
(Come see me only please, Portland)
Im available now ....65quick visit ....or....85hh...140full hour - 32
(60th and ne glisan, Portland)
New 5 ☆☆☆☆☆ Service♥ Latina Treat ♥ available NOW SPECIALS ♡ ♥ 100% me or Free ★ - 23
Japanese, Native American, Caucasian! Young hottie girl next door $130 $80 - 24
(Portland, 160th SE Stark Portland)
Hello gentlemen! are you ready to have fun? girl next-door 80 xoxoxo - 24
(Portland, 160th Stark, Portland OR)
Took these pictures THIS MORNING I.took Pictures TEN. minutes AGO . 70 QV RIGHT NOW ... 6 am only - 38
(Portland, SE PORTLAND 135th and and SE Division)
Summer should be fun!! I am all kinds of FUN!! Available Now! BBW INCALL **100** - 47
(Oregon Coast, Portland, North Vancouver)
OnLy iN pOrTlAnD FoR LiMiTeD TiMe!! See Me While YoU CaN I'll Be WaItInG FOR YOU!! - 22
(Portland, Portland,Or (OutCalls ONLY))
50INCH Big BOOTY 100/160 Beautiful CURVES 💦 THICK AND JUICY💦Satisfying ☆DUOS☆ - 25
(Portland, Vancouver Ic/oc DUOS)
Mon 06 Jan
*_* . try something new . exotic . exciting . extordinary . for ur EvErY pleasure ;) *_* - 21
(Portland, outcall)
Japanese, Native American, Caucasian. Young hottie girl next door. $120 $80 Special - 24
(Portland, 181 Stark)
°* ° :¦:-° ExCLuSiVe» Sexy -(¯`v´¯)- »Exotic» -(¯`v´¯)- »SeRViCeS» -(¯`v´¯)-» #1SpECiALs!° :¦: - 18
(Portland, *Incall&Outcall;*)
xoxoxoxoxo ♡♥ Your Sexy MEXICAN AMERICAN PRINCESS ♥ ♡ XOXOXOXOXO Ask About My Special specials - 23
》》》Young, Sexy,& Sweet Petite Treat can be all yours tonight¤♡☆☆☆thusrday SPECIALS!! (971)212.6031☆☆ - 22
(Portland, pdx/mall 205 area)
THICK FREAK with a 50INCH BOOTY 🍑 Beautiful CURVES 💦 Pretty AND JUICY💦 YummyBlonde👱 100 SPECIAL - 27
(Portland, Vancouver/leaving soo/last day)
Sun 05 Jan
UnFoRgEttAbLe AmAzInG ExPeRiEnCe WiTh tHe BeAuTiFuL GiRl NeXt-DoOr oF YoUr DrEaMs! Hi I'm Stacy!!! - 23
(Portland, All of Portland (OutCalls only))
Nice Young Hot Red Bone Ready To Serve You in Every Way! New In Town SPECIALS 60 - 23
(Portland, ANYWHERE)
Beautiful Bodacious Brunette with a Bonanza of Bountiful Boob - i - lisciouness Wants YOU
•°• ☆•°•Exotic Kinky JAPANESE mix BOMBSHELL * I ❤ OLDER men! •°• ☆•°•Spoil Me - 22
(Portland, Portland/ Gresham/Beaverton/Troutdale)
~ * ~ THiCk THiGhS & GrEEn EyEs * SoFT CuRVeS & DD's * In & OuT AvAiLaBLe 24/7 ~ * ~ - 21
(In - PDX / Out - Everywhere)
Sweet and Talented Babe with an Hourglass Figure, TNA-approved, In/outcall...NEW PICS - 31
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
Your Dream Girl * SEXY * MEXICAN * PRINCESS * 100% Real * Specials * Available Now * Ahoritia - 23
Your Dream Girl * SEXY * MEXICAN * PRINCESS * 100% Real * Specials * Available Now * Ahoritia - 23
Sat 04 Jan
♚ WHAT YOU WANT 24/ 7 ♚ incall - outcall ♚ SEXY BLONDE BABE ♚ 60HH SPECIAL - 23
BP RATE 100hhr 140hr INCALLS in SALEM! Avail Tue-Thu 9a-2p Fri 9a-9p Sat 8-11a PRIVATE INCALL - 37
(Salem, Salem Incalls No Outcalls)
Japanese, Native American, Caucasian! Young hottie girl next door $130 $80 - 24
(Portland, 160 SE Stark)
UnFoRgEttAbLe AmAzInG ExPeRiEnCe WiTh tHe BeAuTiFuL GiRl NeXt-DoOr oF YoUr DrEaMs! Hi I'm Stacy!!! - 22
(Portland, All of Portland (OutCalls ONLY))
•°• ☆•°•Exotic Kinky JAPANESE mix BOMBSHELL * I ❤ OLDER men! •°• ☆•°•Spoil Me - 22
(Portland, Portland/ Gresham/Beaverton/Troutdale)
• • Buxom Blonde • • Baily Creamm • • I ♥ Men • • - 26
(Portland, Your Hotel! I bring *everything* we need)
New pics 50INCH Big BOOTY 100 special Beautiful CURVES 💦 THICK AND JUICY💦Satisfying Freak - 25
(Portland, Vancouver A/c last day here for awhile..)
Fri 03 Jan
》》》Young, Sexy,& Sweet Petite Treat can be all yours tonight¤♡☆☆☆thusrday SPECIALS!! (971)212.6031☆☆ - 22
(Portland, pdx/mall 205 area)
❶[ GORGEOUS ] ❤ [T_I_G_H_T ] ❤ [ BRUNETTE ] ❤[ BOMBSHELL ]❶ - 69
(My Secret Oasis I205 { se })
❶[ GORGEOUS ] ❤ [T_I_G_H_T ] ❤ [ BRUNETTE ]❤[ BOMBSHELL ] SPeCiaLs - 23
(My Secret Oasis I205 {8o~12o~2oo})
💋💋 Class, Elegance, Beauty and Pleasure. You Can Have It All! Call Shellee ~ 541-514-1062 💋💋 - 44
(Eugene, Eugene incall only)
I'll come out to you to keep you warm/out to you only💲💲💲out!!!! - 28
(Come see me only please, Portland)
Took these pictures THIS MORNING I.took Pictures TEN. minutes AGO . 60 QV RIGHT NOW ... 6 am only - 38
(Portland, SE PORTLAND 135th and and SE Division)
Japanese, Indian, Caucasian Hottie whose the girl next door! $80 $120 - 24
(Portland, Se=181st/stark area (private residence))
EXOTIC && Sey... CurVEy bRUneTtE Playmate... ready to PLAY with && PLEASE YOU!! - 25
(east mill plain area/ close to pdx)
~*~EXOTIC ~*~MEXICAN~*~ Princess~*~ LAST NIGHT N TOWN~*~24/7~*~ estoy aquí en Beaverton $$$SPECIALS$ - 23
Ever wonder what your hairstylist is wearing under her clothes? Come find out..... - 32
(Portland, Portland, Northeast)
Thu 02 Jan
Your Dream Girl SEXY*FLY SPANISH*MAMI Last Chance Dont Wait Till Its Too Late EARLY SPECIALS - 23